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For the animals (Read 11834 times)
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Re: For the animals
Reply #15 - Apr 24th, 2013 at 1:03am

Using the imagination is good practice for a lot of things.  When it comes to your questions, how can you tell the real from what's made up, I think practice making things up opens the channels for allowing real things to come through.  Pretending, imagining, and creating open up other areas of your perception that you're not used to using.  Then at some point, if something real were to come through or be perceived spontaneously, you might have a way of proving it's real and that you had no other way of knowing that information. 

It really does take a lot of practice and part of that process means giving yourself some leeway.  For instance, I'm learning how to develop basic psychic ability (that we all have, we just don't normally use it).  And I have to find ways of testing it.  That means I'm wrong a lot of the time, but it also means that when I'm right I am able to see why I'm right.  It's not guesswork.  When I'm right about something psychically, there is a pattern to it, some kind of signal that happened.  Then, the next time I have the same signal with another experience, and the psychic things proves true, there's my proof.  Then my practice has something new for me to work with.  This is how my development process works.  I take LOTS of notes.  It can be boring but I'm diligent and it pays off. 

Practice using the imagination and making contact and exploration is the same kind of thing.  If you allow yourself the right to be wrong, to be practicing and pretending, you'll open yourself up to the real stuff. 

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: For the animals
Reply #16 - Apr 24th, 2013 at 7:41pm
Thanks for the reminder that our imagination is the door, and not a diversion from the spirit world. I have been feeling that I am deceiving myself, as time passes between significant experiences in my spiritual life. But I know in my heart that what you say is true.
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Re: For the animals
Reply #17 - Apr 25th, 2013 at 1:04am
Hey Bardo, I feel the exact same way.  I hate the in-betweens.  I'm on a high after having an amazing experience, but then as time goes by I feel discouraged.  Not that I'm not believing what I experienced, but that the energy of the feeling of the experience passes and I crave more.  It's what I call an "in" feeling.  When you're in the energy-state of an experience or feeling, it comes over you like being in love, like brain chemicals, like endorphins.  When that state passes, you're left with wanting more.  The only way to get through it is to remember to do what you've learned, practice, meditate, and keep at it.  Keep bringing the feeling back to your mind until you feel it again.  That's the doorway that the imagination opens for you.  Eventually you'll have another experience.  Remember not to put yourself in a "waiting" mode or else that's all that will happen.  Instead, open the door by remembering and re-experiencing the feeling of what you want to experience and feel, by remembering or pretending.
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Lights of Love
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Re: For the animals
Reply #18 - Apr 25th, 2013 at 9:04am
When you're in the energy-state of an experience or feeling, it comes over you like being in love, like brain chemicals, like endorphins.  When that state passes, you're left with wanting more.  The only way to get through it is to remember to do what you've learned, practice, meditate, and keep at it.  Keep bringing the feeling back to your mind until you feel it again.  That's the doorway that the imagination opens for you.  Eventually you'll have another experience.

Great post Vicky!

The only thing I would add is that we all need what I call "downtime" to process what we created in our life, and in our spiritual being during the "high" creative  period.  To me it's a time of reflection and contemplation.  As much as we love the highs, the "lows" are just as important.
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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: For the animals
Reply #19 - Apr 25th, 2013 at 10:16am
Hi Kathy, thank you!  I completely agree with you about the need for downtime.  It's an opportunity for a lot of learning, growth, and integration.  As "experienced" as I am I'm still inexperienced, especially when it comes to allowing life events to affect me emotionally and making me believe I'm not good enough to have or do more, or believe I'm somehow being "punished" because I try so hard and get no results.  It's a nasty loop.  I've learned that I'm the only one who can get me out of that loop. 

The way I remember that is to remember the movie City of Angels.  Toward the end when the angel Seth chooses to become human, gets the girl, she dies soon after, and he's sitting there feeling all the emotions that go along with what he is experiencing.  (I know what a downward spiral that can be, sitting with your emotions).  His angel friend shows up and Seth asks him, "Am I being punished?"  And his friend says, "Come on, you know better than that."  This is how I remind myself to meditate to raise my consciousness away from the emotions that pull me down sometimes.  It's not always like that in those in-between times but it can be sometimes.  Just depends on what's going on in my life.

And writing is so therapeutic and I highly recommend it.  Even if it's just a personal journal.  It works well for bringing out the detail of the memory and for integrating it into your conscious mind.  It's why I keep such detailed notes!  Otherwise, I know how easy I could forget much of it.
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Lights of Love
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Re: For the animals
Reply #20 - Apr 25th, 2013 at 11:29am
Oh yes, I agree with you about writing.  I lost count of all the journals I've kept over the years.  It would probably take me another lifetime just to re-read them! lol Smiley

btw... if you haven't purchased a blender yet, Sam's catalog that I received a few days ago has the same one I have online for the same price I mentioned.
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Tread softly through life with a tender heart and a gentle, understanding spirit.
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Re: For the animals
Reply #21 - Apr 26th, 2013 at 11:35am
Sorry to take this thread off the track, but this is in response to your thoughts above Vicky and friends. This morning I was meditating and stated my intention to do a retrieval. I had committed to myself not to be too passive and just wait for something to happen (based on our discussion above). Very quickly I saw a small "animated" hand reach through the blackness and pull me through it. It belonged to a cherub of classical style, who was animated like a cartoon. I took its hand and we started to fly over fields and lakes, I was not sure who we were going to retrieve or where we were going and began to lose faith in the process, when very suddenly, directly in my right ear (only), I heard a small voice whisper, "I promise they're in the room". This was one of those show stoppingly clear sounds that you hear, made all the more interesting by the fact that I only heard it in my right ear, which I don't ever remember happening in this kind of situation. I immediately started to think about who "they" might be, and assumed maybe my family or other helpers, although it could have been anyone or thing. I got no strong input on that and eventually came out of my relaxed state. I did not do a retrieval, but am mighty curious about what they meant by "I promise they're in the room"!
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Re: For the animals
Reply #22 - Apr 26th, 2013 at 12:55pm

Sounds like you're getting there, and for all you know maybe you did do a retrieval but you don't remember that aspect of you doing it.  It sounds like there was a part of you that pulled away and that's where your awareness went. 

I've learned from experience that the breakthrough one is needing and waiting for is subtle but tricky.  Tricky in that you have to kind of fool the part of you that is skeptical, in doubt, or discouraged.  I think of it as two sides of me each trying to get what they want.  The doubtful side thinks it will always win and prevent anything from happening, so the curious side needs to be creative. 

At the point in your process where you were relaxed, meditative, committed, and had set intention, that's the point where the creativity comes in handy.  What works well for me is to tell myself that I've set my intention, so that means that I will treat the very next thing that happens to me as if it is in direct response to my intention.  No matter what happens, no matter what I experience, I'm going to act (pretend) as if it is exactly what I asked for. 

So the tricky part is not to let your doubtful or logical side take over and say, for example, "Well the very next thing I'm experiencing is seeing a flower.  That's silly.  Obviously it doesn't mean anything."  If you do that, the doubt is winning.  But if you just tell yourself, "Ok, I see a flower.  I'm going to stay in the process of my intention and "ask this flower" to take me to do a retrieval. 

Anything works, as long as you play the role.  You know you may still be doing some faking and pretending at this point, but the point is to bypass that part of yourself which is always going to pull you back logically.  Playing along with whatever comes next in your awareness is the key to pushing you through that doorway, that breakthrough needed to get you away from logical physical-world senses and thinking and move you to nonphysical reality awareness and senses. 

That flower could be a Helper disguised as a flower.  Or it could be your mind's way of trying to throw doubt in your way.  I just decide to trick myself and pretend it's exactly what I need to get me where I want to go.  Sounds weird but it works.  I think it works well because if you're already in a deeply relaxed state you're already halfway there because your mind is so suggestible in that state.  It's important to hold onto awareness of your intention, though, so that you don't get overtaken by dream sleep.  Holding onto conscious awareness is key, also will help you bring back memory of the whole experience when you're done.

By the way, I'm sorry too this conversation got off track but it's all good so that's ok.  I also wanted to mention to you that I've heard speaking in my right ear as well.  Others I know and trust have too.  I think it's a nonphysical phenomenon that we experience as if it's a physical sense of hearing.  I think it has to do with the way our psychic and nonphysical channels of communication work.  I actually experience it in normal waking life.  It's pretty interesting isn't it?  You'll have to do some investigating and retries to dig more into your experience.  Maybe you can get deeply relaxed again and see if you can remember more of your experience.   
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: For the animals
Reply #23 - Apr 26th, 2013 at 1:23pm

I've learned that I'm the only one who can get me out of that loop.

If you find writing therapeutic, making a life review in writing might contain a few surprises - starting with birth and up until now. The journey, so far, with particulary keen eyes on the spiritual aspects.

One way is to keep repeating events/loops in mind during the whole process, to see where they originated from (and thus maybe become more aware of new creative ways to solving any current challenges), how you have been victorious with some loops, how you have tried to break some loops. What are the active loops as of this moment? Lessons learnt, potentials gleaned but untapped.

Life reviews don't have to wait until non-physical life. Wink
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Re: For the animals
Reply #24 - Apr 26th, 2013 at 1:51pm
Hey BobMoenroe,

Thanks for the suggestion.  It's an interesting idea and something that I'd probably enjoy doing.  I know I already do work on those things in my mind a lot (until I need a break) but I've never tried writing it.  I can see how writing it out would help, especially if I just let myself do stream of consciousness writing.  Would I ever want to go back and read it all?  Ha ha, I don't know.
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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: For the animals
Reply #25 - Apr 26th, 2013 at 4:09pm
I think I would benefit from that exercise. How to approach it? Writing down all the events that I can remember starting from the earliest memories. At some point I would need to start editing just to keep it manageable. And would I comment on the events or just report them to myself? Intriguing, and it would be a commitment.
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Re: For the animals
Reply #26 - Apr 27th, 2013 at 1:33am
Ok, the concept is fortunately simple and open ended enough to shape however one chooses.

My suggestion is to start with first breath, your mother giving birth, and keep going until now. Report and make comments where comments seem to be natural. Divide into chapters, starting with chapter 1, age 0 - 14?, and finish chapter 1 before going on to the next. Last chapter: So, where am I going from here?

Suggestions of things to keep in mind:

- Editing to keep it tidy but be honest about what's coming out on the screen. You're doing the reading and writing and no fingers are waiting in line to do their dance of judgements.

- During reviewing and writing your story, pay attention to what of the world and the people you've met that you've allowed to enter and take up residence in your being, and why did you open the door if hesitant? Some ideas might have helped you, some might be long over due?

- Loops, repeating events that keep on repeating are important, and may hint at unresolved issues. Maybe along the process you become aware of it's mere beginnings, and aware of sub loops that can help you dismantle bigger loops. The very same loops seem to go on with different persons and different circumstances until dealt with, finally and properly.

- Drinking water doesn't tend to be an addiction, but are you addicted to substances or circumstances? Why? How did it start out?

- Important choices, forks in the road - why did you choose how you did? Remember, honest and straightforward.

...I'm sure there are more.
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