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An excellent documentary on the Simulation Hypothesis in physics can be found on Youtube under the name of God Science: Simulation Hypothesis. If you tend towards the material minded "objective reality" type, it will likely blow your mind.
It's a hypothesis that is akin to what Tom Campbell talks about in relation to Consciousness projecting various "virtual realities."
If Campbell and the Simulation Hypothesis are relatively correct and accurate, then things like silver cords are likely more to be an interpretive framework to understand and make sense of something that is hard for a material mind to make sense of. Shifting from one state of consciousness to another.
It's not much different than some NDE accounts that describe going through a tunnel towards the light. It's the material mind, making sense of consciousness change and shifting, which is not spatial, but dimensional/vibratory in nature.
Even "vibratory" is not an ideal label, because it implies spatial movement some. When we think of vibration, many of us think of molecules jiggling around.
But space, material "substance" or concrete "things" and spatial concepts, according to quantum physics and some noted nonphysical explorers, is an elaborate illusion.
I've long realized/understood/intuited, that the most real realities are those which are eternal in nature. This is Consciousness itself. What is consciousness? It's a complex admixture of awareness, perception, ability to choose, the ability to expand or get stuck, interaction. Materially, we see it as life and living things, but that's also a reflection.
When you have a dream, and your Consciousness creates an experience, a perceptual framework for you, the various things in that dream often do not have an objective reality. For example, if you perceive a chair, the chair is not real, but it can seem real. In a lucid dream, you could sit down on that chair, and it may feel solid and real. The chair though, is a symbol, a way to understand something, most likely, about your consciousness.
The exception though, is if you are visited by another Consciousness and that bleeds into the dream, then yes, we can say that the other being or consciousness IS truly and objectively real.
Take another concept, the Akashic records and "books", as Cayce's guidance a long time pointed out, a material mind can interpret it as looking at books. But is this info really contained in "books"? Of course not, it's just the human mind making sense of and interpreting the nonphysical data/info.
Nonphysical is exactly that, nonphysical
Let's look at the physical for a moment. Is the chair real in the physical? Certainly seems so. But, if we understand that the chair is like a temporary idea, or thought, which will eventually not exist, then we understand that the chair is not real.
Neither is the physical body. That which is temporal by nature, is not truly real as compared to Consciousness which has always existed, will always exist, and which "dreams up" and believes in various temporary ideas, thoughts, etc.
In other words, form is naught but a symbolic reflection of Consciousness. It's a perspective framework, a certain way of perceiving and experiencing those projected ideas, beliefs, etc.
It's much like the difference of philosophy of astrology. Some astrologers think that the Planets, Signs, etc actually have a direct effect on a person's personality, character, life events, etc. Some think that these "cause" this.
Other folks that have studied and researched astrology, like myself, understand that the Planets and Signs only symbolically reflect the Consciousness of that person. It's more like a metaphorical language, and reflective cosmic clock. It no more causes character, life events, etc than the colors of one's aura, which is just another metaphorical, interpretative reflection of the Consciousness which only has quality, but not "form" as we understand it.
Quality is real, form is not, but quality in most is ever changing.
More material minded spiritual or nonphysical explorer types, think what they perceive nonphysically as different forms, etc is real and objective, because they think the physical itself is real and objective.
That's part of the human condition and stuckness to begin with.
The physical is a bad dream that started when a bunch of Consciousnesses playing within another Consciousnesses projected creation and imagination, started messing things up, and projected their inner disharmony, separativeness and stuckness outwards into it.
They split aspects of themselves off in a sense, and those aspects were the limited, negative, separative, selfish, stuck parts of these selves, and when enough did this strongly enough, voila, we got the physical.
A distorted, temporary reflection of consciousness, but one quite convincing to those stuck within it. They took a nice dream of the Christ, one that was completely harmonious and interconnected and beautiful, and injected inharmony and separation.
In some ways, it's no different than the various hollow heavens or the afterlife hells. The difference is, is that it's been modded a lot more. Non stuck Consciousnesses became involved with it, and made modifications to the projections and perceptions of those stuck within same, with the hope and purpose of using this stuck reflection level of consciousness to the advantage of waking these up out of it.
One of the things that they, and especially the Christ Spirit, had to do, was lock or set it more, so that it would have some consistency and structure as a learning environment. The main name of the game here is cause and effect, consequence. Live positively in relation to others, experience happiness. Live negatively in relation to others, and experience suffering, all to the degree you do or don't attune to pure Love, which is of Source and the Christ Spirit core quality. For Cause and Effect and consequence to work best, you need linear time, space, etc. So the physical was an odd Co-Creation and admixture between intentions, choices, and perceptions of the stuck Consciousnesses and Love based Consciousnesses.
I have often said, we are here to retrieve the physical. Meaning, the physical represents those collective stuck aspects of collective consciousness (by "collective", i really mean a percentage of Consciousnesses, not all). By focusing here, Consciousnesses based in Love, in reality, with clear perception, are trying to infuse this illusionary perspective framework with Love, and are retrieving the stuck aspects of self and/or others. The way they do this, is by living Love, and by trying to encourage/inspire others to live and choose Love as well.
Eventually, when the process is complete and there are no more stuck in these false/limited belief systems and perceptions and choices, the physical itself will cease to exist. Just like that, it will wink out of existence, because it was never really truly "real" to begin with. Naught but a semi collective bad dream or semi collective, stuck belief system.
Those whom are material minded, because they live too much in their carnal selves, whom are over attached to the physical, and aren't attuned enough to pure Love, will never perceive the subtleties and holism of all of this. They are caught up in the illusion themselves. When they start to reach "escape velocity", they will understand the true nature of all of this.
Until then, they are the blind or partially sighted, leading the blind or partially sighted and playing "teacher" to others because of ego based motivations and intentions mixed in with some Love attunement and awareness. The real teachers are the ones who see beyond the illusion, because they have expanded their consciousness enough, which expands their perception in direct proportion.
Some focused into these virtual realities originally to help retrieve, but a number of these got stuck themselves to a lesser degree. Since all Consciousnesses are interconnected, if say 25% of the Whole of Consciousness is stuck in a bad dream, and you try to help them out of it, which means you have to focus on that bad dream yourself...
Well, there is a chance that the bad dream, with all it's drama, chaos, noise, might overly get your focus, you might start buying into it also and forget what you originally came to do. Think of a peaceful Monk, walking through a scene of war, with bombs going off, bullets flying, people screaming, etc, etc. If the peaceful Monk, who has came to help the ones playing this suffering out, doesn't keep their spiritual center enough, they might start to feel fear, might start to think, maybe it's real, as the perceptive senses are overwhelmed. You might get a bit stuck yourself.
But just as attunement to pure Love is relative, so isn't stuckness relative, and in direct opposite proportion to the former.
Edgar Cayce's guidance said that when the Christ Spirit first became involved with trying to retrieve humans, he just created a human form to interact with humans. But, he realized that this wasn't working, and had to allow himself to get stuck somewhat to. So he allowed himself to get stuck just enough to more fully enter, and when he did that, he started to be born of women as per the usual way. All with the purpose of taking the "separate" human form, the symbol of stuckness, and lift it out, retrieve it, as a pattern and example for all of the way OUT. By seemingly overcoming death, he showed the illusionary nature of the physical and it's seemingly set in stone laws in a particularly powerful way.
I should note, that i would not be aware of all of this, without the help and guidance of those Spirits/OverSouls/Disks who are more expanded than both me and my Spirit/OverSoul/Disk.