Personally, I don't' see that age counts for much at all, not in individual life or in the age of the soul's time spent in human life experiences.
Its not the amount of time spent studying something; its the way someone studies, their approach and method, their aim, and dare I say it, their intelligence and how they use it and work to develop it.
In any field of human endeavour we can see the older more experienced being outperformed by the younger less experienced, and visa versa too. There exist young and old fools, and young and elderly wisdom.
Much the same with young and old souls. I don't think being an "old soul" indicates wisdom, any more than being old in physical life indicates wisdom.
Some, who plan their lives and experiences well, order and systematise their knowledge, process it well during and between lives, will progress through the system swifter and more surely than those who are haphazard in their Earthly journeying, just as it is with any field of study.
I am sure there are millions of ancient souls on this planet who are remaining stuck in much the same old ruts as they have been in for ages of time, and others who are relatively new arrivals yet have graduated from the system or are near to graduation, and visa versa and every condition in between of course.
As for channelled information ... its no different than any other information. At best it may be a useful guide, at worst a detrimental influence.
We each have a conscience and reasoning faculties, what more do we need?
If some channeller/guru/prophet type, spirit guide, or expert of any sort told you something was right but your conscience said that it was wrong, then who would you agree with, the other person or your conscience?
And if you would give your conscience the last say, then why not give it the first say, every time, and make it your guide in life.