Ex Member
Interesting about the astrology part. I started looking into astrology at a pretty young age, got rather deep into it over the years, but don't tend to pay too much mind to it of late.
I've figured that astrology works more based on something akin to Carl Jung's theory of synchronicity, rather than streams of force and energy, and all that. Since everything is interconnected, one aspect or part of reality, can align or reflect another aspect or part of reality.
So astrology is more like a cosmic clock and metaphorical language describing and aligning to aspects of the human consciousness system.
Our chart just reflects how we used our will in other experiences. In other words, it does not cause, only indicates or reflects. It can do so, because of the Oneness of reality. A person is born at a specific time and place for many reasons, and the astrology of it lines up to and reflects that, and among other things indicates what they developed to previously and/or what they are choosing to express in this life (before freewill potentially changes things).
Many students of astrology will say that you can't see spiritual level of development in a chart. Well, i would say that you can't see the current status (what's changed because of current use of freewill), but you can see what they came in with.
Very mature types, will have a very strong emphasis on Arcturus (you need to use parans with this more so than regular aspects), Sun, and Jupiter especially, and to a lesser extent Neptune and sometimes Pluto, but will have a good balance between Yin and Yang, with balanced integration between the intermediate and slow vibratory symbols also. Uranus, Venus, and Mercury are more intermediate, in between. Mars, Pluto, and Saturn are the slow vibratory symbols. Moon is sort of between the intermediate and slow vibratory symbols. In fact, i put almost all of these in descending order from fastest vibratory symbols to the slowest--exception being Pluto, because it can be on either extreme. Most people have most of the emphasis on the intermediate and slower vibratory symbols, with a lack the more expanded/fast vibratory symbols.
On the other extreme, Ted Bundy, Dick Cheney, and others like these psychopathic types have very, very strong combo of Saturn, Pluto, Mars, Mercury, with a lot of tense aspects (especially difficult when in fixed signs) and lack of strength of the faster vibratory symbols. Also too much Yang and too little Yin often.
Signs are less indicative of deeper character or mental level energies. They indicate more personality wavering patterns, and more so especially outer material conditions. For example, someone with Sun in Virgo may not be critical, discriminating, neat, and all the superficial character sign stuff usually attributed to astrology, but they most likely will have a strong emphasis on jobs/practical service, health/diet, pets, and other more mundane/outer oriented patterns that are connected to Virgo.
But yes, you can associate various different colors and shades to various astrological symbols, especially to the Planets. The Planets can also be associated with the endocrine glandular system, which some call "chakras". Jupiter and Neptune for example, in the archetypal sense will be associated with the Pineal gland (violet color range), and Arcturus and Sun with Golden Light, and phasing from the Pineal to the Pituitary (golden cup that spilleth over), but also the Thymus and Heart center too (as the thymus and pituitary are very linked). Uranus (deeper blue, but also to extreme mixes of colors) to the throat or rather thyroid gland. Venus (cyan) to the less awakened heart/thymus. Mercury to the adrenals and to yellow. Moon (coral) to leydig gland, Mars, Saturn, and sometimes Pluto to the sex glands (mostly red, but those symbols can also indicate lack of Light aka darkness too).
Pluto though is like Kundalini, it can be kept at the 1st level or lower levels, as it is in most, but it can also correspond to the Pituitary, and is symbolic of the purification or degradation of this process. Pluto not used right is very psychopathic, and constructively channeled, facilitates towards that of Galactic Center Consciousness, which approaches that of the pure White Light. (not that White Light, Source Consciousness can be represented by any singular symbol, why i used "approaches").
Only a relative few humans have reached Galactic Core Consciousness while in-physical as a human. Even Arcturus and Solar level is fairly rare.
*Edit to add: These also can be connected to the auric patterns. For example, i know someone with a very strong combo of Sun, Arcturus, and Jupiter in their chart, with the other expanded and intermediate symbols also fairly highlighted, and the slow vibratory ones while not strong, still integrated and connected. This person has a lot of purple and increasingly golden light in their aura.
I know a person (female) with a very strong Venus, Aquarius, Sun, and Jupiter combo. They have a lot of rose pink, cyan, mauve, near indigo blue, and some golden light in their aura.
But, people can and do grow away from the chart, or sometimes regress/stagnate from what the chart indicates. All depends on how they use their freewill, whether constructively on average or in a limited way.