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Would just make a suggestion re: the interview with the space alien. A little front loading or direction might be wise in so much as saying something like, "you are interviewing an E.T. with positive, holistically helpful intentions to humans".
One will get more helpful, more accurate, expanded etc. info. This might be "pretend" but you know that real connections very well be made. What you may not know, is that some direct connections would be best left alone.
Once that's said, here are some questions i would ask:
Do you have what we call a physical body?
If so, how do new bodies get created?
Do you eat any kind of physical food?
How long, from our perspective, does your kind typically stay connected to one body?
If you and your spaceships have a physical aspect or level to them, do you travel super long distances very quickly?
If so, how does that work, what is the technology behind it?
Are you aware of any unfriendly or E.T.'s with limiting/negative intentions towards humanity?
If so, are any involved with humanity and earth at this time?
If they are, how much and in what ways are they involved with humanity?
(If so), do any of these have what we would call physical bodies?
(If so) What do these look like?
(If so) What are the best/most helpful ways to deal with these?
(If answers to the affirmative are given, then ask) Is Rosalind McKights guidance session correct when she saw probable futures and that a probable war could develop after an unfriendly group attacked humanity?
If so, what is the probable time line in human A.D. terms at this point?
If so, are these beings the same as what some call the "reptilians"?
If so, are there some Reptilian individuals which do have positive and holistically helpful intentions towards humanity and other beings?
If so, are these in or out of the body?
I'll address animals later. I realize most of my questions are contingent on prior questions, and that they build on each other (and so, theoretically they might not get asked). However, these latter questions may be some of the most important for humanity to ask and get info about.
Oh, and if one is to ask such questions, it might be wise to ask for help from the Divine, fully PUL attuned forces to protect and shield the group both during and after these sessions.