Quote:SL2 don't be surprised if pontification and a holier than thou attitude drives people away from you more than a sense of being different and standing out. I'm speaking plainly to you as this is what I see and it's not for the sake of being rude.
I completely understand what you're saying and where you're coming from and why you would perceive it that way. But, it's not fully accurate. This self spent the first 25 or so years of his life, being very introverted, non communicative/very quiet, to himself, and being a classic, uber "
people pleaser".
Throughout those 25 years, and for the 13 years of same when he was in public school, he was each year, mercilessly singled out, picked on, bullied, by a number of his peers at various different schools though he was quiet and gentle.
Why? What made him different? Perhaps a clue? When he was 4, he remembers being/feeling hyper empathic, hyper aware, and talked to his parents about the immense suffering in this world and how we needed to do something to help change things. In specific talks with his father, a sensitive, spiritual oriented musician type, he specifically said that he wanted to be and would be a "doctor" to everyone, everywhere, and would always be there for any and everyone. In other words, he was filled to the brim with pure, universal, unconditional Love and still very aware of what he came here for.
His dad was very moved by his strange son (whom also at the time was having repeated dreams of being on a spaceship and traveling from somewhere very far away, to Earth) and wrote a song about it called "Dr. Everywhere". This is the son, singing the song many years later:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mg43X3A3sZI I am what I am, and I came here for what I came here for. I came to speak, channel, and live potent truth with no care of self image, being liked, being respected, etc. To live with no fear nor limiting human attachments.
When my Teacher came to this world, grew up, and then started publicly teaching, he ran into a lot of friction and conflict with others. People, so called "experts" of his time, called him crazy and deluded. These called him demon possessed. People called him
arrogant and a know it all (especially since he was younger than most of them). People called him a false messiah. Eventually, the people who hated him the most, because he was pure Love and a mirror to their distortions and lack of Love, tried to get rid of him.
What you see and "know" about this self, is of and from superficial appearances and typical distorted human judgment/perception.
Besides speaking potent truth, directly and fully honestly, I came to
stir up people's unconscious shadow sides/aspects. Neither processes do many humans like, for they prefer the lack of Light and ignorance they are use to. It's more comfortable and familiar than the blinding Light that's not familiar or comfortable.
There is one on this site, whom is on a very similar core wavelength as this self, and whom understands, accepts, and sees this self clearly. For, ever does Like attract, beget, resonate with, and like Like. (aka, birds of a feather flock together).
Thank you for the well intentioned advice and feedback, but I'm mostly following my guidance/intuition in what I say and do.
On an I-net forum, all we have are these lacking things called typed words/letters.
In person with others, I tend to interact in a VERY different way, mostly by positive exampling and radiation. I tend to talk very little in person and listen more.
BIG changes are coming to the world, and I talk as I do, so my words/concepts will be more memorable, dramatic and make a more lasting impression in the minds of others, so that when these big changes manifest, people will remember my words about the processes and other things to come later (like ET appearances, Yeshua going public again, etc.--- these are as preparations for all this).
Same communication/interaction device/method that my Teacher, and the Baptist whom paved the way for him, used when they were public.