I am a liar
I am a thief
I am an adultery
I hate
I lust
I am a murderer
Yes all these things and more
If I harbor thoughts like this I am guilty
If you take just one paper clip from your workplace to use on your needs
Then in God eyes,then you are a thief
If you lie in Gods eyes you are a liar
If you are depraved you are full of filth, hate and sin
We cannot do just what we like in this mortal life.
If you have been taught that there is no god, or that you are god, that evil does not exist, that there in no hell or heaven , no accountability to God you are deceived and in serious. trouble
The books by Neal Donald Walsh conversations with god, he was not talking to god he was talking to Satan.
The Book of Miracles is directly from Satan
If you doubt ask Almighty God in the name of Jesus
Remember the Devil is the great deceiver, he will tell you he is god, that he loves, but the end thereof is the final destiny of your should/spirit, which can never die