a channel
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Well, i more or less agree with the above. Yet, it doesn't directly relate to what we were talking about, and especially not the points i was trying to make earlier. I discriminated that using a balance and integration of my "head" and "heart" btw.
Btw, it's not that i was completely disagreeing with you earlier, but rather i realize how relative these connections and trends are. It is far too easy to over generalize, and when one starts relating that to different races and peoples, it becomes a tricky and potentially limiting subject because some people will use that as fodder for superiority beliefs based on race, ethnicity, etc. Some people might associate greater intellect or IQ as something being inherently "better".
It also doesn't take into account various variables, like deeper aspects of culture, diet--overall nutrition, and other factors which can affect the intellect as relates to the human brain. When a body becomes malnourished, or imbalanced, this can lower the IQ of said person.
Western intellect has made life more comfortable to the body in a lot of ways, but it has allowed for the creation of some major problems and extreme destructiveness too. Intellect is naught but a double edged sword and tool, it can be used well and it can be very mis used.
It doesn't have a lot of worth in and of itself, it's the spirit, the intention, the quality of consciousness behind and within same that matters far more than the tool, and what determines how well or not said tool will be used.
I would rather be a low IQ human, but with a kind, simple, childlike, loving consciousness within same, than a very high IQ human whom's informing consciousness is cruel, unkind, intolerant, etc.
In any case, one can go deeper with some of the metaphors and analogies you used. For example, "head", what does this really mean? Most would say "intellect". Ok, yes i agree that head and intellect can be related. However, the actual "head" relates to much more than that. There are two unusual glandular centers within the head that go far beyond intellect and the head as we normally think of it. The Pineal gland and the Pituitary, these metaphysically can be related to VERY expanded states of consciousness.
Then, you also have the right brain hemisphere contained within the head, which is anything but "intellect" oriented.
It might be more accurate to refer to the "head" concept, as more specifically the "left brain hemisphere".
What we call "heart", can also be related to the "right brain hemisphere."
It can also be related some to the actual heart, but also even to the gut. Both the gut and the heart contain brain like neurons. Not well known, but the gut typically has more serotonin in it than does even the brain! In a sense, we also think with the gut. But we also feel with the gut.
And really, all of these analogies are just metaphors for understanding differences in consciousness and processes, particularly in relation to a human and a body. In reality, Consciousness in and of itself obviously goes beyond these.
It's just that the body gets patterned, in a symbolic way, after consciousness.
You wouldn't believe the kinds of connections that can be made between the body and states of consciousness and personality characteristics. A deeper and holistic study of astrology can reveal much about these "as above, so below" patterns.
The Essenes, the group that sought, and had a hand in bringing about, the conception of the Messiah of the last Age, Yeshua, understood some of these deeper correlations as they studied both astrology and phrenology in relation to consciousness and it's relation to the body physical and patterns encoded in same. The body and patterns can indicate much about the inner character of a person, provided there was not a sudden major transformation/change of livingness recently.
Perhaps in lieu of this, when speaking about Yeshua and his physical looks, Cayce's guidance commented on the almost perfect shape of his head. "Perfect" relating to both ideal symmetry and balance.
I was fairly often able to figure out a person's rough birth time, from their looks and birthdate--this was provided that the physical birth time and the energetic completion of the entity occurred around the same time (doesn't always happen, unfortunately for astrology and astrologers, it's not uncommon to have an accurate birth time record, but be dealing with an off chart because of this potential difference).