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A happy psi (Read 10708 times)
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A happy psi
May 5th, 2013 at 5:16pm

Here’s a true psi experience. I’ll document it by sending copies of the involved dated e-mails to a friend or two. Deny this, sceptics! (-8

A few months ago I had a sense of having a conversation as I awoke. In it a stranger told me his avatar name for another site and we discussed his involvement with psi. I know the memory was auditory (and not based upon something I read) because he sort of chuckled when he laughed.

Last week I finally got up my nerve to check out the experience. (Thanks Vicky and Bardol, for bringing up the reminder that we have to keep practicing and expanding these senses.) So with google’s help I found his email, wrote him about the conversation, described his laugh, and asked him if his avatar name on a certain site was ----.

He wrote back and said that had been his avatar name but he remembers no such conversation. Unfortunately he didn’t describe his own laugh but maybe he is suspicious and doesn’t want to encourage invasion of his privacy --even though he has written extensively about various psi phenomena, is he a doubter? (-:

So I wrote back and asked him how I would know his avatar name if he hadn’t given it to me in some psychic connection.  He hasn’t answered that one but he doesn’t have to.  He's already confirmed we had some sort of communication by admitting he used that name. (-:

This is my first known contact with a stranger where PUL was not involved. I’m thinking our shared interest, even love of, the field of psi / afterlife knowledge put us into contact with each other.

We’ve remarked here on this site about those snippets of conversations we hear as we awake, right? This confirms for me that those can be real communication with other entities.

Also I might add:
The website to which the man referred was previously unknown to me. He said I should go there because it was an interesting social experiment. His name there was made of full words that get pages and pages of other references in a google search, not a name that can be found through Google, which is my only search means.
And I found a photo of this person and looking at it made my third eye area snap, like to attention or to focus.

If you point out other ways the conversation with the avatar name could have happened, I’ll provide any other details that might pertain.
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« Last Edit: May 6th, 2013 at 4:37am by betson »  

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: A happy psi
Reply #1 - May 6th, 2013 at 9:12am
I have no doubts that what you experienced is real. What mechanism is involved I cannot say, except that it is clearly non-physical. Interesting that he was not thrilled by your revelation!
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Re: A happy psi
Reply #2 - May 6th, 2013 at 12:32pm
apologies for the L put on your name, Bardo. I must have been thinking of an exclamation point (-:
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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a channel
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Re: A happy psi
Reply #3 - May 8th, 2013 at 12:01am
  Why care what the "skeptics" think anyways? 

  In any case, cool experience and sounds quite "non physical" oriented, whatever physical and not physical means--i'm not sure anymore myself.
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Re: A happy psi
Reply #4 - May 8th, 2013 at 11:53am
<<Why care what the "skeptics" think anyways?>>

Well, that's interesting!  What about the skeptics who don't accept the official, governmental explanation of various events?  Should we not care about what they think?

It all boils down to our own belief systems. If a skeptic says something that is in line with our belief system, then we no doubt would agree with his/her skepticism.

On the other hand, if what is said is contrary to our belief system, then we would probably say "who cares" and dismiss their skepticism.

Belief systems are mighty powerful things.  All the evidence in the world usually won't loosen our grip on our beliefs, but when it does the crash is pretty traumatic, as Bruce has pointed out several times.


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Re: A happy psi
Reply #5 - May 10th, 2013 at 3:40am
Thanks for sharing. This is important because it shows the value of following what our individual "talents" are. You receive informationthat uniqule attracts you (Greek keys!). Learning to interpret our own stuff is important.

Makes one wonder what we get and miss because the connection isnot clear.
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Re: A happy psi
Reply #6 - May 10th, 2013 at 3:47pm

This is a remarkable experience. Do you recall if you did anything differently, as you were moving from the sleep state into consciousness, that could have enabled you to remember enough of the encounter to pique your interest to do a web search?

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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Re: A happy psi
Reply #7 - May 12th, 2013 at 12:16am
Hey Buddy. I believe you! After all, this is Bruce's imagination forum. With Much Understanding. Lars
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Re: A happy psi
Reply #8 - May 12th, 2013 at 4:56pm
Thank you for your interest!

Ginny, I’ve done a web search since then to try to find the avatar name connected to the person, but cannot find it.  Is that what you mean?

The conversational tone of his when he was talking about the website that was 'a good social experiment' -- that and his laugh are not things I could have read on a website previous to the waking conversation, right?

I suppose making contact with a stranger isn’t surprising since it happens as we retrieve, etc.  I’m just surprised I could carry on a conversation with a stranger in that way.

I wish you all would share or re-share some of your ‘waking conversations’ too. I know we’ve commented on such before, like with a recently passed relative etc.

Sorry I didn’t respond sooner, Ginny. I didn’t receive the usual notices that anyone had posted.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: A happy psi
Reply #9 - May 12th, 2013 at 5:16pm
LUcy said: "Makes one wonder what we get and miss because the connection isnot clear.”

Exactly!  This is exactly what hit me too, Lucy! If we knew to watch for these, perhaps we could become conscious of these contacts earlier in the conversations. Teach ourselves to answer the psi-‘phone’ just before they begin. (I think I’ll call them “psiphonic conversations (-Smiley.

I have heard a bell before getting some sort of contact but not for several years. Makes me wish I’d kept a journal so I could remember what kind of contact it was.

From a research point of view it maybe makes a difference as to whether the universe is feeding us information through the guise of a conversation, or whether we’re actually con-vers-ing with another being, having a back and forth exchange. So much study speaks of only one person being the receiver OR the sender. This fellow had a personality, it wasn’t just words.


(Oh, and he hasn’t contacted me again.)
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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: A happy psi
Reply #10 - May 12th, 2013 at 6:28pm

When something similar happened to me a few months back I've been wondering ever since what it was, or what was different about that encounter, that could have helped me to recall it like I did. It happened so quickly and often with me it can take awhile for me to realize the nuts and bolts of non-physical experiences, the left brain stuff.

In any case, what has come to me so far is that I think I woke up in the dream (lucid dreaming), primarily because of my cousin's overwhelming, energetic presence...and because the skills I've been learning, to engage with others in the non-physical, worked as well (feeling, sensing, knowing). Any of this make sense?  Shocked:) I'm just wondering this through, curious. Sometimes I don't put into words very well what I'm thinking.

Also, as I understand you, you encountered someone in the dream state that you had not previously known in the physical...and that person gave you information you could not have previously known, personal information you were able to later verify as fact in the physical?! Bets, isn't this the kind of proof Bruce talks about?

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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Re: A happy psi
Reply #11 - May 13th, 2013 at 9:53am
Yes. Yes. And yes. (-: 
It does for me anyway.

Going back to your first comment, Ginny, do you think your cousin’s presence might have become overwhelming and energetic because the experience slid from being a lucid dream to a more direct psi encounter?  You had the intent, same as what's used to encounter others during retrievals, so maybe that works to get these conversational encounters going.

Have you checked with your cousin to see what memory (s)he might have of such a conversation? Or even whether the ‘dream’s’ topic has come to mind at all? Apparently whether the other person remembers such a conversation or not isn’t proof. We must have aspects or perhaps a Higher Self that is able to get out and around while our conscious mind sleeps. Anyway that’s what 'makes sense’ to me now.


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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: A happy psi
Reply #12 - May 13th, 2013 at 10:08am
Hello again,

I’m losing my nerve to contact persons that might have talked with me through the afterlife energies. However,
a few mornings ago I awoke in the midst of a friendly visit with someone I think I’ve met through the ether before. This person does not sign in here but they might surf through occasionally. I glimpsed them in their more idealized form (younger etc) just as I exclaimed “Are you a muslim?” That was a conversational stopper and the shock of my out-of-place question abruptly awoke me.

If any reader remembers hearing such words as they awoke around May 4th, I’m happy to confirm my end of the conversation. Guess I just did.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: A happy psi
Reply #13 - May 13th, 2013 at 12:20pm
You can visit me in the non-physical anytime! I will keep an eye out for you. I have called on friends from this and other sites occasionally to help me in prayer for another person, and in one case for some help that I needed for myself. I have never gotten any confirmation that they remember having been there, but have wondered about it.
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Re: A happy psi
Reply #14 - May 13th, 2013 at 6:34pm
Hey Bets I believe you.  You all know me and how weird my experiences can be!  I say it's ok to work with what you get and it'll open you up for more.  It all starts somewhere.  I think we get little nudges all the time of experiences put in our way to wake us up to take notice.  Most people just brush it off and call it coincidence. 
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