I'm interested in hearing your experiences playing with the Pandora Star. I don't think it's something I want to try myself but I've been Facebook friends with the guy who made the Pandora Star and it's been neat following its progression.
I believe that the people we contact are still their same spirit with free will even if they have healed and moved on. And I don't think it would be impossible to contact them.
In life we often have to shed who we used to be so that we can move on and move forward with our lives. We're still the same person deep inside though. Like, I was very different when I was married, and it took a lot of strength and change for me to divorce him and create a new life for myself. It's made me stronger in ways I could not have imagined, and I'm very different now than I used to be, but I'm still me. In a lot of ways I'm still the same too. I'd say I'm just a much better version of myself now.
With you wanting to say something to your dad, try this: When you feel moved to do so, get into an emotionally charged state of being where you're really feeling the intensity of desire to communicate with your dad. Direct your message with pure unconditional love to reach him through his higher self. Whatever you intend to say and send to him, do it with the complete awareness that it's ok if you never hear back and never know his reaction or response or anything. In other words, give it with such pure intention that all that matters is that he receives it, in whatever way he can.
Often times when we feel strong emotions, we need validation to make us feel better. We not only want to say what we need to say but we also want something in return because we have attached meaning to the way that it will make us feel. There's nothing wrong with that, but for the purposes of contact and speaking from the heart, it's a clearer, more direct connection if you can "give it" with no strings attached. There's nothing wrong with wanting something in return, or proof, or validation. I'm not saying to not want that. What I am saying is all you have to do is recognize a moment in your life when you're feeling the feeling of pure unconditional love instead of desperation or need. Does that make sense?
Then when you're in that state, that's a perfect time to just say, think, and feeling your message straight from the heart. It will have a special feeling to it that makes you certain your message will get delivered. And that's another thing. It doesn't matter how he gets it. It doesn't matter what he's doing or where he is, or anything like that. He will get the message regardless. This is just one way of getting a message to someone you love and feel a strong connection to.
And it's important to be open to noticing signs of validation afterwards. It may not be in that moment. It may come when you least expect it. You should make notes, literally keep a journal, of anything you notice. It could be a feeling, a thought, a dream, a memory, or something that happens that feels like it's from your dad. My dad has made contact in several ways since he's died. He died exactly 7 years and 3 days ago. When I've sent messages to him I didn't always get something back the same moment, but what I did get back I knew was from him and I knew he had gotten my messages.
I know it really sounds kinda hokey but it's true.
And keep using and practicing Bruce's imagination methods because I know for a fact they really do work. Working with a Helper is ingenious.