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I don't have experience with terminally ill people in my lifetime, but will chime in either way. I've helped friends out who've suddenly passed on, and so they know they are more than bodies. My approach is then to lay out a sort of a map of the areas in the astral that I know about. I can't have any tied connections to where they go, but of course speak about beneficial areas. And that's basically (the library in) focus 27, to get their burning questions answered before doing anything else. The important thing for me is that it's their choice at the end of the day, no matter how good my intentions are.
You are more than a body. Not everybody has this experience to lessen fears about mortality. I'm guessing people will differ wildly in this sense, and possibly important to get a sense of where they are in this regard in order to get a feel on where to go next in the conversation. Maybe the strong believers in being bodies could benefit from conversation opening up to more possibilities than what they have experienced in their lives? Are they interested in hearing about your non-physical experiences? Are they down to earth and could benefit from hearing about practical experiences? Do you get a feel that they are the types that could benefit from the more sensational experiences? What are their beliefs? What do they think is going to happen? One size doesn't fit all in my xp, and guess some kind of improvisation is needed, and that what they say and think could be the basis for that improv.
Go into the light. Light beings. Sounds abstract & mystical to me. Has one examined the concepts one's passing on to someone else? I know my I-There takes care of business, and after reviewing Bruce Moen's take on the reentry station, I couldn't possibly advice anybody having anything to do with that. Maybe someone else will, but at least helpful to get direct experience about something before just passing something on.
Interesting topic, and vulnerable, for those who are in this situation. What does being stuck mean to you? What are your thoughts on how to advice people?