I Am Dude
Alberto I am doing great, thanks, and I likewise hope you are well.
Regarding this topic, along with most others discussed on this board, 'tis something that probably needs to be experienced first hand with clarity to gain proper insight into. Speculation only goes so far, which is why I have distanced myself from the forum life and used the energies I was channeling into discussion, debate, and speculation more fully into my practices. I have likewise stopped reading material detailing what other people believe or claim is truth and instead put that energy into allowing myself to experience truth for myself.
If we look closely at our motivations for activity such expressing personal beliefs, debating the validity of concepts, and trying to change the viewpoints of others, we may find a nasty mixture of ego, attachment, and identification issues at play underlying the surface conviction of "liberating" others or providing them a service. We may find ourselves wasting hours on end trying to make others see things our way, or looking to others to provide the answers to questions of which we are ignorant to, all the while stunting our own personal growth, neglecting the true source of wisdom within.
I have found that the purification of these desires and attachments of the ego is of upmost importance if one is to be liberated from negativity and delusion and rise into higher states of oneness with divine truth and clarity, and so I encourage everyone participating on this forum to deeply examine their role here and the motivation for their activities, and consider the idea that it may be of more benefit to exert more energy into the spiritual practices that will bring you closer to truth rather than seeking them from others who may very well be equally as deluded as you.
Looking back at my years of activity on this board and the times when I was inactive and my spiritual productivity during these times, I realize that I should have taken the time I spent here debating and expressing beliefs and instead used it to develop my spirituality through experience, as this is the only way truth can be acquired- through direct experience. I would have been hundreds, if not thousands of hours of meditation and insight time ahead in my development. Of course, this goes for all time-wasting, unproductive activities. Not that this group is a waste of time or unproductive in and of itself, especially as compared to watching television or drinking alcohol or doing drugs for example, but I do find many aspects of it largely unnecessary and distracting.
My point is simply to understand that knowledge, wisdom, and liberation are achieved through effort and experience, and while the guidance of those that are further along the path is helpful and I appreciate this site for providing this service, these more experienced individuals are likewise dealing with their own issues of ego attachments and thus should not get wrapped up in assuming the role of Oh Wise and Experienced One, for there are likely deceptive and distractive internal forces that are stunting further growth and development to the extent that these delusions are entertained.