Leaving the body or astral travel is just a tool or a means of transport. It is like any other tool or means of transport. Around the house and in our various employments we use all manner of tools to get the job done. And we use all manner of transport to get to and from work, to and from school, to and from visiting other people, and for other purposes too. We may walk to our destination, or use a motor car, a bike, a horse, a tractor, truck, bus, train, helicopter or plane, or boat. We usually use the form of transport and the tool that is best for the task. And in the same way so I use astral travel too. It is just a means of attending lessons and performing tasks.
Being able to consciously leave the body can certainly be a major step in an individual's realising that consciousness or soul can exist independently of the physical body. And that in itself can be a pivotal learning experience. I recall it was for me. Then after that learning experience is digested we can move on to further learnings.
Most of us recall when we first learnt to drive a motor vehicle - the sense of travel and freedom that came with those early excursions. Driving the car was a task and a thrill in itself. But as the years go by and our familiarity with driving becomes integrated with all our other basic working knowledge, then driving becomes just a means of getting to our destination, a means of enabling us to do other things in other places. So it is with astral travel.
Some people are happy to drive a motor car without knowing how it works. Others are mechanically minded and have to know how things work. I am one of those. So naturally after my first out-of-body experience I had to find out how it worked and why. And so I set about replicating and examining the matter until I understood the technique and mechanics of leaving the body, and with it, the workings of the soul and its mechanism.
That might sound far fetched, but its not really. I have only studied myself. And we are each the same sort of vessel, with the same sort of working machinery inside. As motor vehicles, even of different types, all work much the same, so do we. Its mostly how we operate the vehicle and what we do with it and where we go with it that differs between us, and that comes of our intent. We each have our own machinery to study if we want to.