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Law of Attraction (Read 5655 times)
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Law of Attraction
Mar 1st, 2016 at 1:02pm does this really work or is it just New Age woo? Wink

Here's whats got me wondering. I am reading and hearing a lot that "thoughts create reality" and especially in realities beyond the physical. That we are here in a heavy,slowed down reality to learn this, etc etc.

Its easy for me to believe that we create our reality to some extent. How we view life is largely how it is for us. We can choose to be positive, grateful and happy, or negative, gloomy and sad. But how much does it go beyond that? Can we actually influence outcomes? Create synchronicity? Cause good things (or bad things) to flow to us that otherwise would not? Healing?

It makes sense it would be that way somewhat if it is that way in the non-physical but I tend to be skeptical.

Any thoughts or personal experiences with this?
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Re: Law of Attraction
Reply #1 - Mar 1st, 2016 at 1:25pm
I believe there are limits. We can change our own life but we can't change others, and since we share this world with others, there will be limits. For example, if I started to strongly believe that Bruce Moen will give me ten million dollars, I don't believe this will happen. How about you doodad? If I think it hard enough, will you give me ten million dollars?  Smiley

If I remember correctly, there is a part in the Secret movie where a guy was having trouble with his fellow employees. He started to think in a positive way and for one reason or the other each of his troublesome coworkers ended up leaving the place he worked at. Is this how it works? Through our thoughts can  we affect what happens for other people?

Maybe it's a teamwork thing. Can the other people who read this thread join me with the hope that both Doodad and Bruce Moen will give me ten million dollars? Thank you for your help.

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ALK Member

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Re: Law of Attraction
Reply #2 - Mar 1st, 2016 at 1:28pm
How about you doodad? If I think it hard enough, will you give me ten million dollars?

If I had 10 million dollars I probably wouldn't be too concerned about the subject.  Smiley
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Re: Law of Attraction
Reply #3 - Mar 1st, 2016 at 3:56pm
Grin Your attempt at appearing poor won't preclude me from hoping to get 10 million dollars from you.

doodad wrote on Mar 1st, 2016 at 1:28pm:
How about you doodad? If I think it hard enough, will you give me ten million dollars?

If I had 10 million dollars I probably wouldn't be too concerned about the subject.  Smiley

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Re: Law of Attraction
Reply #4 - Mar 1st, 2016 at 9:49pm
The biggest secret about the film, The Secret, seems to be that it is just a film with actors playing parts according to their scripts.

That does not mean that the concept presented in the film as the law of attraction does not have some merit, for it is clear that attractions occur. and no doubt occur in ways not yet generally understood. The laws of thermodynamics, pertaining to convection, consumption, chemistry, magnetism, gravity, capillary action and surface tension, physical bodily attractions, hunger and thirst, desires and emotions, and nearly any other phenomenon and function could, with a bit of imagination, be described as a kind of attraction, or as a kind of repulsion, which are both part of the same function. But that is not how the law of attraction is presented in the film. It is presented as a true metaphysical phenomena, by actors playing roles presenting their characters as their actual selves. Like actors in some advertisements do. 

Whatever the true picture may be regarding the existence of a law of attraction, there is no doubt that other laws and forces are at play too.
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Re: Law of Attraction
Reply #5 - Mar 2nd, 2016 at 12:44pm
I have meditated and asked Satan for help and clarification in this matter:

There is a comment in your bible regarding "praying amiss". Since that which you refer to as God is creative in nature, whenever you are focusing your desire in a sincere manner for an experience, then you are in "constant prayer" for you are within this creative, expansive expression that originates within the Source of your existence.

But, what if you are asking for something that would cause problems for someone else? The law works!

But, there is an effect for that which you have caused. As noted above you are using the Universal Law of Attraction and its process involves like energy attracting more like energy. If you cause a problem for someone else as a purposeful use of this Law, then what you create for someone else, you also will experience. It is like two sides of the same coin. One is presented to the other person and one is presented to you. If you are serious in attempting to understand this Law, then if you dare, look at the events that you have already experienced and you will see that this has been the case many times.

When you have wished a blessing for someone else, you also experienced one, not in exactly the same way, but in something of meaning that came within your Life. Consider also difficulties. I believe there is a reference in the bible that instructs you to "put a guard on your mouth for the words (including thoughts) that come forth do not return to you empty."

I am not wowed by the answer and only give it 6 out of 66 points.
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Lights of Love
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Re: Law of Attraction
Reply #6 - Mar 2nd, 2016 at 1:08pm
Hello Doodad,

It's been a long time since I've read or posted here, but I happened to see your post today.  For what it is worth, here is my opinion on the subject.

Many of our desires can be categorized into three groups, all of which are connected to our deeper spiritual longing for the completion of our life purpose.  Each of us carries desires governed by our feelings on a personal level, a relational level, and on a spiritual connective level.

On the personal level we carry the desires to feel good about ourselves, to love ourselves, to be content, comfortable and happy, to feel satisfied and fulfilled in life. 
On the relational level our desires are focused on our relationships with others, the desire for close connection and intimacy, the desire to give and receive love, as well as the desire to enjoy a relationship with objects, such as a comfortable home, a pleasing flower garden or a wooded forest surrounding a lake.

On the spiritual connective level our desires are for spiritual communion with God or whatever God means to us, which includes having the feeling of oneness and unity with all that exists.

Many, if not all of our schools of thought from both Eastern and Western religious and spiritual groups have attempted to reject a part of the human experience by stating that desires are undesirable or objectionable, and seek to reject, deny or annihilate them in their philosophical and ideological teachings. 

The foundation of this whole belief system is that all desire must be eliminated including the desire for good as well as the desire for evil. The ideal behind these schools of thought are that good is as much of an "illusion" as is evil, and until we have reached absolute indifference and detachment to both, we have not attained freedom.

The thought that one could possibly deny or annihilate desires is bewildering to me.  If one were to accomplish the elimination of desire, what motivation would be left for living?  Where would the guiding force for living life come from?  Consider what a person’s life would be like without having any desires.

To the person that had successfully created a state of having no desires, all sense of choice would have also been eliminated because choosing implies the perception of one desirable over another undesirable.  So even the perception that makes one thing preferable over another would have to be eliminated as well, leaving this person without any sort of motivation to take any kind of action whatsoever.  This person could have no likes or dislikes because nothing could have the power to rise up feelings of desire within him. 

This person, having reached his ideal of eliminating desire would essentially cease to exist to be anything other than a mere outer shell because nothing could interest him.  There could be nothing to attract or repulse him. He would be deadened to all feeling, all motivation for any type of action toward living life. 

The bewildering factor in this line of thought is that it totally goes against all creative principles.  Since creation exists it seems clear that we only need to look around to see that creativity exists because of the motivating desires within each of us. 

Our desires are at the forefront of unleashing the creative power within.  Each and every form of creative expression not only implies, but also requires us to have selective desire, which is in essence the universal law of attraction in action.  In the conscious mind the attraction towards its affinity rises up within to become the desire to take action for creativity.

Most often we desire to create things that are viewed as a condition of betterment than what we’d known or had previously.  Sometimes our lack of knowledge causes us to make mistakes in decisions as to what better is and we may take a wrong direction.  However, the fault for wrong direction is not in the desire itself, but in our mistaken notion of what is required for results that satisfy.

Therefore, desire is the originators of creativity or the first cause all creations.  Desire is the origin of all our feelings and all our actions.  Desire is the whole of life brought forth and lived in the receiving of or in the radiating forth the vibrations produced by the law of attraction in which consciousness reaches out toward the direction that it feels attraction to and thus it becomes desire.

The force of the universe is desire and it is the innermost center of all life from which all movement originates.  Desire is the creative power within each of us and desire’s correlation is fulfillment.  Both are bound together in the sequential law of cause and effect.  Once we come to a realization of this, we can understand desire as being the center of life itself.      

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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: Law of Attraction
Reply #7 - Mar 2nd, 2016 at 1:33pm
Regarding what Kathy (Lights of Love) said about desire, I basically agree. In a way, I believe what she said about desire relates to what some people say about ego and the mind aspect of being.  Some people seek to be nothing but pure awareness. Since I figure even basic qualities such as love and peace come from the creative aspect of being, it is best to not focus only on awareness.

I've experienced bliss states where it seemed like I didn't need anything, but such state can be quite indifferent. Much more is possible without becoming a deluded being who is caught up in his own psychological conditioning.

A sense of self, the mind, and creative aspects of being do not need to be feared. I've found that the more I've integrated all aspects of myself, the more I've been able to experience divine love, even when my mind is quite active.

I tried to figure out how to have more love and peace in my life, because I "desired" to feel more content. As this took place self-concern that came from my soul level was in place, not some so-called egotistical activity. If it is okay for us to be concerned about others, certainly it is okay to be concerned about ourselves. It is possible to be concerned about ourselves in a way that is not egotistical.

A sense of identity, our minds, the ability to enjoy what we create, are not the enemies some people have made them out to be. I do believe that some ways of creating are more fulfilling than other ways. For example, I find it more fulfilling to be connected with the vast expanse of divine love that was created, than to watch TV.
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Re: Law of Attraction
Reply #8 - Mar 2nd, 2016 at 2:00pm
Why not just try it? It should be clear enough if it is happening?

It is just learning how to visualize and how to believe, rather than to simply desire.

Much of what is attracted to us requires a waiting period. Sometimes the waiting period is very long.

Also, desires are complex. They can conflict.

I believe that visualization is very very powerful.

However, it is important to remember that space must be cleared for the appearance of a granted wish. Something is often lost when something else is gained.

This is what is eventually learned from our experiences in life. It is life's challenge to find personal reasons to continue living and learning when it is discovered that losses of various sorts inevitably follow the fulfillment of our dreams.

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Re: Law of Attraction
Reply #9 - Mar 3rd, 2016 at 7:18am
Ambivalent makes good points. The bible does lay out the rules regarding this subject, sprinkled through it here and there. One could start by looking up his references. There are many others too, but they are best grasped by reading the book then looking further at the detail. The OT lays out the basic laws, then the NT presents rules to follow for best results when working with the laws. The rules relating to the law, "Ask and you shall receive", are within the context where the law is stated in each gospel, each gospel puts it in a different context to show a different approach, facet, or rule that applies to the law.
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Law of Attraction
Reply #10 - Mar 8th, 2016 at 12:20am
There is no such law as Attraction, yes there are laws, such a gravity, electromagnetic, strong and weak forces, but no law of
attraction period!
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Alan McDougall
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Re: Law of Attraction
Reply #11 - Mar 8th, 2016 at 4:22am

Shame is attracted to forgiveness, because forgiveness relieves it.
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