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I have cancer (Read 32518 times)
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Re: I have cancer
Reply #30 - Jul 14th, 2015 at 7:43pm
Yes, going ok.  Can't really complain.  I'm doing better than most everyone else at my oncologist's office.  Even when I get my lab counts I'm told I do better than most people when it comes to that.  I don't have an explanation for it, I just feel greatly appreciative that I'm able to handle it so well.  Years ago I would have said that I hope I never have cancer because I don't think I could tolerate it plus the chemo side effects.  So I definitely feel grateful.

Am I'm still enjoying the weight loss which feels great.  I also bought one of those nutrient extraction blenders so I can learn to eat healthier.  It's like, I want to keep my colon as good as I can moving forward!
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: I have cancer
Reply #31 - Jul 14th, 2015 at 9:18pm
It's good to know you are making progress, step by step. I am happy to know that other positive things are happening for you, and that you and your family can look forward to the future.

I have a family member in the end stages of ovarian cancer and it has been a long road together. I am glad I have found a reasonably strong belief in an afterlife so that I can feel encouraged for her, knowing that all will be well.

Stay strong, love, Seagull
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Re: I have cancer
Reply #32 - Jul 15th, 2015 at 8:08pm
Thank you Seagull!

I lost my good friend Rob three and a half years ago due to cancer and I miss him so much, but I know he's "home" and still growing on the other side.  Life continues, it's just another reality. 

In honor of my great friendship with him, let me just say here that I've felt his presence guiding me through my cancer treatment, and I've felt him guiding me to open up and try new things, meet new people.  I am now a new believer that some of our guides/guidance on the other side is not just our higher self but also loved ones.  I honestly never really felt a direct experience or belief about that before!

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: I have cancer
Reply #33 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 12:22am
  I wish we had "like" buttons on here like facebook.  All good to hear.

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Re: I have cancer
Reply #34 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 12:26am
Hey there Justin Smiley

That's funny, me too!  I sometimes forget, and look for the "Like" button". 

Thanks.  I hope you and Becky are doing well. 
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: I have cancer
Reply #35 - Jul 16th, 2015 at 12:48am
  We are, not much all that interesting going on though.  Thank you for the well wishes.
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Re: I have cancer
Reply #36 - Dec 6th, 2015 at 11:01am
Hi everyone,

The past 15 months has now seemed to have gone by so fast.  I'm completely finished with my chemo treatments and surgeries.  I'm still trying to get the incision from my ileostomy reversal surgery to heal but it's doing ok.  I'm doing very well, feeling healthy, still maintaining my new lower weight, my hair is growing back, and I'm still eating healthy and keeping fit.  Having gone through cancer was a good "kick in the butt" for me, pardon the pun  Smiley

The good news is that all my docs feel I have every reason to consider myself cancer free, but of course they'll be keeping tabs on it with scans and scopes and labs for the next few years just to be on the safe side. 

This journey has certainly given me a whole new perspective on life. 

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Re: I have cancer
Reply #37 - Dec 7th, 2015 at 1:05pm

Good to hear that your doctors said you have every reason to consider yourself cancer free. I suppose that in some ways your experience was another growth possibility.
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Re: I have cancer
Reply #38 - Dec 7th, 2015 at 3:21pm
Congratulations on your continuing recovery, Vicky!
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Re: I have cancer
Reply #39 - Dec 7th, 2015 at 10:46pm
Thanks you guys  Smiley
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: I have cancer
Reply #40 - Jan 2nd, 2016 at 2:34pm
Vicky: Great to hear that the recovery to optimal health is continuing well. I'd imagine that has been quite an unforgettable journey.
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Re: I have cancer
Reply #41 - Jan 2nd, 2016 at 3:39pm
Hi Sanatogen, thank you.  Yes, quite unforgettable since it's changed everything, the biggest part being how I think about food.  And the chemo affected nearly every part of my body, so this whole journey sure made me have to be more aware of my whole body more than I was before. 

In fact I was just thinking yesterday how I am typically more happy of a person when I don't have to be bothered focusing on my physical body and physical feelings most of the time.  When I can just ignore the physical more and focus inward more, I find I'm much more at ease with everything.  Whether it's pain or just having to take care of business, it's very consuming of your attention and awareness to have to focus on the physical when you'd rather just let your thoughts and feelings wander to where they would like to be instead.  I imagine that's true for most people. 

For instance, when I had to wear the ostomy bag, for the first couple months it took up most of my day attaching it to my body to make it fit right, keeping it clean, and taking care of leaks.  It was a huge thing to learn to get right.  What used to take hours eventually only took minutes.  And now I don't even have to wear the darn thing anymore.  So yeah, the whole journey took me way way way off my normal course and onto some other road altogether, and now here I am supposedly back where I was before, except nothing's really the same at all because I am not really the same person I was before.  You don't just go back to the way you were before, nor would you want to.
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