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A great song to commemorate this Memorial Day (Read 10271 times)
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A great song to commemorate this Memorial Day
May 27th, 2017 at 10:22am
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Re: A great song to commemorate this Memorial Day
Reply #1 - May 27th, 2017 at 11:59am
   Regarding freedom and America, a fascinating look into the "sins of nations" from Edgar Cayce's guidance (pretty much full transcript from Reading 3976-29):

1. GC: It has been indicated through this channel that much might be given regarding what the vibrations of nations, as individuals, might mean. You will give such information concerning these vibrations and their relations to the spirit of the various nations, particularly in connection with the seven sins and twelve virtues in the human family, which will be helpful to us as an organization and as individuals in our attempt to be channels of blessing to our fellow men. You will then answer the questions, which may be submitted, as I ask them.

2. EC: When there came about the periods of man's evolution in the earth, what was given then as to why man must be separated into tongues, into nations, into groups? "Lest they in their foolish wisdom defy God." What is here then intimated? That man, seeking his own gratification of the lusts of the flesh, might even in the earth defy God. With what, then, has man been endowed by his Creator? All that would be necessary for each individual soul-entity to be a companion with God. And that is God's desire toward man.

3. Thus when man began to defy God in the earth and the confusion arose which is represented in the Tower of Babel - these are representations of what was then the basis, the beginnings of nations. Nations were set up then in various portions of the land, and each group, one stronger than another, set about to seek their gratifications. Very few - yea, as ye will recall, it even became necessary that from one of these groups one individual, a man, be called. His ways were changed. His name was changed. Did it take sin away from the man, or was it only using that within the individual heart and purpose and desire even then, as man throughout the periods of unfoldment put - in his interpretation - that of material success first? It isn't that God chose to reserve or save anything that was good from man, so long as man was, is, and will be one who uses that living soul as a companion with God. That's God's
purpose. That should be man's purpose.

4. In the application of this principle, then, in the present day what has come about? Each nation has set some standard of some activity of man as its idea, either of man's keeping himself for himself or of those in such other nations as man's preparation for that companionship with God. For remember, there are unchangeable laws. For God is law. Law is God. Love is law. Love is God. There are then in the hearts, the minds of man, various concepts of these laws and as to where and to what they are applicable. Then, just as in the days of old, the nature of the flesh, human flesh and its natures, has not changed, but the spirit maketh alive. The truth maketh one free. Just as man has done throughout the ages, so in the present, as one takes those of the various nations as have seen the light and have, through one form or another, sought to establish as the idea of that nation, of that people, some symbol that has and does represent those peoples in those days of the fathers of the present land called America.

5. What is the spirit of America? Most individuals proudly boast "freedom." Freedom of what? When ye bind men's hearts and minds through various ways and manners, does it give them freedom of speech? Freedom of worship? Freedom from want? Not unless those basic principles are applicable throughout the tenets and lines as has been set, but with that principle freedom. For God meant man to be free and thus gave man will, a will even to defy God. GOD has not willed that any soul should perish, but hath with every trial or temptation prepared a way of escape.

6. There have come through the various periods of man's unfoldment, teachers proclaiming "This the way, here the manner in which ye may know," and yet in the Teacher of Teachers is found the way, He who even in Himself fulfilled the law. For when God said, "Let there be light" there came Light into that which He had created, that was without form and was void and it became the Word, and the Word dwelt among men and men perceived it not. The Word today dwells among men and many men perceive it not.

7. Those nations who have taken those vows that man shall be free should also take those vows "He shall know the truth and the truth then shall make him free."

8. Then what is this that would be given thee today? Here is thy lesson: Hear ye all! Beware lest ye as an individual soul, a son, a daughter of God, fail in thy mission in the earth today; that those ye know, those ye contact shall know the truth of God, not by thy word, bombastic words, but in longsuffering, in patience, in harmony, that ye create in thine own lives, for it must begin with thee. God has shown thee the pattern, even one Jesus, who became the Christ that ye might have an advocate with the Father, for the Father hath said "In the day ye eat or use the knowledge for thine own aggrandizement, ye shall die." But he that had persuaded the spirit, the souls that God had brought into being, to push into matter to gratify desire for self-expression, self-indulgence, self-satisfaction, said "Ye shall not surely die", or what were then the activities of man - for as had been said, "A day is a thousand years, a thousand years as a day."

9. What was the length of life then? Nearly a thousand years. What is your life today? May it not be just as He had given, just as He indicated to those peoples, just as He did to the lawgiver, just as He did to David - first from a thousand years to a hundred and twenty, then to eighty? Why? Why? The sin of man in his desire for self-gratification.

10. What nations of the earth today vibrate to those things that they have and are creating in their own land, their own environment? Look to the nations where the span of life has been extended from sixty to eight-four years. You will judge who is serving God. These are judgements. These are the signs to those who seek to know, who will study the heavens, who will analyze the elements, who will know the heart of man, they that seek to know the will of the Father for themselves answer "Lord, here am I, use me, send me where I am needed."

11. Just as have been those principles of your present conflict. "Send help, for man's heritage of freedom will be taken away." By whom? He that hath said, "Surely ye will not die." There are those two principles, two conflicting forces in the earth today: the prince of this world, and that principle that says to every soul, "Fear not, I have overcome the world and the prince of the world hath nothing in me." Can ye say that? Ye must! That is thy hope; that "The prince of this world, satan, that old serpent, hath no part in any desire of my mind, my heart, my body, that I do not control in the direction it shall take." These are the things, these are the principles.

12. What then of nations? In Russia there comes the hope of the world, not as that sometimes termed of the Communistic, of the Bolshevistic; no. But freedom, freedom! that each man will live for his fellow man! The principle has been born. It will take years for it to be crystallized, but out of Russia comes again the hope of the world. Guided by what? That friendship with the nation that hath even set on
its present monetary unit "In God We Trust." (Do ye use that in thine own heart when you pay your just debts? Do ye use that in thy prayer when ye send thy missionaries to other lands? "I give it, for in God we trust"? Not for the other fifty cents either!)

13. In the application of these principles, in those forms and manners in which the nations of the earth have and do measure to those in their activities, yea, to be sure, America may boast, but rather is that principle being forgotten when such is the case, and that is the sin of America.

14. So in England, from whence have come the ideas - not ideals - ideas of being just a little bit better than the other fellow. Ye must GROW to that in which ye will deserve to be known, deserve to receive. That has been, that is, the sin of England.

15. As in France, to which this principle first appealed, to which then came that which was the gratifying of the desires of the body - that is the sin of France.

16. In that nation which was first Rome, when there was that unfolding of those principles, its rise, its fall, what were they that caused the fall? The same as at Babel. The dissensions, the activities that would enforce upon these, in this or that sphere, servitude; that a few might just agree, that a few even might declare their oneness with the higher forces. For their's was the way that seemeth right to a man but the end is death. That is the sin of Italy.

17. The sin of China? Yea, there is the quietude that will not be turned aside, saving itself by the slow growth. There has been a growth, a stream through the land in ages which asks to be left alone to be just satisfied with that within itself. It awoke one day and cut its hair off! And it began to think and to do something with its thinking! This, here, will be one day the cradle of Christianity, as applied in the lives of men. Yea, it is far off as man counts time, but only a day in the heart of God - for tomorrow China will awake. Let each and every soul as they come to those understandings, do something, then, in his or her own heart. [See 3976-29, Par. R3.]

18. Just as in India, the cradle of knowledge not applied, except within self. What is the sin of India? SELF, and left the "ish" off - just self.

19. Then apply in thine own life truth. What is truth? It might have been answered, had an individual entity who stood at the crossways of the world waited for an answer. Yet that soul had purified itself and had given the new commandment that "ye love one another!"

20. What is it all about then? "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, thine soul, thine mind, thine body, and thy neighbor as thyself." The rest of all the theories that may be concocted by man are nothing, if these are just lived. Love thy neighbor as thyself in the associations day by day, preferring as did the Christ who died on the cross rather than preferring the world be His without a struggle.

21. Know, then, that as He had His cross, so have you. May you take it with a smile. You can, if ye will let Him bear it with thee. Do it.

   Obviously my use of highlight.  Personally, any day and I would agree more with Howard Storm and his account of meeting Yeshua and the Angels, as well as Cayce's guidance.
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Re: A great song to commemorate this Memorial Day
Reply #2 - May 27th, 2017 at 12:15pm
    A great song I dedicate to Memorial Day.  By Bruce Springsteen, The Ghost of Tom Joad:

  Tom Joad was a character in Steinbeck's novel, Grapes of Wrath which centers around depression era and the fall out from the banker's and fat cat's manipulation of the stock market, which led to immense suffering for the average American, but which led to immense profits for those bankers and fat cats. 
     Steinbeck's novel at the time was highly controversial.  People accused him of being anti-American, anti-capitalist, a socialist, commie, etc.   Not at all, but Steinbeck had clear sight and was anti-corruption.

  In light of the above, Springsteen's song is even more powerful and poignant.  Note his references to homelessness and then says, "welcome to the new world order". 
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Re: A great song to commemorate this Memorial Day
Reply #3 - May 27th, 2017 at 1:11pm
I used to have a girlfriend who was really into Bruce Springsteen's music. I don't remember what precisely she said, but basically she received a message that made the point that Bruce S came into this world in order to bring love into it.

Sometimes a part of love is noticing when something is wrong, even when that which is noticed is something you love. What did Jesus say, "If your right eye offends thee..." I don't remember the precise words, but you probably get the point.

Regarding what Howard Storm has said about the U.S.A., either 1) he was deceived by a deceptive spirit when he had his NDE, 2) he lied about what he experienced, 3) He did communicate with Jesus but Jesus didn't know what he was talking about, or 4) he spoke to Jesus, Jesus did know what he was talking about, and the United States, partly due to its privilege, needs to do a much better job than it has. Perhaps the same way of thinking applies when Howard said that Jesus told him that God hates war, and that war isn't necessary. (Perhaps this applies to Iraq and such)

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Re: A great song to commemorate this Memorial Day
Reply #4 - May 27th, 2017 at 1:34pm
     Bruce certainly seems to be channeling something powerful in some of his latter songs.  When I really listen to Ghost of Tom Joad, almost every time I tear up. Here is a man who truly gets it and cares about his fellow human beings. 

    Here's another great Springsteen song very apropos to this discussion--What Love Can Do:

   And of course, the other song I often tear up listening to (a song about coming to compassion and empathy through self suffering)--Streets of Philadelphia:

    Roger may not believe this, but I love him in a deep, fundamental way.  In some ways, I may more truly love him than he loves himself.  People that are happy and filled with Love, deeply care about the corruption in the world that causes so much suffering to so many. People that love themselves treat others, in a more universal, impersonal way, with respect, kindness, balance, temperance, even if they strongly disagree with their beliefs or call them out.
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I Am Dude
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Re: A great song to commemorate this Memorial Day
Reply #5 - May 28th, 2017 at 10:00pm
   Roger may not believe this, but I love him in a deep, fundamental way.  In some ways, I may more truly love him than he loves himself.  People that are happy and filled with Love, deeply care about the corruption in the world that causes so much suffering to so many. People that love themselves treat others, in a more universal, impersonal way, with respect, kindness, balance, temperance, even if they strongly disagree with their beliefs or call them out.

Unreal. Why don't you leave the man alone? Can you engage in one thread without making personal remarks about forum members?

Vicky, this is exactly what I'm talking about. There is no reason for this behavior. Roger makes an innocent post sharing a song and SL2 jumps in and claims that Roger doesn't love himself? Totally inappropriate.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: A great song to commemorate this Memorial Day
Reply #6 - May 29th, 2017 at 12:17am
   I'm guessing that some folks missed how Roger has been speaking to me recently?  Here's a little reminder, see reply 10:

   His other very extreme, negative attack on the PUL thread was moved, so I can't link that one. 

   What I said recently to Roger, was speaking from the heart, and not a personal attack.  People that truly love themselves don't speak to others like he did to Albert and I in the above reply of 10, which is why I referenced that. 

  And as far as the song goes?   It's emotional propaganda about how "great" the USA is, plain and simple, as if it's the only country that experiences "freedom". Barf.  There are some good things about the USA yes, but there is MUCH that could be improved MUCH. 

  Or, why did Howard Storm's sources speak about it like they did if this country was so noble, so great, and so positive?   Or why has Cayce's guidance spoke as it did about it the way it did?

    When I speak critically of this country, it's usually less the average person, but more so it's government.  The same government that set up 9/11, the same government that set up the Oklahoma City bombing, the same government that did the false flag of Gulf of Tonkin.  The same government that allowed numerous foreclosures on many Americans after 2008, but paid the banks who caused the problems billions and billions of dollars to bail them out. 

   The same government that has been occupying and fighting battles in Afghanistan for 15 years, and in and out of Iraq for almost as long.  The same government that constantly demonizes Russia because Russia will not bow to the international banksters and hand them over their sovereign nation to the globalists. The same government that is itching to go after Iran, and to start world war 3.   

  The same government that is the primary merchant of war and weapons of war in the world, and supports the black market drug trade, human trafficking and sex slavery internally and abroad. 

   This is the same Federal Government that Roger admitted publicly that he worked for in D.C. as a career. See reply 20:

   At the very least, our friend Roger may not be too objective about the US Federal government, and I would say it's possible that he might have a deeper agenda for being here, such as an agent provocateur to instill doubt in Bruce and his methods, as well as spread fear about exploring the nonphysical and communicating with guidance.   

  Why, because communicating with positive guidance and honing one's intuition/psychic senses, is one of the most effective ways to help a person to see through the US Federal government and it's many lies and their deep, abiding corruption that only grows and gets worse every year.

    Hence why I act as a counter balance to Roger and his very subtle and thus hard to see doubt/fear poison. I actually have nothing personal against Roger, but frankly, I don't trust him.  This is the same person who has said on at least two occasions (which I can prove), that exploring the Afterlife and trying to communicate with guidance is a "fool's errand" and supremely dangerous because of demonic entities.
Even though I've asked him point blank, then why are you here Roger if you are so against the two very premises and goal's of Bruce's work--well, he doesn't answer and skips by it.  Maybe one of you should ask him why he is on a forum DEVOTED to those two activities if he so against them?

  Well, I've recently come to the realization that folks like to remain in the dark about things. I've come to the realization that it's pointless in me being here. I cannot help this forum and the folks on it, you don't want to be helped. You prefer the comfortable, known dark to the bright Light.  In this strange and very stuck world/level, right is considered wrong, wrong is considered right, up is considered down, and down is considered up.

    Suffering is the only thing the huge majority of humans will learn from.

     So I bid you all a fond, if a but frustrated, adieu. Either see yah post collapse/breakdown, or in the nonphysical.  Wish you all well.

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Re: A great song to commemorate this Memorial Day
Reply #7 - May 29th, 2017 at 8:39am
"It's emotional propaganda about how "great" the USA is, plain and simple, as if it's the only country that experiences "freedom". Barf."

Justin, I could care less what you say about me. But your hostility toward our country is over the top, even for you. Hundreds of thousands of courageous men and women have died so that you can stay glued at your computer and spout this kind of excrement. Try doing that elsewhere and see what happens.

Good riddance.


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Re: A great song to commemorate this Memorial Day
Reply #8 - May 29th, 2017 at 9:47am
This video summarises some of the topics touched in this thread:

If you think (or feel) that the world is crazy, here is some perspective: there are now 7.5+ billion .. developing souls with free will .. currently active on planet earth. Think about it for a second.
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If you claim there is no truth and in the same breath claim that is the truth, you are a leftist.
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I Am Dude
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Re: A great song to commemorate this Memorial Day
Reply #9 - May 29th, 2017 at 9:49am
It's easy to hide an attack when it's cleverly disguised in talk of how loving one is and every other divine quality that is boasted of. However, it's clearly a passive aggressive attempt to antagonize Roger. If you wanted to speak to Roger from the heart, you would have sent him a personal message. You're just disturbing the peace under the guise of love and light. I've been there so it's easy to spot.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: A great song to commemorate this Memorial Day
Reply #10 - May 31st, 2017 at 4:36am
I am always pleased by those who have a healthy love for their country.

The kind of love a person has for their country is the kind of love they have for others.

The attitude a person has towards their country is largely diagnostic of their heart.

Our country is our people.

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Re: A great song to commemorate this Memorial Day
Reply #11 - May 31st, 2017 at 7:23am

Hey so glad to see you back! Missed you. I always looked forward to your posts. Hope you stick around.

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Re: A great song to commemorate this Memorial Day
Reply #12 - May 31st, 2017 at 9:36am
I second the hope, good to see you Crossbow.
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If you claim there is no truth and in the same breath claim that is the truth, you are a leftist.
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Recoverer 2
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Re: A great song to commemorate this Memorial Day
Reply #13 - May 31st, 2017 at 11:26am
Justin loves the US more than you realize. So do I. If it makes you feel better to believe that we don't love it, that is your choice.
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Re: A great song to commemorate this Memorial Day
Reply #14 - May 31st, 2017 at 11:27am
Recoverer 2 wrote on May 31st, 2017 at 11:26am:
Justin loves the US more than you realize. So do I. If it makes you feel better to believe that we don't love it, that is your choice.

That said, I do believe it would've been better for Justin to say something at a place other than this thread.
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