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Asclepius (Read 4749 times)
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Dec 22nd, 2016 at 10:09pm
Hi to all Smiley
I am new to online forums, so please be kind and bare with me. I am a long time after-life explorer. I am a student of TMI. Learned a lot from Mr. Moen as well. But to get to why I finally decided to join this forum. I made a promise to a being that I did not know even existed. This being I heard of through the author/dream teacher Robert Moss. I read in one of Mr. Mosses book about the Greek God Asclepius as a healer and a friend of man kind. Thought it was cool, but that was about it. I was raised a born again Christian, that found a different path of Spirit later in my life  Wink. So I did not believe in the "Gods". Now, A few weeks ago I was having personal issues. I Would like to share this:
I sat down to do a hemi-sync and explore a bit. I relaxed and thought just for fun I would reach out to this Asclepius  being. Well to my utter shock and amazement, HE appeared to me in power and magnitude and spoke to me and healed me in an energy way, seriously! No joke! I did not understand what he did to me as I saw what he did. I was not until after, a day or so that I understood. I felt the difference. I can also call on him {prayer?} and he speaks to me! WOW! He is kind, funny, very, very powerful! He says he loves the fellowship of man. He misses this it seems. He also has lead me to a homeopathic thing to try for one of my personal issues. Out of aw and respect to this being, and what he did for me and continues to do I made a promise to him to tell others that he is very, very real and awesome! So, I hope this reaches those whom would be interested and they too can experience him.  Smiley Edsoul
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Re: Asclepius
Reply #1 - Jan 2nd, 2017 at 5:31am
Thank you, Edsoul. This sounds as if it was a very positive experience which is lingering for you. Very good! I often feel that the person of the helper is relatively unimportant, as long as the benefit is realized. Congratulations.
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Re: Asclepius
Reply #2 - Jan 4th, 2017 at 6:57pm
You are welcome seagull. Yes it was and is. I agree, the helper is relatively unimportant it is the result. Thank you for your kindness. Smiley

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YaBB Administrator

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Re: Asclepius
Reply #3 - Jan 6th, 2017 at 1:20am
Hi Edsoul,

Is this the first time you've experienced meeting a Helper?  It was a good opportunity for your Helper to get through to you, especially because you were thinking of Asclepius.  However the helper appears doesn't matter.  Bruce always says the helper can appear as anything.  An animal or even an object.  When I was a young child I made up my Helpers to be aliens in a little tiny spaceship.  I visualized them every night and I remember spending such a long time just picturing them there healing me.  And it did work.  It was the only thing that worked to take the pain away.  Every once in a while I still call upon them, and I also imagine/believe they could be able to help anyone else.  I like that thought, that maybe there's a child out there in pain who is wishing someone would take the pain away, and because of that same area of consciousness as mine my Helpers would be there to help.   

I don't know how it works.  I just love the idea of it.  And I think it doesn't matter if we know how it works or not, just that we believe and trust and are open to it. 

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Asclepius
Reply #4 - Jan 10th, 2017 at 9:09pm
Members here have a wide range of influences.That and the kindness that Edsoul remarks on are why I like it here so much and keep coming back. So in that wide range of reading, what are the definitions of The Oversoul?  And has Edsoul made contact with his Oversoul?

vicky's experience seems more like she has just briefly met members of her soul group that are under one Oversoul. The six of them were all helping a seventh member of their family. Their Oversoul didn't make an appearance because he knew Vicky and friends were taking care of it  --?

It's good to be talking with you again!
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YaBB Administrator

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Re: Asclepius
Reply #5 - Feb 6th, 2017 at 1:27am
Hi Bets  Smiley

What are you referring to about the six members helping a seventh member of the family?  Did you mean this for the OBE I shared?

I'm curious about your term "oversoul".  How do you describe that?
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Asclepius
Reply #6 - Feb 6th, 2017 at 3:06am
Vicky wrote on Feb 6th, 2017 at 1:27am:
Hi Bets  Smiley

What are you referring to about the six members helping a seventh member of the family?  Did you mean this for the OBE I shared?

I'm curious about your term "oversoul".  How do you describe that?

Dear Vicky of the beautiful soul, please forgive for posting such negativity a few months ago

As a bipolar sufferer in the manic state I will often say things that when I am lucid make me very ashamed. The episodes of mania are getting further and further apart as I age and I am all of 76 years of age now.


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The truth remains the truth, no matter what we think the truth is, the truth is the truth regardless
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Re: Asclepius
Reply #7 - Feb 6th, 2017 at 7:34pm
Hi Alan,

Thank you, and don't worry about it.  It's not necessary to ask me for forgiveness.  I didn't take it personally and in fact had forgotten about it.  I'm still here and willing to share in conversation.  I'm glad you're here too.  I myself want to be spending more time here, posting topics to get the conversation going.  I'll work on that!  I want to keep Bruce's site going and keep it a good, safe place for people to share and learn and support each other.

About you mentioning being bipolar...I know you didn't say it as an excuse for your behavior.  I can't imagine what it must be like having to live with mental illness.  It must be hard to even admit it to yourself and others.  I hope you have medical support and take your medication.  There's no excuse not to.

For instance I have type 1 diabetes and have to take insulin.  Everyone is also saying how sorry they are for me, or sorry they brought desserts to the office, or sorry they are eating something in front of me.  I just say, don't feel sorry for me!  I know what I need to do for my health and my own quality of life.  And when I got cancer, some of my close spiritual friends kind of berated me for taking chemo.  But why?  It's my choice.  I believe in a lot of things, and medicine happens to be one of them!!  To me it's not a struggle, it's just common sense. 

So be good to yourself Alan, and use common sense with your own illness.  If I can be of any kind of help, I'm here.  I can at least listen and be supportive. 


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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Asclepius
Reply #8 - Feb 6th, 2017 at 9:39pm
Vicky wrote on Feb 6th, 2017 at 1:27am:
Hi Bets  Smiley

What are you referring to about the six members helping a seventh member of the family?  Did you mean this for the OBE I shared?

I'm curious about your term "oversoul".  How do you describe that?

Hi Vicky,

It must have been when you were ill that a lot of discussion went on about Oversouls and their families. Yes, the six--seven people/souls I was referring to were those in your OBE. What I was referring to was that all those people in your experience could have been relatively equal in spiritual development, and that they were a family under such an Oversoul. Perhaps on some level of consciousness you and they had all agreed to help out one of your 'family' who had lost his way. -- I only meant that the dynamics of the group could have been more as equals.

"Oversoul,' as I recall, is like a parent Spirit or perhaps a 'guardian angel' or Guide, one that helps its own group. I don't remember from previously why a new term was needed since our culture has several apparent synonyms for it. Less baggage if the name is new, I suppose, (like the current term 'OneMind' replaces 'God' ?)

(I can't even remember why I thought the OverSoul's dynamics regarding the original post were important enough to mention.)
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YaBB Administrator

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Re: Asclepius
Reply #9 - Feb 6th, 2017 at 11:25pm
Thanks Bets, that's an interesting way to look at it and makes sense.
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