Ex Member
Speaking of "Jesus", Alan referred to him as, "Infinite Eternal being."
Alan, aren't we all infinite, eternal beings? While i have great love and respect for the one you call "Jesus", at the same time, i know and understand that in some core, fundamental ways he is no different than any of us.
In some ways, he is just another child of the first and original Creator, like we all are.
The temporary difference comes in that he has had a pattern since he was created, of using his freewill in more wise and constructive ways than most, and in a consistent sense.
He was the first to consciously re-merge with God, "his Father" as he sometimes called God. In doing so, he became a full companion and Co-Creator with God. Many of our Spirits and their creation are the result of his working with the Creator. You could say his is the Disk, that contains many of our Disks. In that sense, he is many of our's "Source", but he is not The Source.
As he has told us, and i will repeat, what he is and has become, we are and will eventually become too. But first, we must live and choose in a similar manner as him. We have to attune to Love to the degree that he did before this world was created and did when he came into the world.
To call Jesus God, is in direct contradiction to what he himself taught and talked about. He always referred to God as his "Father" (Abba), and spoke as if they were unique, individual, but very connected beings. "I am One with the Abba" etc.
That is our destiny and heritage too. To become one with the Creator.
While they don't incarnate into the physical reality as humans born of women, there are others like Jesus out there. Some of them serve as the Elders that many have perceived, whom we go before during our life reviews when we die.
Others, have created other Universes and Spirits/Disks to grow and evolve within those Universes/Multi-verses that are outside the boundaries of this one that we are in.
You over put him on a pedestal Alan and he doesn't want that. To some extent, he has mildly chided me for putting him over much on a pedestal and i don't even go the fundamentalist route that you do.
This is why the probable future and the development of the so called 2nd coming (he never really left, except briefly for those 2/3 days), it's planned that a few other individuals would attain to a similar degree of attunement to PUL while incarnated and also demonstrate that attunement materially in unmistakable ways to others (what some call "miracles").
Only after these individuals have come forth and exampled similar to how he did 2000 years ago, will he come forth publicly again, and he will do so to tell the world that these individuals are the fruition of the promise he gave to us 2000 years ago, that if we lived and chose in the same manner as him, that we would become like him and do even greater works than he had when he was previously around publicly. This was not a promise given lightly Alan, but he was fully aware of the probable future(s) even 2000 years from his time, and knew some of his friends/co-workers would incarnate in our times to help in his and his Father's plan of retrieving humanity.