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Re: The White Light Trap (Read 19406 times)
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Re: The White Light Trap
Mar 20th, 2017 at 11:08pm
  A few points:  I don't plan to explore the belief system territories for these trap structures, ventrices, etc. Note in the question I formulated, I opened it up the past as well.  3rd, there is nothing "glam" about Reptilians.  They were something I was initially quite skeptical of, and for awhile, until my spouse, my friend Albert, and I started to receive messages about them being a reality. Then I noticed mention of them in various different, ancient sources like the Dead Sea Scrolls, the OT, the NT, ancient Babylonian figurines, etc.  I wasn't into Icke or any of the various outer sources that talk about them.  One of the few modern sources I found credible that talked about them is Dr. John E. Mack, but I don't rely on outer sources. 

   I've already told you what I plan to do.  I plan to communicate with the level of consciousness where all the individuals are fully conscious of their Oneness with the Whole and with Source.  Their perception is far beyond my perception, especially when in connection with a human body. There is literally no more expanded perception than theirs, and certainly no Soul connected to a dense, human animal body even comes close.
Monroe's "He/She" is one of them, but his form is no longer an actual dense, human animal form.  It's a thought translation from that Source level of consciousness into physical terms/form. It's "in the world", but "not of it". I trust these Co-Creators more than myself and the accuracy of my own perceptions. This is one area in which I am truly and completely humble.

  I don't always get answers from these or my Expanded self, because sometimes they want me to figure things out for self, use my intuition more, experience a synchronicity with another or others later, etc. But I get direct, immediate answers a fair amount of times.

    I'm not going to ask about you specifically, just going to ask about this alleged trap etc that use to exist until you and your team allegedly unplugged it. I don't really need to do anything more.   
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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #1 - Mar 20th, 2017 at 11:32pm
Hey, suit yourself.

You and and Recoverer 2 have already told me who you think I am and I hold every certainty you will confirm all the beliefs you hold dear. It is your right and I will not interfere.

"The beings that I specifically intend and ask to connect with, are far, far, far beyond you and your teams abilities and perceptions" tells me all I need to know about what this space has become.
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It goes in — it must come out. — Teslacles Deviant to Fudd's First Law
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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #2 - Mar 21st, 2017 at 8:27am
Re: my previous quote, I already told you that I thought you were referring to humans.  What I said does  relate to almost all humans.  One exception is the individual that Bob Monroe met and called He/She. 

Otherwise, the Co-Creator/Source level, perception wise is far, far, far beyond humans in our current cycle.  This is not opinion, belief, or the like but objective fact. 

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Recoverer 2
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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #3 - Mar 21st, 2017 at 11:33am
Morrighan said: "As I state repeatedly, I share new information about states that are new to you. If you look in the familiar afterlife territories you are going to find precisely what you expect (and, by the tenor of these conversations, hope) to find: nothing. They did not exist in the charted afterlife territories. And they have been unplugged. Unplugged from all reference prisms, past, present and future. Nothing remains of them. That's the whole point when we unplug something.

To add to the difficulty, up until our discovery of these structures, our teams are in the understanding they had gone undetected for, at minimum, the last two cycles. They were not intended to be found. Our teams did not trace the inception point of these structures, nor was there a need to. Also recall we did not go looking for them. We were engaged in other work on another project that has absolutely nothing to do with any afterlife territory. They were a great a surprise to us. Asking your helpers / team members / your own connection to Source may not be any help to you. The existence of the structures was hidden. Otherwise they'd have already been taken out of commission, eh? In fact our teams only in the last week discovered a structure that we determined has never been seen before. The architects are long gone, we observed."

Recoverer responds: "It isn't simply a matter of what Afterlife territories have been explored. It is a matter of  how reality is organized. If for example God is the creator, and God has sub-creators such as the Planning intelligence Bruce Moen wrote about, such beings know what exist within themselves. Therefore, how could something not be detected? Perhaps it would be good to try to connect to the source of this universe, and ask it if there are things that take place within it that it doesn't know about.

One night I felt troubled by what goes on in this world, and I received a message that basically said, "We (or "I" I don't remember which) could stop the entire process of this universe, but then we would have to start over again. So we might as well keep going with what we have." I believe this message came from source, and as implied above, it knows  what takes place within itself. The words received included an understanding of what they mean."

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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #4 - Mar 21st, 2017 at 1:36pm
Reading all these back and forth posts, it reminds me of the "fake news" so much we hear about these days. Truth doesn't matter because there's another agenda at play.

In these posts the agenda is obvious. A person (M) wants an audience. M is clever. He knows how to get it and, at least so far, keep it. He does this in two ways. First, he claims he has information that is so unknown and obscure (except for him and his select group) that tosses the bait in the water. Then he gets his audience hooked. And he gets his entertainment.

Second, he knows he needs credibility. That's why he invents "others" with whom he's working. One is in physical form, others are not. He needs a team. Makes for a better story and tends to reinforce the story's credibility.

I agree with Albert. None of this rings true. It's not a question of a word here and there. It works in the beginning but falls apart over time. It's not for nothing that we have God given intuition. It's just that not all of us use it.

My recommendation is that Albert and Justin just ignore M. He's almost out of gas anyway. Let him find another forum. Gullible people are everywhere.


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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #5 - Mar 21st, 2017 at 3:32pm
Roger (Rondelle), when I saw your name I was reminded of the below NDE you like. Going by this NDE (and numerous other things )it seems like friendly support is available.  Would such support just sit by an allow generations of people to be forced to reincarnate?

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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #6 - Mar 21st, 2017 at 4:58pm
  Hi Rondele,

  I mostly agree with you and especially so about the intention/motivation of the poster in question.  This is why a number of pages back I wrote something like, "nm, I'd just be playing into the game." 

But I thought about it some more and I figured even if someone was playing us, that the discussion likely had some value anyways.  The White Light as a trap is unfortunately a real theory and belief out there that some folks sincerely believe in.  If folks with such beliefs happen to peruse this site and see this thread, maybe the points made will help them to think differently about it. 

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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #7 - Mar 21st, 2017 at 5:16pm
Why might I even dignify these judgments with a response when none has taken the initiative to even use the proper pronoun?

Walk on By.
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If you push something hard enough, it will fall over — Fudd's First Law of Opposition.
It goes in — it must come out. — Teslacles Deviant to Fudd's First Law
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Recoverer 2
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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #8 - Mar 21st, 2017 at 5:36pm
I don't think Morrighan is volu etc.

Morrighan,is this your site?
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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #9 - Mar 21st, 2017 at 5:45pm
  You may be right Albert--I've edited my post to reflect my uncertainty.
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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #10 - Mar 21st, 2017 at 5:46pm
Albert- thanks for posting the NDE link. I don't recall having read it before but it's possible. It's certainly powerful.

Justin- yes, there may be a legitimate concern. It was more the messenger than the message. To me it was so transparent I felt compelled to speak up.

ps- Albert, is there some reason you keep feminizing my handle? When I joined the forum about 16 years ago, I chose my favorite cheese at the time. The secret is now out.
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Recoverer 2
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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #11 - Mar 21st, 2017 at 5:52pm
Feminizing my handle? Sorry, I don't get what you mean.  What do you mean by handle? Is that the pic that shows? If they exist, on my computer they don't show.
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Recoverer 2
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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #12 - Mar 21st, 2017 at 5:59pm
Regarding the white light trap, some people, other than Morrighan, claim that they are dismantling it. It doesn't seem as if they are speaking of the same thing as Morrighan. Therefore, there are supposedly two ways in which people are forced to reincarnate, and it wasn't until some people came along that such traps were stopped.

A man on youtube claims that the matrix is a game we chose to partake in, and we agree to be "forced" to reincarnate over and over again.  Does that mean that we agreed to be forced to reincarnate, until people who claim to dismantle such things come along?

  Hi Rondele,

  I mostly agree with you and especially so about the intention/motivation of the poster in question.  This is why a number of pages back I wrote something like, "nm, I'd just be playing into the game." 

But I thought about it some more and I figured even if someone was playing us, that the discussion likely had some value anyways.  The White Light as a trap is unfortunately a real theory and belief out there that some folks sincerely believe in.  If folks with such beliefs happen to peruse this site and see this thread, maybe the points made will help them to think differently about it. 


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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #13 - Mar 21st, 2017 at 10:44pm
An update: I got side tracked by life today and wasn't able to get to the meditation/guidance session as I had planned.  A mutual friend of ours dropped in on us on a whim, and I ended up not having as much free time as I was previously expecting. 

  Should be able to get to it tomorrow. 

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Re: The White Light Trap
Reply #14 - Mar 22nd, 2017 at 11:10am
Recoverer 2 wrote on Mar 21st, 2017 at 5:36pm:
I don't think Morrighan is volu etc.

Morrighan,is this your site?

It is my site and I hold sole ownership and responsibility. This is also off-topic. If you wish to continue these detours I urge you to begin a new thread where you can demonstrate your mastery of PUL (pure unconditional love).
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If you push something hard enough, it will fall over — Fudd's First Law of Opposition.
It goes in — it must come out. — Teslacles Deviant to Fudd's First Law
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