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Consensus on Michael Teachings (Read 6101 times)
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Consensus on Michael Teachings
Apr 3rd, 2014 at 8:40pm
Hello everyone,

I was hoping that you could all share your opinions on a recent concept that I stumbled upon in my research. I came across the Michael Teachings, which are a set of ideas based on the book titled Messages from Michael, in which the author, Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, gives information about the nature of souls via channeling a collective non-physical entity known as Michael. Two concepts brought up by Michael's information have caught my attention: Soul "Age" and the 7 Roles, but my focus is more on Soul Age. In essence, Soul "Age" could be described simply as experience in the physical world, and each age bracket displays their own series of traits that distinguish them. It makes a lot of sense to me: younger, less experienced souls show stark contrasts with older, more experienced souls, but I was wondering if you all had heard of the Michael Teachings and was also wondering your opinions on the specifics of the channeled information.
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Re: Consensus on Michael Teachings
Reply #1 - Apr 4th, 2014 at 6:00am
Personally, I don't' see that age counts for much at all, not in individual life or in the age of the soul's time spent in human life experiences.

Its not the amount of time spent studying something; its the way someone studies, their approach and method, their aim, and dare I say it, their intelligence and how they use it and work to develop it.

In any field of human endeavour we can see the older more experienced being outperformed by the younger less experienced, and visa versa too. There exist young and old fools, and young and elderly wisdom.   

Much the same with young and old souls. I don't think being an "old soul" indicates wisdom, any more than being old in physical life indicates wisdom.   

Some, who plan their lives and experiences well, order and systematise their knowledge, process it well during and between lives, will progress through the system swifter and more surely than those who are haphazard in their Earthly journeying, just as it is with any field of study. 

I am sure there are millions of ancient souls on this planet who are remaining stuck in much the same old ruts as they have been in for ages of time, and others who are relatively new arrivals yet have graduated from the system or are near to graduation, and visa versa and every condition in between of course.    

As for channelled information ... its no different than any other information. At best it may be a useful guide, at worst a detrimental influence.

We each have a conscience and reasoning faculties, what more do we need?   

If some channeller/guru/prophet type, spirit guide, or expert of any sort told you something was right but your conscience said that it was wrong, then who would you agree with, the other person or your conscience?

And if you would give your conscience the last say, then why not give it the first say, every time, and make it your guide in life.
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Re: Consensus on Michael Teachings
Reply #2 - Apr 4th, 2014 at 6:47am
Interesting discussion.  I myself am not big on channeled material, as I think it sets up an external source of wisdom as a doctrine, when the answers to love and the soul are to be found within ourselves.  Sure is a lot easier for any of us to point to a text or bible and say "this is the way it has to be" rather than come to a knowledge on our own. 

My second thought is the pigeon-hole classification system of "baby soul," young soul," etc. may have a kernel of general truth to it, but is not useful as we human beings, with all our complexity in mental and psychological makeup may not be neatly categorized into one or another box.  You can have a "baby soul" or "young" one go through life, and have an epiphany, through love and charity, and finally "get it," in essence skipping over the nice orderly soul progression laid out there.  JC, one of the most "mature souls" by any standard, said that we all should find God, by being like children in our hearts:
"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14.  And intuitively, I agree with this.  From my point of view, physical reality grows our earthly egos which suppress some our natural childlike trusting and loving tendencies (one reason why many great religions talk of ridding oneself of egoistic thought). 

So maybe the notion of soul-age is a bit too gimmicky for my taste.  There are different approaches to the game of life.

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Re: Consensus on Michael Teachings
Reply #3 - Apr 4th, 2014 at 11:52am
A consensus, an opinion reached by most, is to me a strange concept yet politically correct. The age scale does seem to try do describe general levels of incarnations on earth, but seems very vague to me for coming from a supposed graduate. The old souls description (and encouragement?) in particular sounds passive compared to my observations of the refining fires of latter stages experiences. Old souls, to me, is more like a description of a step on the ladder where the above steps aren't visible. A picture of dalai lama is placed under the old souls category on - one thread (reincarnation), one love, one planet, one path, one this and that.
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Re: Consensus on Michael Teachings
Reply #4 - Apr 4th, 2014 at 12:59pm
I don't know anything about the Michael Teachings, but the impression I get is that there is more than one person who channels Michael.

That being the case, here are the possibilities:

1. Some Michael channelers channel a love-based being.
2. Some are fooled by a being pretending to be whoever Michael is.
3. Some channelers are fakes.

Since these are the possibilities, as usual, one needs to use discrimination and accept only what seems reasonable and true to one's self.

I don't completely agree with what Doc said.  To a large extent we need to be self reliant, but it is also okay to learn from others.  I know that my spirit guidance has helped me a lot.  There are some issues that would've been difficult to overcome if I didn't receive help from my spirit guidance. I suppose I would've done so eventually without their help, but why delay when help is available?

If one thinks about it one will find that all wisdom comes from God. This being the case, perhaps it is okay to receive help from beings who live according to God's love and wisdom. I don't believe God would have a problem with this.

I've found that receiving divine help doesn't contradict self-sufficiency.

Plus, I figure the beings that help me aren't completely separate from me, we are part of the same divine Oneness. If one of my knees is hurting, it is okay that my other leg provides extra help.

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Re: Consensus on Michael Teachings
Reply #5 - Apr 4th, 2014 at 4:39pm
Hi Albert,

I'm all for learning from others.  As long as I can see the truths myself and make unknowns into my own verified "knowns."  For myself, that is the only way to learn (others may learn differently).  I was trying to point out that to take another school of thought as dogma, be it ACIM, the Seth material, etc. without experiencing the truth behind it yourself, is rarely satisfying, and merely a belief system. 
That is why I wasn't keen on the "soul stages" categories, or channeled material in general.  They seemed artificial, and did not resonate with what I have encountered (though in a general sense, we can make these categories). 

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Re: Consensus on Michael Teachings
Reply #6 - Apr 4th, 2014 at 6:18pm
Hi Doc:

I get what you're saying. I said what I said on my earlier post mainly because I felt moved to do so--not so much because of what applies to you.

I've found inspiration in many things I've read.  Sometimes I receive reminders.

Heck, as you know, I recently spoken of Tolle in a non-promoting way.  I guess it is a matter of whether I see the glass as half full or half empty.  Because of the stance I sometimes take, I sometimes emphasize the emptiness of a glass. But Tolle's glass does have some water.  To some degree he has reminded me to be more present.  And I agree that our minds can be too busy at times.

But I don't want any one book or course of instruction to be my guide to an extreme extent. I want to be able to choose that which applies specifically to me.

DocM wrote on Apr 4th, 2014 at 4:39pm:
Hi Albert,

I'm all for learning from others.  As long as I can see the truths myself and make unknowns into my own verified "knowns."  For myself, that is the only way to learn (others may learn differently).  I was trying to point out that to take another school of thought as dogma, be it ACIM, the Seth material, etc. without experiencing the truth behind it yourself, is rarely satisfying, and merely a belief system. 
That is why I wasn't keen on the "soul stages" categories, or channeled material in general.  They seemed artificial, and did not resonate with what I have encountered (though in a general sense, we can make these categories). 


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Re: Consensus on Michael Teachings
Reply #7 - Apr 4th, 2014 at 9:17pm
... the refining fires of latter stages experiences.

What do you mean, Bob?
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Re: Consensus on Michael Teachings
Reply #8 - Apr 5th, 2014 at 2:39am
CB, playing the game is smooth sailing as long as you conform to the familiar ways of the world and learn to repeatedly ignore what is right and wrong for you. Not playing the game; hello refining fires. That's all I want to say about it.
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Senior Member

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Re: Consensus on Michael Teachings
Reply #9 - Apr 5th, 2014 at 5:21am
CB, playing the game is smooth sailing as long as you conform to the familiar ways of the world and learn to repeatedly ignore what is right and wrong for you. Not playing the game; hello refining fires. That's all I want to say about it.

I thought that was what you meant by "the refining fires". But it was your reference to "latter stages experiences" that I hoped you would clarify; but I think you are right that you don't need to.
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