Bruce Moen
I do not go "out of body." Spent a very long time attempting to learn that technique with almost no success.
For me ordinary dreaming, lucid dreaming, imagination, out of body, these are all just different perspectives from which to observe and interact within "nonphysical" realities.
The nearest I have been able to prove to myself (and no one else) that I am indeed observing and interacting with an afterlife area of nonphysical reality is to use this Basic Premise:
1. Find a way to make contact and communicate with a person known to be deceased. 2. Obtain information from this person there is absolutely no way of knowing except via this communication. 3. Attempt the verify whether or not the information accurate and true. 4. IF the information is verified I have gathered evidence that this deceased person continues to exist, somewhere. We can call that "somewhere" our afterlife. 5. Continue this process until I have enough verified evidence to accept the afterlife is a reality.
Until scientists are willing to actually explore this question through their own direct experience they will make little if any progress toward eliminating the beliefs they hold that block their perception.
None of the "scientific" lack of oxygen type arguments can explain the thousands of people who are sitting in chairs, wide awake, who routinely succeed with the Basic Premise approach during my workshops.
Going back to your last question: It doesn't matter whether the Basic Premise is fulfilled using ordinary dreams, flights of fancy, imagination, lucid dreams, OBE or other methods. The information gathered is either verified or it is not.