David wrote,
Quote:But as Justin has pointed out it says very similar things to much older sources: for the example the concept of Maya or the world as illusion in ancient Vedanta teachings. I believe the Gnostics say a similar thing. Indeed its lack of originality is seen as a negative by its critics.
In a sense, the physical is sort of an illusion, however, that's not the whole truth of the matter. If you read or listen to Rosalind's explorer sessions, they talk about this aspect, but her guidance doesn't say that error doesn't exist, and her source was big on "retrieval". One doesn't practice or care about retrievals if one doesn't think that suffering doesn't matter or doesn't exist.
In any case, this is NOT the problem i have with that course, it's that is actually is designed to program ego, polariziation-imbalance into the subconscious mind (which many consider to be more the ruling mind than the conscious in many ways). How it does so, i've logically outlined, and is very easy to understand if one has any knowledge of and experience in dealing with how the subconscious mind and suggestions to same work. Talk to a hypnotherapist about it. Ask them what happens when someone reads a long, boring, super repetitive book wherein the problem or thing you're looking to get away from, is constantly talked about so much when you're in that more sensitive, subconscious state because your conscious mind has become so inactive and the ruling subconscious mind so active, because the conscious has been been bored to death with lengthy repetition of the same concept over and over again.
Voila, subconscious programming. Otherwise known as "brainwashing". Oh gee, what MK Ultra was devoted to.
Quote:Justin- What you would call an overly-intellectualised approach I would call an evidence based one. Whether its global warming, postmortum survival or David Ike's lizards I try to take an evidence based approach. After all without bothering using evidence why not just believe that the world is secretly run by a covert group of mutant green space mice living on the planet Tharg !
Evidence? Surely you know and understand that humans as a lot are rather subjective beings? We have so many filters, preconceptions, limited beliefs. Take a look at science, the supposed bastion of objective, evidence based process and approach.
Yet, in practice, is this actually the case all the time? In many ways, for many people, science has become like a religion wherein people conveniently ignore evidence and data contrary to their preconceptions, the mainstream paradigms, or what they want to believe. There is fear of the unknown or unexplained... There is fear to go against social convention or to be different. There is fear of being wrong. There is fear of losing ones status, ones job, ones funding, etc, etc
David, you have to try a bit harder than that.
Oft times, truth is stranger than fiction, or rather stranger than mainstream beliefs.
Take Reptilian E.T.'s. These show up in some form or manner in various ancient cultures in myths, legends, religious writings. Do you think that if there really was a negative E.T. group involved with Earth and humans, that they would leave a lot of hard evidence for their existence? Maybe they are a bit smarter than that?
Precisely because of people like David Icke, i scoffed at and for awhile disbelieved in these. It wasn't until i started to get guidance messages about these, that i started to be more open minded to the possibility of their existence and involvement. Similar with Albert.
But you are ignoring my request and challenge. I'm asking you to step outside of your preconceptions and intellect and to tune into information on a deeper level. This is a site co started by one Bruce Moen. I'm assuming you have some interest in Bruce Moen's work since you are here. A big part of Bruce Moen's work, just as Bob Monroe's was, is the concept of "guidance".
And that we can communicate more directly with same. Especially as a means to convert limited human belief systems and perceptions.
All i'm asking you to do, is to step outside of your intellect and preconceptions a bit about ACIM, and tune into expanded guidance
within to perceive the real deal about it free of these. Free of Justin's, Albert's, Alysia's, Marianne's, etc, etc dogma. Just you and expanded guidance communicating within yourself.
Considering what site/forum we are on, this is a perfectly reasonable and logical practice and very much inline with one of the deeper intents and teachings of the founder of same--someone i assume we both have respect for.
Why the resistance?