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Re: The White Light Trap (Read 19007 times)
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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #30 - Jun 29th, 2017 at 3:08pm
@ Morrighan

I am not sure if you're saying the Tibetan texts have been unintentionally mistranslated, or if the instructions themselves are deliberately deceiving. I jut thought the subject itself is quite interesting.

Vicky wrote on Jun 28th, 2017 at 1:05pm:
Most NDEs have similar aspects to them.  I found a list created by IANDS from many, many reported NDEs.  It was neat to see that I had many of those on the list in my NDE.

But NDEs are so varied when it comes to the deeper aspects...the reason why it happened, where the person was in their beliefs and spiritual development, etc. 

I know that during my NDE, although what I was experiencing was exceptionally incredible, I still was only experiencing a small perspective of a much bigger picture.  I knew that there was so much more of my Being that I wasn't even fully aware of from the perspective I was in at the moment...but I knew it existed.  From my own experience, my best explanation for why people are sent back seemingly against their will is because we do not always know what's best for us.  It's like, as a child if my parents had allowed me to eat nothing but cakes and cookies (which is what I thought I wanted) instead of forcing me to eat vegetables against my will, well then that would not have had a good outcome for me.  Looking back now as an adult (from a much broader perspective of who I really am compared to who I was as a child) I can see that I am so happy I wasn't just given what I thought I wanted. 

There are reports of NDEs where people were given a choice and they chose to come back.  And we must logically assume therefore that some people who had NDEs were also given a choice and chose to stay!  Of course, we don't get to hear of those do we. 

When I was forced back I was SO angry.  I can still remember how mad I was.  But now, I'm so happy I was made to come back.  There's a reason, even if we don't know what the reasons are from our limited perspective here. 

Thank you for reply. The person I spoke to mentioned how furious they were at the time too, at being forced back. I'm glad that you are happy when look back at it now. It's true that some people chose to come back as well. If it was me who had a NDE and was forced back, even if it was for my own good and something higher knew better, I still wouldn't be able to shake off that feeling that we might not have as much free will as we thought. I'd probably find it disempowering. The good thing though is that your NDE had a positive impact on you

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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #31 - Jun 29th, 2017 at 3:10pm
Yes, I know this teaching inside out, and backwards to Sunday having thoroughly digested a minimum of eight translations since about 1978. More problems in it than an early Mets game. Not that other sacred texts aren't as bad in the error department ....  Cheesy
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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #32 - Jun 29th, 2017 at 6:03pm
Regarding beings being furious, as I said earlier, I've read a lot of NDE accounts, and not one mentioned that furious beings forced them to come back.

Ranelle Wallace had an NDE where she met a man she knew while in this world, and for him it was decided that he wouldn't return to this world because he was drug dealer, he was harming himself and others, and it was best that he didn't return to this world.

It is important to remember that when it comes to NDEs, we only hear about the people for which it was decided that they should come back, we don't hear about the people that don't come back.
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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #33 - Jun 29th, 2017 at 6:15pm
It is possible to do some life review without doing an NDE, but I have yet to read or hear of a case where a person had a life review that matches the depth, fullness and intensity that NDErs speak of. If a person had a life review that was truly complete, he or she would understand that some of what we learn while here in this world matters.

Regarding heaven being now, the energy level of a love-based realm is too intense for a body-based being. When I meditate and experience divine love and peace more than I usually do, I notice that my energy level increases substantially. It feels as if it is too much for my body. Some NDErs speak of experiencing a level of love that is many times stronger than what can be experienced while in this world.


Regarding your client, what is she a client for? As a fully realized multidimentional person,  what kind of help does she need to receive from you? What does fully realized mean? How do you know that she is fully realized as she states?

Morrighan wrote on Jun 29th, 2017 at 12:08pm:
Among the things I find is it is no longer necessary to leave our bodies ("die") to access our complete selves. To me, the entire idea that heaven awaits us in death is odious.

That whole life review thing, for example. It's accessible NOW, just as everything else purported to be only available in the afterlife.

As an illustrative aside, I share my experience with a client who is what we can think of as a senior professor of graduate studies of human embodiment. She simultaneously conducts her "class" through her present embodiment (life). She is a fully realized multidimensional person. Her "doing" - her life here and now - is her class content.

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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #34 - Jun 29th, 2017 at 7:19pm
Which brings us back to the essential problems of the mis-translated Tibetan Book of the Dead, more accurately translated as the Book of Between States.

What I personally find -as opposed to what I read (such as NDE accounts) is we all have access to all the (alleged) benefits of death right here and NOW. Of course if you (general you) wish to wait a lifetime, then that's your choice.

The tale of my client is illustrative of this. But first, what is she a client for? She is a client of mine. We did an "energy exchange". Another way to say that in 3D terms is we exchanged my time and professional services for her Euros.* Such an arrangement is widely held in many worlds to be agreeable.

To enlarge upon this: her greater multidimensional self is, within the scope of her own reference prisms, a "graduate professor" of embodiment. Which is to say she has "students" who exist in some dimensions we might call "the between states" (afterlife, though that's a massive distortion). The lesson she presents to her students is her present life.

As the multidimensional being she is, it is not much of a difficulty to simultaneously "live a life" and conduct a class. She also does other things on other reference prisms. These are some of the good things about multidimensionality. Bad things? Depends on your point of view. It brings with it a considerable amount of personal responsibility.

Her students in "class" observe, take notes &c &c on "Earth Life", even though it is considerably more complex than that. Some students are also simultaneously present in class and life. These are graduate studies, right. You (general you) don't get a job like hers at the afterlife temp agency, hey? She is an extremely evolved being, and is what we would call tenured.

None of this means she eats magical rainbow sno-cones as she surfs afterlife Netflix. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

As to why did she come to me? We help each other, yes? As I said, ours is an equitable exchange. And so it may be well understood, both she and I are down with a wee pint over traditional Irish music in a traditional pub. Okay, I drank the Guinness, she had whiskey.* We're people too, on at least one reference prism.

* and she tipped generously as well  Kiss
** there is no correlation between spirituality and abstinence when we embody "here". None that I observe.
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« Last Edit: Jun 29th, 2017 at 8:29pm by Morrighan »  

If you push something hard enough, it will fall over — Fudd's First Law of Opposition.
It goes in — it must come out. — Teslacles Deviant to Fudd's First Law
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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #35 - Jul 1st, 2017 at 11:26pm
Morrighan, thank you for the response.
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