I am always surprised when I cross to the otherside. Even after some three hundred retrievals, this one was a first for me, and I wasn't sure I was going to be able to deal with it.
It all started normal enough with me going to 'my place'. On this day, I decided to finish the side room that was started for me some time ago. It has been sitting empty for several months ever since it showed up one day after a short absense on my part. I made it into a lounge for relaxation and open to any who need rest. I put in a hardwood floor and a thick Persian carpet to cushion sore or weary feet. There is a lounge to lie on and a couple of easy chairs...the kind that mold to the body to give you the most comfort. There is music, if wanted, and a view to ease the mind of any troubling thoughts.
After finishing that, I went to the main area and filled my heart with love thinking of all those who love me and the love I feel for them including all the pets I've had in this life time.
When I finished that, I asked for helpers to do a retrieval. David and Jan came forward. I've worked with them many times and they are now familiar like trusted co-workers or friends. I asked them to take me to the soul or souls to be retrieved.
We stood on the terrace overlooking the fabric with the rifts. I asked again to be taken to the soul. All of a sudden I had to throw up my hands and arms to protect myself from flying hammers. When I looked, I saw a red rift full of flying tools. I sent in PUL and then saw the tools not there. (An old trick but it still works.) The rift was still very red and active. I again sent in PUL so that I could enter. I was being bombarded with anger...so many angry emotions. I again gave PUL. I entered and called getting softer with each call of "Hello". I continued to give PUL and was finally answered. I asked for a name and got Michael and a whole bunch of others, but what I heard sounded to me like a bunch of 'ess's' no other clear names. Because of the anger, I didn't ask any more questions but continued to give PUL and asked my helpers to step up the PUL. I told the souls they were loved. I said they were children of the Source and therefore they were loved. I told them I loved them. I kept it up until they started to hear me. We finally got to the point where I could tell them about the 'Park'. I told them to touch hands and for two of them to take mine. I continued to give PUL as we left for the 'Park'. At the 'Park' I called for other helpers who also gave PUL until the normal quietude of the 'Park' returned, and the souls were calmed.
Then David and Jan, the helpers, and I returned to 'my place'. Thanks was uppermost in my mind because of the difficult retrieval. I had never run into so much anger. I didn't even know that it could exist to that extent on the 'other side'. I had been given a large lesson in emotions that day. But I also learned, Love conquers all. We just have to remember to use it.
This whole retrieval was about Love.
I hope you have enjoy reading this and I wish you love,
Baroness T'ressa
P.S. I now know what anger looks like to me...Flying tools especially hammers.