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Syria, Russia, Earthchanges, etc (Read 3488 times)
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Syria, Russia, Earthchanges, etc
Mar 11th, 2014 at 11:38pm
      I don't think people quite realize how close things got to getting real bad, real quick, as to another world war developing back in 2013.  The US and Israel, really wanted to invade Syria.   

  Syria was not the main target or goal, but a ways and means to eventually attack Iran. 

   Boy were they beating the war drums, loud and constantly.   

  If Russia hadn't stepped in and intervened, things would have gotten real bad, real fast.  While Russia has many issues, and much error itself, thank Source for Russia fighting for peace during that time.   

   Perhaps this is why Cayce's guidance once said, *Russia must eventually become the hope of the world*.   If you have any understanding about how Americans viewed communist Russia back in the 30's and 40's when Cayce's guidance said this, you would understand that people did not even begin to understand this very strange to them statement. Even many of Cayce's supporters found it a very strange and unbelievable utterance.   

  Yet, not lightly said.  It seems that Russia did become the hope of the world in this intervention, and pretty much prevented World War III.  Because it would have expanded far beyond Syria.

  As i've mentioned before, it also would have precipitated some extreme earth changes--particularly very strong Solar events.   By this time now, much of the world would be collapsed and struggling for survival had Russia not stepped in when it did. 

   It's not that collapse and culmination of Earth changes has been completely avoided, but rather delayed and somewhat lessened by positive choice and actions. 

   Again, thank you Russia.
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