Perhap instead of referring to homophobia, it would've been better if I referred to something such as fear of God.
Regarding Hugh Prather, despite the evidence he found amongst the followers he met with, he still continued to believe that the course is legit. This being the case, what is his explantion for why a significant number of course followers were more egotistical than usual?
The below is a part of Lesson 14 of ACIM. (Called, "God did not create a meaningless word.").
"The idea for today is of course, the reason why a meaningless World is impossible. What God did not create does not exist. And everything that does exist exists as He created it. The World you see has nothing to do with reality. It is of your own making, and it does not exist."
Later lesson 14 says:
"God did not create that war, and so it is not real.
God did not create that airplane crash, and so it is not real.
God did not create that disaster [specify], and so it is not real."
Back to what I'm saying, I believe the above provides proof of how I earlier stated that the Course tries to get people to be indifferent about the troubles in this World by brainwashing them to believe that it doesn't matter what happens in this World because it is "meaningless" (A word the Course uses repeatedly), unreal, doesn't exist.
Now if a Course presents itself as if it represents the absolute truth, a person decides to believe this is true, reads numerous words within the Course that say that this World isn't real and repeats affirmations that this World isn't real, is it possible that such a person might end up with the belief that he doesn't need to be concerned about the problems that exist in this World? Could such a belief lead to a lack of empathy that will limit how much such a person is able to live according to love?
One other point: Would a being of love and light present a 365 day one size fits all affirmation course?
heisenberg69 wrote on Mar 1st, 2014 at 5:58pm:'What if a fire and brimstone preacher blamed his flock's homophobia on their egos? Would that be a realistic defense?'
I don't think 'fire and brimstone' preachers normally worry about homophobia- except to worry there's not enough of it !
More seriously, though, maybe you read the passage differently to me but it just seems to be that the man is trying to be honest - if he was trying to paint a rose-tinted portrait of ACIM why mention the ego problems of the students at all ? Why not just say all is sweetness and light ? Are you saying he is both being honest and dishonest at the same time ?