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What are we here for? (Read 2805 times)
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What are we here for?
Aug 2nd, 2013 at 9:07am
I recently found that Bob Olson had added a third interview of Natalie Sulman to his video collection
but he also put two previous interviews in the same spot.

In the first one, about the Blink environment, he asks Natalie about something she said in her book. In the accident that precipitated her experience, there was an explosion, and in the blink of an eye , Natalie found herself sans body in a place where she was giving a talk to a multitude of beings about how certain things work in physical reality. In the interview, Bob talks about the realization that at first he thought she meant she was giving this talk AFTER she was knocked out of her body, but then he realizes this was something that was going on at the time she was knocked out and that she just shifted her awareness to the fact that she was downloading information; this downloadinbg was probably going on all the time. This realization led to comments that we as spirits are probably involved...our greater selves many things at the same time and we just shift awareness to one thing or the other.

I thought that was so interesting because lately I have been pondering more than usual about something that happens when I am falling asleep or not in deep sleep but napping. I seem to be involved in conversations or interactions that are internally cohesive but when I wake up make no sense to me at all. They seem important but I lose them so easily. If I try to take notes I don't know what to write down. Sometimes I feel confused over whether something IS part of this reality and I just forgot it or whether I dreamed it. Very confusing.

The same thing happens to me with dreams but in a different way. Dreams can vary so much. Sometimes I have what are to me very strange experiences. I couldn't possibly make this stuff up!!! I would flunk creative writing if I ever took it as a course! The dreams are internally cohesive but when I try to take notes nothing comes out right. I don't understand why.

So this part of the interview gives me the sense that I am shifting my focus to some other aspect of myself in some other reality. It is hard for me to understand how I could be so multidimensional! But this is the most satisfying explanation I have come up with to date. I know we talk about that here but somehow it looks different to me now.

So what do I do with this information? Not sure. One thing that is bothersome is that any ideas we have about WHY we are here permeate our interpretation of what happens. I would like to have guidelines about how to live or what to live for, but apparently they are personal and must be decided by the individual. But lately I keep coming across things that communicate the idea that we are here to have experiences and to learn.

To learn what? That is not always clear, because another message that always comes back is that from the perspective of the other side, things fit together differently; time is different; always there is some forgetting when we comre back fom the other side. Well, at least when I can't recall things from sleep, I am consistent with what others experience!

I do know that for me, one thing that is really difficult is to freely proclaim "I AM." I don't know how to explain what I mean and I don't know why it is hard. It is as though to say "I AM" is to take responsibility for the whole of creation. I am afraid to try to do that.

Don't know if this makes sense to anyone else, but here it is.
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Re: What are we here for?
Reply #1 - Aug 3rd, 2013 at 1:11am
Do you mean why do we focus part of our awareness in this level of consciousness we call the physical?

  Lot's of different answers for different folks i imagine, and also a fairly universal one of growing in the PUL kind of love and waking up to our full conscious awareness of Oneness (not something we magically get when we go into the "afterlife" or other dimensions/focuses/levels or whatever you want to call it, slices of pie work fine too). 

  But originally?  Probably goes back to the beginning of individuated consciousness.  Some parts splintered themselves off from the Whole and sort of got lost and stuck.  My sense is that physical earth when thought up was originally a much more harmonious pattern that was more fluidic and thought influenced, more like the "afterlife" that we can shift our awareness to now. 

  For whatever reason, a percentage of those lost and splintered selves found themselves focusing here, and sort of started messing with the harmony and the pattern, and as they did so, it crystallized more and more, become more set and structured, less fluidic, etc.  In a sense, the physical became an externalization of inner "stuckness", but mixed with the pattern of something originally in balance and beautiful.  The beauty here in Earth is real, but the form and the over attachment to same is the illusion. 

   Then some of us decided to help out the ones who got stuck, and what happened.  Well, truth can be found in strange places at times, "The Sons of Elohim looked upon the Daughters of men and found them fair."  A good number of the helpers who came, also got stuck to some degree.

   When we hurt or contribute to the limiting of others, we create "karma" for ourselves.  That's just a fancy way of saying the inner core of us always seeks to right wrongs and seeks balance and Wholeness, and one of the ways we do same is by experiencing what we have contributed to others and the Whole in general.  In an overriding reality of interconnectedness, it's hard not to be a sharer on some level, and the more you wake up, the more you realize how much you want or rather need to experience and rebalance those errors in relation to others. 

   Course, some got attracted here just because of curiosity, it was a different pattern than many other patterns we had become aware of.  More chaotic, more loud, more exciting.  Imagine listening to the more boring forms of classical music all your life and then suddenly hearing some crazy, slightly discordant improvisational jazz in the background. Yet, it's hard to not become part of such a pattern if you focus too much on it.  It's easy when focusing here to likewise become stuck and imbalanced.  There is a collective, built up pull, a gravity of sorts.  That's why there is another saying from that strange book which again has some truth, that "Satan is the prince of this world".  Symbolically speaking that is, meaning welcome to the area of consciousness of crystallized, concentrated rebellion to the Creative Forces and Consciousness.  The land of imbalance and unlove. 

  If you partook, well you got to dig yourself out.  It's the place we need to heal, for its the area of consciousness that is actually within us, the collective woundedness and imbalance.  It's the externalization of that consciousness within, of separation, of error, of imbalance. 

  The good news, we are in the process of healing it, of "retrieving" it and eventually many of us will become fully free.  Free to be the full Co-Creators with the Creative Source Consciousness that we were meant and hoped to be.  Still needs a lot of work and helpful focus though.  Every little bit of positive energy, of opening to love, helps.  Some are here more for themselves and their individual growth processes, i.e. working out karma, specific areas of emotional and spiritual growth, and some here are more here for others, many of them the original helpers/retrievers who came in way back when.  There were 'retrievers' created in the beginning.  Bruce saw true enough on that. 

  And there is probably more to it than i'm aware of also. In not having perfect attunement or balance, how can one be perfectly aware and cognizant?  Not possible, only temporarily when temporarily lifted up by another or collective who is. 
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Re: What are we here for?
Reply #2 - Aug 7th, 2013 at 9:36am
Some is here for experience, failure, success & learning, some is here for body survival and procreation, some is for guru jesus, some for reading, some writing, some both, some is here for something else?

Yeah, but bruce moen says.. - so what?

Yeah, but jesus says.. - so what?

Yeah, but I say... - so what?

What am I here for? What are you here for?

How much of what you are here for was/is based on real or imaginary expectations?
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Re: What are we here for?
Reply #3 - Aug 18th, 2013 at 12:54am
In trying to explain what you feel it seems to become more difficult because the words get in the way. We are multidimensional, absolutely sure of that. Our dreams are insanely creative! I sometimes pray to become more lucid in them, so as to be more conscious in them.

I AM. Could it be not so much about responsibility, but more about letting go, becoming more open, spacious like the sky. This allows the greater love that we are to show itself to us. It becomes apparent in unexpected moments...perhaps in nature, in meditation, in heightened states of relationship with others, at the time of our deaths?

This dimension of yourself can recognize itself. The greater Other of Yourself can speak to itself as Lucy. Or seagull. You might be walking on a beach and the rocks speak to you as you pass by. Or something that seems impossible actually happens to you. Or maybe you are on the edge of sleep and something speaks your name without words. This is how it might happen.
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« Last Edit: Aug 18th, 2013 at 10:32am by seagull »  
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