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I died in a dream, woke up in real life. (Read 2107 times)
Weird Catnip Circumference
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I died in a dream, woke up in real life.
Mar 15th, 2014 at 1:12am
Here is the description.
(I turned it into an story for English class, I remember every detail though)

El despertar.
I am looking out through the window of a farm, second floor. Outside it is dusty land, and the skies are an unnatural shade of red, it is almost night. Wind is blowing through the farm, just like when it is about to rain or hail. It is getting worse but it is good, a sign that everything is over. I go downstairs and I see the same barn that I am in, on the other side of a little field, full of old pick-ups and farm implements, all mirrored too.
    Without explanation, all of a sudden I am on the mirrored side of the barn, however the few landscape markers such as the few trees and mountains in the horizon, are not duplicated or mirrored. It smells like old uninteresting plywood, it is almost pitch dark, save for the door-less entrance and smells like that dry unexplainable and shocking mix of all smells that afflicts the nose of those punched in the face. I cautiously step outside on a little wooden porch looking to my left side first. When I am about to turn to the right side I hear a very silent metal clicking sound and almost instantly after, something painlessly and swiftly hitting the occipital are of my neck and traveling inside my head until stopping at my jaw while everything goes dark. I feel how I lose control of my motor responses instantly and all I can manage to protect myself from the impending face fall, is to recoil my arms, like a dead spider. I feel my body first, then my face hitting the wooden floor and the subsequent numbing of my body. I also feel something warm pouring out of my face and on to the floor, pooling under my lips. My mind goes to sleep slowly and darkness grows within the darkness: I wake up.
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Re: I died in a dream, woke up in real life.
Reply #1 - Mar 15th, 2014 at 4:57am
Interesting dream.  Did you know that there is a Dream forum specifically devoted to sharing and talking about dreams?   

  Click forums and go down the list and you will see it. 

p.s., don't know if it's related or not, but i've seen the red skies in both dreams and intuitionally. There is soon to be a Cosmic-Solar event, and it will turn the skies very unnaturally red.  This will be soon after a new, somewhat large and bright Blue-White star appears in the sky, and major earthquakes in diver places around the same time. 

  This is our Galactic Core becoming active and explosive again. 

  I've been getting info about the changes for many years from guidance, but never has guidance previously told me soon, get prepared, etc like it has rather recently.  Same with my wife.  Life may be rather different by the beginning of summer or so. 

   If not, then i will never talk about the changes again and will publicly apologize.
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Re: I died in a dream, woke up in real life.
Reply #2 - Mar 15th, 2014 at 8:29am
Funny name you have Smiley

Do you think that the beginning of the dream could have been from the perspective of "after" the death? In other words, it was turned around (the mirror effect), as if, after death, you were reviewing the death.

This would make sense from a near death experiencer's perspective, because they very often describe leaving the body just before the impact of whatever happens to them, or very quickly, in any case.

It is as if you obtained a safe perspective (the replica of the place of death) after the death occurred. This would make sense because spirits sometimes don't realize they have died and inhabit the same/similar place for a while. However, you seem to have been reviewing the death itself. As if a part of you was saying, "What happened to me?"

It would be interesting to carry on with the story, to see what happened after that review you appeared to have been experiencing. It would be an afterlife story.

Perhaps you would get stuck re-experiencing the death over and over and be a ghost in the barn appearing to others. Perhaps you would find yourself next to a guide who was kindly showing you what happened and ready to escort you to a different place. Or maybe you would follow the killer somewhere and show what happened on earth after the death or how events led to this place. Or maybe other spirits might be nearby, because it was kind of like a horror movie and you weren't the only one who died there at that time. There are a lot of ways the story could continue, of course.

In dreams where we seem to be on the verge of death, I think we do tend to wake up quickly, or don't remember much else if it did happen in the dream. Perhaps it disturbs us too much, and is an instinctual reaction. It could be that because you weren't afraid to experience this in your dream that you have very little fear of it.

I remember talking to a young writer who was somewhat disturbed while describing that her first character had died, the first death she had written about. It was part of the writing process that it kind of surprised her, just like it does for us in "real" life.
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Weird Catnip Circumference
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Posts: 2
Re: I died in a dream, woke up in real life.
Reply #3 - Mar 16th, 2014 at 1:25am
Red skies! Always present in my dreams or dark blue (not black) also all my dreams take place within the same city created by my subconscious.  I do not remember but little bits of the city when I wake up, yet I go t sleep and it is all there. I haven't dreamt it since I got killed in it (this dream I posted) and about this dream, it did have an ending: my current day to day life! I knew I had been attacked and in a way it was interesting for me, since I corroborated how it is to die from a head shot. From how much consciousness is retained to the ammount of body control left in my head. It was a very basic conscience, I was self aware but names, times, memories, feelings and senses had been diminished greatly or disapeared. I was aware.that I was dying though. My afterlife ended up being this life.
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