recoverer wrote on Feb 3rd, 2016 at 1:00pm:Alan:
You do God a disservice when you speak of him as if he is an unforgiving wrathful being. Those are your own self righteous thoughts you're sharing. Such thoughts have set back mankind's spiritual growth for many years. It is sad that so many people who speak of Jesus, have unforgiving and judgmental thoughts for others. I'm not okay with what Hitler did, but certainly there is a much broader perspective with which one can consider the matter.
Since we were all created with freewill, we all need some time to learn to use it in a wise and loving way.
If you consider the matter from an oversoul reincarnation basis, many of us have had lifetimes where we lived in a negative way. I know you don't believe in reincarnation and oversouls. Roger would probably agree with you about this, but not 1796 who was shown by his oversoul to not have judgmental thoughts towards others because he had past lives that were negative.
That we have one life, one incarnation, one chance to avoid hell and reach heaven, is true. And that we have multiple lives, with reincarnation of our individual consciousness, is also true. It seems a contradiction, but they are both as true as each other. Just as a wheel is both round and flat. The difference is really only perspective and attitude.
It is easy to see why people find the two concepts mutually exclusive, because according to 3D thinking they seem to be mutually exclusive. But a contradiction does not necessarily prove a falsity. Further facts may exist that may reconcile a seeming contradiction. Further relevant facts may exist between, adjacent to, or surrounding the seeming contradictory items. So the existence of further facts must be allowed for, intelligently investigated, then accepted or ruled out.
There are more dimensions, more angles, and more structure, than meets the eye. Or more than meets most people's eyes. Our 3D world seems quite real, and it is, but its not the full picture. And the full picture can make a lot of difference to a partial picture. Context matters.
Every step on the ladder of progress has been and is an essential one. Each step comes from the prior and enables the next.
The idea of God being wrathful or punitive has not held mankind's progress back at all, not spiritually nor in any other sense. If we look at those races of the Earth that have held firmly to the idea of a One God of law of right and wrong, and of punishment, for a substantial period of their histories, such as the earlier Jews and the Europeans through the medieval centuries, and compare those races to the other races of the world, then we can plainly see that their progress in every field of human endeavour, be it science, literature, the arts, technology, general living standards, charitable work, helpfulness and beneficial influence to others,... has been quite reasonable progress. Particularly when we consider the comparison of the races 2000 years ago to the comparison of them now. The Europeans outside of the Roman Empire were quite primitive then, living in stick and mud houses, tribal and with poor living standards, while the Indians and Chinese were more advanced. Then a change of belief occurred, and with it, a change of attitude and thinking, and since then European progress accelerated at a phenomenal rate. Beliefs are the drivers of individuals and nations.
The Lord promised Abram, "And I will make you a great nation, And I will bless you, And make your name great; And so you shall be a blessing; And I will bless those who bless you, And the one who curses you I will curse. And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."
As for Alan being "self righteous"....well, perhaps, a little. So what. He is only one person, not millions.
There are no people on Earth more self righteous than American Liberals. Travel the world, go to any country, observe any race, and nowhere else on Earth can we find a group of people more convinced of their own righteousness and more convinced that they know best how everyone else should be.