Lights of Love
We have lots of ways to describe our fears, but all fear is actually the fear of the unknown. There are countless ways in which we all try to alleviate our fears, especially the fear of death. Sometimes just realizing we do go on is enough to adequately alleviate the fear to live a life relatively free of emotional suffering at least until we are confronted with death in some meaningful way. However, even proving to yourself, or even if there's confirmation the non-physical exists, that alone likely would not be enough to change the current paradigm from one that is fear based to one that is based on love, caring and understanding.
Institutionalized religions, governments, businesses, politicians, or anyone who wishes to manipulate a relationship has capitalized on fear, especially fear of death throughout time. And as long as our collective philosophies and belief systems based on fear continue that likely will not change. What is needed is a new, verifiable paradigm that can incorporate and explain the unexplained. I don't think this would completely eliminate human fear initially because of our intrinsic survival instinct, but I do believe it would go along ways in the evolution of human consciousness and humanity as a whole.
Like Matthew, I have no doubt that consciousness is not only primary, but also a process. Consciousness is an unstoppable activity that is constantly changing... evolving, or devolving. Human consciousness is only a minuscule part of a larger organism that is Consciousness as a single, evolving process. Nothing actually exists outside of consciousness and we as human consciousness live and move within this larger Being.
We are the movements of consciousness interacting with itself as consciousness within consciousness. We are not in the world, the world is in us. We are not in our body, our body is in us. We are not in the mind, the mind is in us. We are the presence in which any and all things that we view as external circles around. Even when we move our awareness out of presence to seek something we want such as happiness, the happiness we seek can still only be experienced in the presence so presence is also the end point.
We are the presence from which awareness arises and falls. We, as human consciousness are that awareness and we don't die because death is only an awareness of a space/time event. A space/time event is only part of the fluctuation of awareness that arises and falls from the presence that we are as a being of consciousness.
Once we are able to understand and internalize the idea that we are at a fundamental level consciousness and only consciousness we begin to look at things from a different perspective. One that is from the top down instead of the bottom up so to speak. This also brings about new possibilities to explore on a personal level that can give us a greater understanding of all of our experiences.