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September 2016 Workshop- First time ever! (Read 1906 times)
Bruce Moen
YaBB Administrator

Posts: 587
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September 2016 Workshop- First time ever!
Jun 16th, 2016 at 6:56pm
5-day combination of Partnered Exploration and Self Discovery, Self Healing workshops.

This new workshop combines, for the first time ever, two workshops I've taught for several years Germany, Poland, Denmark and Japan.  This special 5-day combination workshop has never been taught anywhere else in the world!

Of everything I teach The Self Discovery, Self Healing workshop has the most profound effects on our day-to-day lives.  During our lifetimes many of us experience fragmentation of the Self, resulting in being less than Whole.  This workshop also teaches techniques for direct contact and communication with your Higher Self.
( for a detailed description of this workshop visit for my details and to pay for your participation visit Vicky's Blog at

In the Partnered Exploration portion of this new workshop you'll learn the special techniques for exploring beyond physical reality together with a group of your fellow workshop participants with verification of your experience.  (For a detail course description visit and Vicky Short's

Workshop Held at:
Ft Collins, Colorado
September 24 - 28, 2016

Hosted by Vicky Short
Ft Collins, Colorado
September 24 - 28, 2016

It is a prerequisite to have completed the Exploring the Afterlife workshop any time before attending this new workshop.
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