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South San Francisco
I am staying at my Mom's house now because she is sick. The room where my computer is located is right next to her living room where she watches TV. I played the Johanna video a bit, but had to do so with a low volume, and because of the subject, felt it was best to stop watching. I'm aware of stories where mediums, channelers and such were fooled by dark spirits. You've seen what I said about channeling in the past.
But I don't believe that every source that might be called new age source is demon inspired. For example, I believe NDEs are great source of inspiration, a way to get the word out. I don't know Bruce personally, but the sense I get from him while watching his videos, reading his books or his posts is that he is a good man, and that he wasn't misled by demons.
You haven't spoke about Bruce directly, but you did say things, when you connect the dots, that seem to suggest that the Disk viewpoint has a negative origin. If you don't believe this, and believe that Bruce received this information from beings of love and light such as Robert Monroe, then I apologize. I figure Robert probably rejoined his Disk quite quickly after he died.
This reminds me of the W.C. Fields thing. When you read what Robert Monroe said about meeting an alien being who was trying to find out about humor and appeared as W.C. Fields, you questioned this. Because I have communicated with non-physical beings probably a few thousand times (I don't know the precise count), it doesn't surprise me at all that an alien being might appear as W.C. Fields. It was both a symbolic and humorous thing to do. I've found that non-physical beings make use of humor and symbols quite often.
Sometimes unfriendly beings do try to communicate to me. Sometimes they attack me in some way. So I always need to use my discrimination when I receive information and make certain that I remain well connected to God's being.
One thing I pay attention to is how I change inwardly. I don't mean to brag, but since I feel like I'm doing quite well when comes to having feelings of humility, gratitude, respect, reverence, loyalty and love towards beings such as God and those who work with him, I feel good about how things are going for me. I feel very grateful for how my life has turned out.
I appreciate that you dedicated your life to service by being a minister. I appreciate a priest who dedicates his life to serving God and others for sincere reasons. I admire the courage of an Exorcist. I admire anybody who has good intentions. But sorry, if somebody says something that seems disrespectful, I'm not afraid to speak up.