Hi Everyone!
I am one of several dozen instrumental transcommunication (ITC) workers working under Dr. R. Craig Hogan, Ph.D., who is one of the board members of the
Afterlife Research & Education Institute.We are currently working on a revolutionary type of communication with the dead. Called "ITC with Stations," it allows anyone to simply "call" his or her discarnate loved ones and have a conversation with them. No mediumistic or psychic abilities are needed to communicate, and there is also no worry of interference from negative, earthbound entities.
This method of communication relies on several communication "stations" that have been built in the Summerland levels. Each station contains computer-like computer devices, and we are told that the dead can simply send their thoughts to these machines telepathically; the computers then convert them into words and use energy waves to impress them upon our earthly recording equipment. The discarnate researchers working on this progress are currently establishing the
North American Station, which allows for English-language communications. We are working with them to help strengthen the signal from that particular station.
Craig Hogan's work is largely based on that of Sonia Rinaldi, who helped the discarnate researchers to establish the Brazilian Station, which only communicates in Portuguese. I have spoken to someone at that station, and the responses I received were indeed much clearer than the ones we receive from the North American Station. The signal becomes stronger with regular use, and we expect the English messages to have same quality by January of next year.
Subtitled videos of all my recordings can be found on my YouTube channel.Anyone here who is interested in working with the Afterlife Research & Education Institute on this project is welcome to join the effort! You do not need to be a member of the AREI. Just visit
AfterlifeInstitute.org and contact Craig; he'll send you the instructions that you need to begin.