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Out of sync with physical reality? (Read 22208 times)
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dutch spirit

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Re: Out of sync with physical reality?
Reply #45 - Feb 11th, 2013 at 3:43am
Berserk2 wrote on Feb 11th, 2013 at 2:01am:
The only skill you display is that of a troll who at times excretes sufficient venom to discourage intelligent discussion. 

That is proper English. That is the kind of English I would like to speak. But I am Dutch.
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A View into the Hereafter
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Re: Out of sync with physical reality?
Reply #46 - Feb 11th, 2013 at 2:04pm
Don et al-

A fisherman will keep returning to his favorite spot as long as the fish keep biting.  When they stop, he moves on to find a different place.

Same with Carl.  As long as we keep taking his bait, he'll keep posting his insults.

He has nothing of substance to contribute, and his only motive is to keep stirring the pot.  Why continue to respond to him? That's exactly what he wants and we're playing right into his pointless game.

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Re: Out of sync with physical reality?
Reply #47 - Feb 12th, 2013 at 4:37pm
Vicky, your experience as an apparent solitary walking around a hospital 4th floor with lots of people initially invisible to you may well iillustrate a neglected point repeatedly made by Jesus.  Jesus often tells people that the Kingdom of God is upon them, is in their midst without no visible sign, and can become very "near" to them.  By "kingdom," Jesus means both the realm and reign of God.  So the question is, how can this be experienced?

In your experience, as in shared NDEs, you actually seem to have found yourself tranported by that hidden elevator into a different spiritual realm overlapping a crowded earthly realm.  Perhaps, your presence in that realm held potential for paranormal experiences that eluded you due to your understandable puzzlement over what was really happening.  I liken this to my occasional experiences of finding myself in a special "zone" in which I somehow know that wonderful synchronicities are about to happen.  For example, I'm worried about reports of seniors in assisted living places having to skip lunch because they attend my services; and I get an impulse to enter a book store and explain my concern to the first person I encounter, and he says, "My wife is in charge of that; don't worry--I'll explain the problem and she'll take care of it."  And so, she did. Or I feel an irrational compulsion to enter a particular restaurant for breakfast, and am immediately accosted by a father who tells me about his son's learning disability.  I feel called to volunteer for specialized tutoring and the Dad is so grateful.  In all such cases, it seemed that I was in a different realm or dimension in which new paranormal possibilities seemed obvious in a way that would never happen in ordinary consciousness.  I sense that subtle but unrecognized transitions to different realms or dimensions occur at times without our awareness, with the result that amazing opportunties for service are missed.  Jesus' teaching in this regard is too mysterious and metaphysical for modern Christians to embrace. 

ADDENDUM: 2 minutes after I composed this post, I felt an impulse to get a book from my car to show a lady in my church.  While outside, a woman I hardly know, Rihanna, shouted my name from the college steps across the street.  She asked me to help her and her troubled daughter with tutoring/ mentoring and I agreed to do so.  Just prior to composing this post, I had eaten breakfast at a local fast food place.  There, two young boys asked me to tutor them and teach them how to play chess, hearts, and bridge.  I consulted with their mother and we will work out a time for me to do so.  Their Mom also wants me to help them improve their writing and communication skills.  I believe I could flourish in different "zones" of synchronistic encounters like these more often if I could more easily escape from the trap of living in my head too much.  Too often I quite plausibly talk myself out of revelatory impulses on rational grounds.  For me, following my instincts is almost always wiser than listening to the inner voice of logic. 

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Re: Out of sync with physical reality?
Reply #48 - Feb 12th, 2013 at 8:46pm
Hi Don,

I thank you for engaging me in sharing my experience here.  That special zone you're talking about is the same thing I know and have experienced many times in my life.  It's a "going with the flow" state of "mindlessness".  By that I mean, when we are at our most comfortable, baseline, self, able to move in whatever direction we're naturally drawn to, then we are in our greatest alignment with our higher self and the communication and connection is most open.  That's why all those synchronicities happen so perfectly.  I love those kinds of moments. 

All too often I am driven by what I need to do, by a schedule, planning or juggling different things all at once.  I have to remind myself to sometimes just go with the flow of my intuition and just do whatever I'm naturally pulled toward, without analyzing or being too logical.  Like you said, if you could stop living in your head too much.  Yes, all too often I'm overthinking and planning what I do or should be doing instead of just being in the moment. 

I find that pulling all my conscious thought into the moment and just being there, just feeling, just observing the moment is what makes those "zones" possible.  And to do that I have to practice doing it.  I have to stop myself from constantly planning and preparing.  Being a single mom of 2 high school kids, I'm constantly thinking about our schedules, or who needs what, does laundry need to be done, what do I need to add to my grocery list, what errands do I have to run this week, etc.  So when I get any down time, I use meditation this pull my awareness all to present moment and when I'm done I "move" in the direction I'm naturally pulled, which means that wherever my thoughts go, whatever I wonder about or feel like doing, I allow myself to think or do it rather than switch gears toward logical things.  I'm able to receive answers in that intuitive-guidance level because I'm more present in the current moment/state instead of in my typical scattered-awareness thought processes of day-to-day living. 

Reminds you of being a kid right?  I remember what it was like being a kid.  I would move from one thing to the next without being logical about it.  Playing with whatever pulled me to it.  Or outside daydreaming.  Or riding my bike without thinking about anything.  Even riding in the car, I could just stare out the window.  All those things were wonderful "mindless" states of being, great for facilitating that connection to our higher-self awareness.  It was so easy back then.  Now when I'm driving, of course I have to pay attention to what I'm doing.  But I still sometimes find that I can arrive at my destination not having any memory of having driven.  Good thing we always have some part of our awareness paying attention even when we're off daydreaming somewhere. 


ps--one of my favorite stories of my childhood was mom telling about the time when I was about 6 months old.  My brother was 4 and a half and playing outside like he always did, all day long until he was called inside.  One day while mom was changing my diaper on the changing table, she turned to grab something.  Right then I rolled off the table.  She saw my brother walk into the room and put out his hands and catch me.  He didn't say anything, just went right back out to play.  Later when asked, he said he just felt like coming in at that moment and he didn't know why.  The whole thing was so "instinctual" for him, he didn't question it, just followed the impulse.  I of course know that that whole scene was guided.  Someone was looking out for me that day!
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Re: Out of sync with physical reality?
Reply #49 - Feb 13th, 2013 at 1:38pm
Jesus often tells people that the Kingdom of God is upon them, is in their midst without no visible sign, and can become very "near" to them. By "kingdom," Jesus means both the realm and reign of God. So the question is, how can this be experienced?


This reminds of " Him we live and move and have our being..." To me it is like we are always within the realm and reign of God.  We are always "there" and it is only our focus of awareness that changes.  We are a spiritual being that is capable of shifting and interposing consciousness into what appears to be a physical reality.  Since the current main focus of awareness is physicality, the moments in which we experience altered states of consciousness or are in the "zone" seem ephemeral.  That's simply because of the physics (laws/rules) we've imposed upon ourselves as spiritual beings. 

We've done this for good reason... to evolve consciousness like little worker bees.  And you're right, if we live more in our heart, rather than our head, we would have more experiences of and within "the realm of God." I usually think of these experiences as inner guidance.  The best, perhaps only way to be in the zone more often is to meditate.  Meditation has been shown to change the brain and it is the brain that acts as a constraint of consciousness for experiencing physicality. 

I meditate 2 or 3 hours a day... about 30 minutes of tai chi every morning, then 30 or so minutes of prayer and meditation in the morning, afternoon and evening.  I've done this for years, but it wasn't long after I'd begun to meditate many years ago that I discovered I would throughout the day be in the zone quite often.  Now it is like I exist in the awareness of two worlds.  Or in other words I'm in the zone much of the time and that permits information to filter through quite easily whenever it is appropriate.  In addition, it's a bit more difficult, but I can access information by using my intent and I will receive the information if it is appropriate, valuable and useful.

When we are in deep meditation (And we can fall into this state many times throughout the day without even being aware of it.) we feel the same qualities that we attribute to God.  We begin to awaken to our true inner divinity... our inner guidance.  Have you ever noticed the deep sense of "I" or "I Am" that we have?  This sense of "I Am" is always the same.  It never changes.  I feel the same sense of "I" now as what I felt as a child.  Sure my character and personality, my likes, dislikes, memories and beliefs have changed, but those are dynamics of my ego, they are not the "I Am" that I have always felt within me.  That has never changed.  And we all feel this "I" that never changes.  It is the feeling of consciousness itself, or perhaps even God as the ground of all being.

Erwin Schrodinger said: "What is this "I"?  You will, on close introspection, find that what you really mean by "I" is the ground-stuff upon which all experiences and memories are collected."

Thomas Merton said: "If I penetrate to the depths of my own existence, to the indefinable 'Am' that is myself in its deepest roots, then through this deep center I pass into the infinite 'I Am', which is the very name of the Almighty."

The more I think about these two quotes, the more profound they seem to me. The deep, deep intimacy felt within is ineffably indescribable. I've always thought of this as God within, even as a child.  It is more than thought or belief.  It is feeling your very being, the Kingdom of God.


PS to Isee:  This would apply to your thread, so I won't repeat myself.
btw, great threads Isee and Vicky.
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