Focus 69 wrote on Jun 13th, 2017 at 12:05pm:I just talk to someone i know who made all main Monroe programs and ask him if he was okay to try to do the exercise Morrighan proposes here.
He was very surprised to learn he was not supposed to interact with the target and wonder how one could know more about him without asking him directly ?...
I answered him, one were supposed just to look at the picture, place and intent and receive informations without any real interactions intents.
He answered that this exercise should then be very imagination oriented which i answered him was not wrong at all as imagination is the medium.
Question; The "no interaction rule" means one are supposed not to talk with the target right ?
I trust you (personal you,
Focus 69) do not feel it necessary to ask all manner of people if it is okay to participate in a volunteer project. Be that as it may ....
As I also trust is abundantly clear, I hold no current association with TMI, its members, its programs and its goals. This is an energetic move on my part and in no way dismisses TMI.
Certainly it is possible to gather infos about a person without personal contact. In the course of the mission work our teams undertake, contact is often highly undesirable. It's likely best to leave it at that.
How one navigates these waters, by "imagination" or otherwise is not up to me. We all have our own methods. Many come to this space at ALK because Bruce's methods are effective. They are not the only ones.
And to the question: "... the no interaction rule means one are not supposed to talk with the target, right?"
My reply is: this is correct. These are information-only missions. That means no interaction with the target. No talking to the target. Take care not to be observed as you observe. I (as moderator of these voluntary projects) have been very clear:
do not interact with the target. Leave his field alone. Do not enter his field. Do not tamper with his field. Do not touch or in any other way engage his field beyond the requested observation.
There are reasons for this that I trust will become clear.
Thankee sai.