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Exploration Partner (Read 15210 times)
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Exploration Partner
Sep 2nd, 2013 at 5:30pm

Just wanted to see if anyone was keen to do some partnered exploring in focus 27.

I am a graduate of TMI's X27 course but am seeking further confirmations and i feel PE is the next step.

If you are interested let me know.


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Re: Exploration Partner
Reply #1 - Sep 10th, 2013 at 4:27am
All I hear is tumbleweed and a large yawn.

Oh well, nevermind, I like my own company anyway.
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Re: Exploration Partner
Reply #2 - Sep 10th, 2013 at 1:30pm
This site is quiet sometimes. If you give it some more time, you will get a response.
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Re: Exploration Partner
Reply #3 - Sep 13th, 2013 at 11:27am
Hi JReid,

I agree with Seagull.  I'm sorry I haven't been on this site much lately, but in my personal life things happen sometimes that take over my mental attention.  I've had too many emotional, mental, and physical things hogging my attention lately.

I'd love to do some PE, but I know from past tries that I'm still not very good at it at all yet.  I need to practice, I suppose.  The last time I tried to participate, the other person was going way overboard posting so much that I felt there was no way I could connect to wherever and whatever his experiences were. 

It would be neat to have a conversation about some ways that people get themselves prepared and motivated for doing PE and other such nonphysical explorations.  Sometimes just talking about it can build up anticipation and excitement. 

One of the big components I notice which really works well for me is when I know the other person enough to have some kind of emotional connection.  I use that as their signature for making a connection nonphysically.  But as far as doing it with strangers I haven't shared any kind of connection with whatsoever, then it's pretty difficult for me to feel connected at all. 

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Exploration Partner
Reply #4 - Sep 14th, 2013 at 9:28am
That's okay Vicky. No need to apologise.

Good to hear you are interested in exploring. Don't worry though. Although I'm an X27 grad I still don't think I'm that great yet so I doubt I will be tapping in the divine while you're labouring behind.

I was a member on here before but haven't been on for a while and in fact I recall asking a few people (I think you included) about PE before. I was about to participate with you both when life got in the way and I never got a chance.

You talk about getting to know the other person to act as an ident while exploring. I like the idea. I probably have a head start on you though as I've read your book. I can start off by PM'ing you some info about me if that would help?

My particular routine is probably a mix of TMI and Bruce's methodology (obviously there's overlap anyway). Aside from things like resonant tuning and REBALs etc... I make a point of slowly moving to 27 by starting off imagining a set route (at all my TMI programs I got a constant theme of water imagery so I tailored my route to 27 to fit. I travel along a river on a bouncy rubber ring) which I think is how most people who pass through TMI approach it until they get proficient enough to simply feel for their PIC at the desired focus level and just be there. I personally feel a bit like Frank DeMarco in regard to f27. I don't take well to frontloading and so being told what is there doesn't help me to perceive so consequently I don't see the park or the reception centre. I have my special place though.

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Re: Exploration Partner
Reply #5 - Sep 18th, 2013 at 7:51pm
What would prove "it" to you? What is it that you feel you are lacking in experience? If we all were to participate together, what would be our preferred method? Would we all travel the same way? What would be the goal? I am not familiar with some of the terms you use. If we each agree to perceive each other in a certain way then maybe we could then move forward. If we don't perceive ourselves in the same place we could still know when we reach each other if there is an identifying marker for each of our characters, so we could go from there.
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« Last Edit: Sep 18th, 2013 at 10:19pm by seagull »  
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Re: Exploration Partner
Reply #6 - Sep 19th, 2013 at 10:30am

Although I am seeking further confirmations I don't want to adopt too much of a rigid approach. A playful and curious attitude seems to garner better results (personally speaking anyway). I suppose proof can come in a number of ways (exploration partners recording similar events, info from people who have passed).

I like to believe that it is real but I think on some levels I must doubt it (who wouldn't I guess?). I think it is holding my NP perceptions back to so I seek to break these doubts down.

I don't think there should be a preferred method for the group. Just whatever works best for the individual. I think the goals will depend on how successful we initially are on finding each other. For now I think that should be the goal.

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Re: Exploration Partner
Reply #7 - Sep 19th, 2013 at 12:12pm
Okay, would you like to make a call for anyone who would like to participate to have the target date of this Saturday? No particular time. In the past, we have allowed that the particular date is just a place setter and that the actual day of participation for any individual could be earlier or later because time is not important. Where we meet is outside of time. There is still what we perceive as sequence. Even in our everyday life time expands and contracts depending on our perceptions.

I have personally moved beyond the need for partnered exploration because I consider the universe my partner. I ask that the universe itself communicate with me on days in which I have doubt. The universe always finds a way to show me that my request is being answered, mostly with coincidences which are obvious. That's what works for me, and someone/something understands that about me.

This is something I did yesterday. I received two obvious responses. One was a flash so fast I could have missed it except I was right there at the right time.

But, this type of partnered exploration can be fun. In group settings in partnered exploration there can be amazing feelings of love and group energy.
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« Last Edit: Sep 19th, 2013 at 6:58pm by seagull »  
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Re: Exploration Partner
Reply #8 - Sep 20th, 2013 at 8:07am
Okay, since I have seen you here several times since my post and you have not replied I will assume that you are awaiting a different kind of opportunity. I step aside.
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Re: Exploration Partner
Reply #9 - Sep 20th, 2013 at 8:35am
Hey Seagull,

No, I'm interested. I just figured you were waiting for more people to answer your call so I held off. Let's see if we can get some more interest.

Saturday is fine for me. Just need more specifics. Although if Vicky was wanting to get involved it seems she may want some more personal information on us rather than just a place
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Re: Exploration Partner
Reply #10 - Sep 20th, 2013 at 9:35am
Then, I will be open to see if anyone else shows interest and if Vicki might be available.

I think it is good to agree on when we will post our results after our meet-up day. Whoever didn't get to join in on that day can wait to read the results until they are able to complete the exercise.

At least, I like that method. It involves trust. You can only prove things to yourself, anyway. You can't prove them to others.
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Re: Exploration Partner
Reply #11 - Sep 20th, 2013 at 3:07pm
Hi I'm here, just trying to catch up on the responses since my response last week.  I haven't checked here all week--sorry--and am just now seeing all this.

I PM'd you JReid, by the way.

I'm having technical difficulties today.  Would love to blame it all on Comcast but I'm thinking it's my energy having an effect.  I should stay away from all things technology-related today it seems....can't figure out why nothing is working right.  Angry

About PE...I agree with Jreid about keeping it light and fun and no rigid rules or approach necessary.  If someone tells me what to do or what to expect, it'll mess me up.  I get better results going in with dumb luck. 

And I agree with Seagull--this Saturday is fine, any time we each try is fine, and I know that I won't check here for anyone's results until I have my own, or at least having tried and didn't get anything.  So anyone is free to share results the day after.

JReid, I have no idea what I would "need" in order to feel a connection.  All I know is, when I really want to connect with someone, it works easiest when there's a strong connection on some level, usually emotionally.  I realize that's not something that can be achieved with strangers....I'll just have to wing it and see what I get.  Practice is better than nothing right?

Feel free to PM me though if you want to.  In between Comcast knocking me off the Internet, I think I was able to send you a message there a little bit ago. 

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Exploration Partner
Reply #12 - Sep 20th, 2013 at 6:14pm
So do you guys have an idea of a meeting place or plan?  I'm up for trying whatever.  I just don't know what everyone would like, or what kind of techniques they use. 

What I have had some success with is getting relaxed of course, closing my eyes, setting my intention, and then using pretending as a means for putting my focus into my intention.  What also helps is focusing on the energy signature of someone I know, imagining they are there, as it further pulls me into that altered state.  I guess any kind of pretending really does the trick for me, as long as I don't just simply fall asleep.   

I have an idea of what I might try if we have a go at it.  My question then would be what do we want to "bring back" to share with the group?  Are we looking for anything that's a hit, whether it be physically real or nonphysical?  Or do we want more of a group nonphysical journey or retrieval??

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Exploration Partner
Reply #13 - Sep 21st, 2013 at 9:03am
Based on what JReid has mentioned in previous posts I plan to leave it open-ended. I will use the meditation technique that works well for me, just a musical background of some kind, possibly with binaural beats. I may do a different meditation beforehand so that I am easily led into an expansive state with the music. I will focus on meeting up with you both and whoever else might participate, and then simply let the process unfold, whatever it might be. Here's lookin' at you, kid!
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Re: Exploration Partner
Reply #14 - Sep 21st, 2013 at 9:44am
Ok, here's one more thing, I will bring along a particular scent. That's all I will say about it.
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