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Shifting From Logic to Intuition (Read 9939 times)
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Shifting From Logic to Intuition
Jun 16th, 2013 at 8:23pm
I thought I'd share something about what I've learned about shifting awareness between Logic and Intuition.  Many of you have probably seen me mention my project of developing psychic ability, or intuition.  I've studied it for years, diligently, and have adhered to all the rules and tricks and tips I've learned along the way.  It's why I got attracted to Bruce's work and what he teaches, because his tools and techniques for nonphysical exploration are the same thing as using intuition.

My kids and I started doing geocaching.  It's something to get you outside walking, with the fun of exploring for hidden treasure.  People anywhere in the world can hide a cache and then post its whereabouts on line.  You log on and it finds your location, and it gives you coordinates for nearby caches, and the GPS guides you there with a little map showing where you are in relation to the hidden cache.  The GPS tells you how many miles and then feet you are away, the closer you get.  It's never precise and can only come just so close, so once you get in the general vicinity you just have to look around.  Some caches are "microscopic" which is smaller than the size of a tiny tube of pencil lead, or they can be the size of a lunchbox, small ammo box, or much bigger.  So you just look under rocks, between rocks, logs, bushes, trees, anywhere.  Inside the cache, if it's big enough, is paper to sign and date and sometimes little "treasures", toys or souvenirs...take one, leave one. 

So the very first one my daughter Abby and I tried, well we had no idea what we were looking for.  We didn't know how big it would be or how obvious it would stand out.  We were led to a creek filled with water, mud, cattails, and rocks.  Trees and grass and rocks surrounding the area.  A tunnel where the creek went under the road.  The GPS had us pointed right into the creek.  Abby said, "Well I'm not adventurous enough to get down there and look through all that."  And I wasn't either! 

We knew the GPS had us in the general area but one step one direction and you were suddenly several feet away from the supposed spot.  It was a little confusing to know exactly where we were supposed to be looking!  The how-to video on the Geocaching site tells you that if you get within 20 feet or so, just start looking all around you in any direction since the GPS can never be exact.  Well, we realized this could be harder than we thought.  We walked and looked around all the trees, looking for disturbed earth.  Looking for tracks or obvious spots where something was out of place.  Looking for anything odd or an obvious hiding spot.  Nothing.  Got back down toward the creek again and cringed at the thought of looking in it. 

As I walked along the creek, I remember thinking that I didn't want to just give up.  This was adventurous, and I didn't want to disappoint my daughter, and I am not a person who gives up easily.  When I want something, I do everything I can to get it.  So then I told myself, "Vicky!  Duh!  You're looking logically.  You need to focus intuitively and just feel for it.  This is a perfect opportunity." 

I used a little mental trick...I envisioned a gauge stick shifting from the left side of my brain to the right, kind of like watching the speedometer when you step on the gas.  Once it shifted over I stopping thinking and turned my attention on what I felt.  I felt like turning my head to my left,  so I did.  My eyes fell on one rock near the creek bed at the head of the tunnel around 15 to 20 feet away from me.  I walked straight toward that rock knowing that my intuition had pointed me there. 

I said to Abby, "It's right here.  It has to be right here."  And she saw me reach down and pick up that rock.  Underneath it was a tiny cache the size of a pill bottle covered in camouflage tape and nestled in a little nook in the dirt.  I remember Abby saying, "Oh my gosh how did you know it was there?  How did you do that?"  But she knows.  I told her my intuition told me and she wasn't surprised.  My kids are used to it.

Switching from logic to intuition was like going from trying to look, to deciding to just stop looking.  All that was left was what I felt.  It happens in a flash of an instant, so you have to pay attention to whatever you feel, no matter what it is.  And it really doesn't matter what it is, just as long as you notice a feeling.  When you do, follow through.  Following through means having no doubt about the process.  Don't question it, analyze it, or work out in your mind if it makes sense or not.  Just allow your conscious awareness to move with it.  In this case, it meant turning my head toward where I got pulled, and walking over to where my eyes were looking. 

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Bruce Moen
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Re: Shifting From Logic to Intuition
Reply #1 - Jun 17th, 2013 at 4:18pm

What a great way to get some exercise, have fun with your daughter, and practice using your intuition, aka your nonphysical senses ! 

I've watched as you have been practicing and learning to switch from logical/ration/3D senses to nonphysical senses.  I really hope other visitors reading your post who are interested in learning to use them will take note of your technique and advice.  Each time we try and get positive feedback helps the process of developing those senses.  And it really is a feeling thing, just as you described.  It reminds me of the "360 Spin" technique which my typical approach.

Thanks for sharing your valuable experience with all of us.


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Re: Shifting From Logic to Intuition
Reply #2 - Jun 17th, 2013 at 5:02pm
Hi Bruce!

You are very welcome, it's my pleasure.  Thanks for your response.  I wouldn't have gotten this far so quickly if it weren't for your help!!

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Re: Shifting From Logic to Intuition
Reply #3 - Jun 18th, 2013 at 5:28am
I agree that this is an awesome example of how to shift gears and to perceive on an entirely different level. Would this be the difference between being "guided" and operating from our ego? What I mean is, would such a shift change how we experience life in general with other people, not just to find something? You had the experience with the bird, which was relational, and the experience with the "scavenger hunt" activity, which was relational in a different way. How would one test how this works in our relationships with other people? This was a very concrete example with the specific kind of proof people look for, and you had a witness.
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Re: Shifting From Logic to Intuition
Reply #4 - Jun 18th, 2013 at 5:26pm
Hi Isee,

I'm sure shifting your focus would change how we experience life in general with other people, but you wouldn't want to be operating like that all the time.  There's good in having a balance between both sides. 
But for instance, I do intentionally use an intuitive nature when visiting with people.  Much more can be read and communicated through energy exchange than through the physical.  I especially use it when acquiring someone's services.  I use it in addition to logically looking at someone's experience or credentials or judging someone by how they look. 

Here's a good example.  I remember years ago when I was still married and we were buying our second house.  We needed to find an inspector and we were choosing between two supposed reputable ones.  I remember my husband asking me to focus on both of their business cards to see what I thought or picked up on.  One card had just the name and information, and the other card included the man's photo.  I received so much more of a feeling of trust from the one with the photo that despite the fact that he was more expensive was the one I trusted more, so we chose him.

Same when I was looking for an attorney many years later when getting my divorce  Roll Eyes   I interviewed several attorneys before choosing the one I wanted to work with.  He wasn't the cheapest but I had such a good rapport with him and could sense that he and I were on the same page and that things would be smooth-sailing.  My focus of awareness while interviewing was a place of consciousness I had put myself in going into it so that I knew exactly what I wanted and needed...and then feeling these people out to see if they matched that intention and frequency.  We probably naturally use it without really thinking about it, but I know that I intentionally use this focus for specific situations.

And in a close or intimate relationship it especially is a wonderful way to communicate and interact.  It's so much easier to focus on the feeling of love from an intuitive perspective!

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Re: Shifting From Logic to Intuition
Reply #5 - Jun 19th, 2013 at 7:42am
I've had an experience in the last couple of days which felt to me like contrasting those variations in my state of consciousness. After having a disagreement with a close friend to which I reacted very defensively (although I considered myself so peaceful and so right!) I was all but ready to throw in the towel and give up on the friendship. But I am a stubborn person and I don't give up easily.

So, I had two different conversations in the last two days. The first was a very pointed discussion, opening the door, so to speak. I focused my attention much more clearly and was able to communicate in a way that cleared the decks for a continuing relationship. However, there was still friction from the receiver, still a strong ego presence from both of us.

Then, yesterday, I took a different approach. I was sitting in meditation during the conversation, simply watching beautiful images of japanese garden scenery crossing a screen while my dog sat on my lap and I read from Eckhart Tolle's "Stillness Speaks" to the receiver. I inserted no commentary from myself during the 1 1/2 hour long session over the phone. I simply read the passages from where I had been, finding that they addressed perfectly the subject brought up by the receiver earlier in the day. I allowed myself to read very slowly, absorbing each word, then paused, section by section, as the receiver reacted to the words, bringing his own interpretation to the center of focus each time. When he naturally came to the end of his thought, I moved to the next passage without speaking. Occasionally I would give a little chuckle or very slight addition to the conversation, only to reassure him that I was there, with no pause in my natural state of being. I found that I was very calm and totally immersed, and that the receiver's commentary became to me like a little babbling brook beside me as I continued the meditative experience.

I describe this encounter because it was so different from our normal attempts to communicate, in which we often find ourselves competing for attention and understanding and validation in an unhealthy way. This encounter began and ended naturally with no friction.

What was illustrated so beautifully for me was that there actually was no need for my presence at all, in an egoistic sense, because I could merely be the vessel through which the experience unfolded, just as Eckhart describes in his book, allowing the greater self, the oneness of all being to inhabit the space where my ego would normally operate.

I hope what I have written will make sense to you. So clearly did this experience show me how peace and love bubble forth in the absence of clashing egos that I was filled with a sense of completeness and satisfying naturalness.

There is no doubt that we create our reality, and that our quiet observation and our stillness are great assets when they are coming from that part of you which you have described in this topic.
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Re: Shifting From Logic to Intuition
Reply #6 - Jun 19th, 2013 at 9:57am
It sounds like both of you were in a place where you were ready and willing to communicate and "hear" each other.  Good relationships always have ups and downs and do take a lot of effort from both sides.  I can relate to what it's like to feel like the physical interaction of communication got us nowhere, but later alone I'll be better able to shift my mind to seeing the conversation from another perspective and then feeling and reacting differently, better, to it. 

Yes, when we "raise" ourselves we definitely affect the way we relate to others and how they relate to us.  It's an interesting thing to keep in mind in all daily contacts with people.  Glad the conversation with your friend had a way of bringing the two of you back to a good place and understanding and acceptance.
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Re: Shifting From Logic to Intuition
Reply #7 - Jun 19th, 2013 at 1:10pm

Still going strong, huh? That could mean a lot of things, but right now, it means still becoming strong. Who would have thought that? Worth a chuckle. Maybe. So. Pretending there's no sense of direction coming from one's self/ego, yet Tolle it is, and using his words as a buffer to become sort of invisible. And somewhat stillfully mighty, by voicefully teaming up with the author. Hmm. Maybe. The passages soften the babbling brook with Tolle's babbling brook, which is really the invisible ego's babbling brook, and by it's own admission disregarding the other babbling brook. Maybe not. Of course. Yes.

Having an attachment for kicking up dirt can surely be about a strong ego presence. Ok. And so can having an attachment for still-izing. Always? Never? Maybe not. Well, can this be understood purely by logic? Not the whole picture, not that intuition on it's own does that either. Weird. Maybe even crazy. The latter being a more comfortable explanation than having thoughts move up and about from the stress less in the mind. No ripples. Hardly a pulse. Life (tm).

This wasn't written with a cat on the lap, but indeed in a calm and still room, which is enjoyable. Threw in some rucola salad in the hair for both good measure and green earth tones matching this lovely summer day. No. Not really, but had a funny ring to it.
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Re: Shifting From Logic to Intuition
Reply #8 - Jun 19th, 2013 at 2:11pm
If a brook babbles in a forest...and no one is there to hear it...does it make a sound...
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Re: Shifting From Logic to Intuition
Reply #9 - Jun 20th, 2013 at 12:51pm
isee, if no one hears it, it will be retrieved by a helper, thus making it safe and sound.
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Re: Shifting From Logic to Intuition
Reply #10 - Jun 22nd, 2013 at 8:19pm
Bruce Moen wrote on Jun 17th, 2013 at 4:18pm:

What a great way to get some exercise, have fun with your daughter, and practice using your intuition, aka your nonphysical senses ! 

I've watched as you have been practicing and learning to switch from logical/ration/3D senses to nonphysical senses.  I really hope other visitors reading your post who are interested in learning to use them will take note of your technique and advice.  Each time we try and get positive feedback helps the process of developing those senses.  And it really is a feeling thing, just as you described.  It reminds me of the "360 Spin" technique which my typical approach.

Thanks for sharing your valuable experience with all of us.


Hey Bruce, would you mind describing again your 360 spin technique here?  I know that my own technique is along the same concept as yours the way I "send out" my awareness when I "scan".  I'd like to hear your way again, and I bet others would like to hear it too.

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Shifting From Logic to Intuition
Reply #11 - Jun 23rd, 2013 at 1:13am
Vicky wrote on Jun 22nd, 2013 at 8:19pm:
Bruce Moen wrote on Jun 17th, 2013 at 4:18pm:

What a great way to get some exercise, have fun with your daughter, and practice using your intuition, aka your nonphysical senses ! 

I've watched as you have been practicing and learning to switch from logical/ration/3D senses to nonphysical senses.  I really hope other visitors reading your post who are interested in learning to use them will take note of your technique and advice.  Each time we try and get positive feedback helps the process of developing those senses.  And it really is a feeling thing, just as you described.  It reminds me of the "360 Spin" technique which my typical approach.

Thanks for sharing your valuable experience with all of us.


Hey Bruce, would you mind describing again your 360 spin technique here?  I know that my own technique is along the same concept as yours the way I "send out" my awareness when I "scan".  I'd like to hear your way again, and I bet others would like to hear it too.


Hey Vicky and Bruce. Yeah! I also would like to hear and read more about Bruce's 'Spin Doctors' technique. Thanks so much. Lars.
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Re: Shifting From Logic to Intuition
Reply #12 - Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:26pm

So well stated. I love how you're able to describe so eloquently what so many of us struggle to put into words.

Thank you and much love,

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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Re: Shifting From Logic to Intuition
Reply #13 - Jul 1st, 2013 at 9:08pm
Ginny wrote on Jul 1st, 2013 at 7:26pm:

So well stated. I love how you're able to describe so eloquently what so many of us struggle to put into words.

Thank you and much love,


Hi Ginny,

Thank you for such a nice compliment!
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: Shifting From Logic to Intuition
Reply #14 - Jul 2nd, 2013 at 2:27am
Vicky wrote on Jun 22nd, 2013 at 8:19pm:
Bruce Moen wrote on Jun 17th, 2013 at 4:18pm:

What a great way to get some exercise, have fun with your daughter, and practice using your intuition, aka your nonphysical senses ! 

I've watched as you have been practicing and learning to switch from logical/ration/3D senses to nonphysical senses.  I really hope other visitors reading your post who are interested in learning to use them will take note of your technique and advice.  Each time we try and get positive feedback helps the process of developing those senses.  And it really is a feeling thing, just as you described.  It reminds me of the "360 Spin" technique which my typical approach.

Thanks for sharing your valuable experience with all of us.


Hey Bruce, would you mind describing again your 360 spin technique here?  I know that my own technique is along the same concept as yours the way I "send out" my awareness when I "scan".  I'd like to hear your way again, and I bet others would like to hear it too.


Hey all. I'm still waiting for the '360 Spin Technique' from Bruce! Maybe it might cost me dollars for this mystical solution. As Always. Lars 
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