I for one never suggested that Pauli be banned - just so we are clear. However, everytime you went on the Bin Laden thread, your computer port was attacked in such a covert way that only Malwarebytes picked it up but not AVG or other common antivirus programs.
I private messaged Pauli, and he did not respond. Others found the same malware linked to his pictures.
You seem to think that cultivating PUL means that you can never take action to do anything but accept any attack. Morihei Ueshiba, commonly known as O'Sensei was the founder of aikido - the martial art which uses the attacker's energy to either throw him or immobilize and end the attack.
O'sensei used to say that aikido was founded in love. It was a very difficult concept, to see the attacker get thrown in a heap. But for him, the correct application of technique to disarm an opponent could only be applied with love. The love was the knowledge of the attack and the best response to end the situation quickly - his definition of love.
Love doesn't mean allowing anything to happen, no matter what the outcome. You rage against people who aspire toward love banning others (implying that their love is just for show). How self-righteous of you!. You would never ban anyone, would you, Bob? You simply would let the malware run through the computers of the hundreds of people who might go through the thread. Right? I mean hey, by your school of thought, if you are loving, truly loving, then you can not do anything which might cause discomfort toward anyone, for any reason? (If you feel differently, let me know).
If a person is being beaten in an alley, would you walk the other way? I mean if you have the live-and-let live attitude, perhaps the mugger was just exercising their free will, right? No sense in defending the victim, right, because that would not be loving (since you would have to enter into a conflict).
No one on this site is claiming to be JC. But even JC had his moments, such as getting angry at the moneylenders, overturning their tables in the temple, and giving some negative sentences to towns and villages which had not recognized his ministry.
To my way of thinking, expressing love does not require passivity. Acceptance of the situation, yes. So if one tries to harm you, and you can not dissuade them, then defending yourself can be done with love. Love is not (as i feel you assume) equated with inactivity or passivity. You can genuinely love others, but act defensively (such as banning Pauli when he refuses to respond to the malware) when you are attacked.
Tell me, Bob, how would you have handled the malware? If Pauli refused to acknowledge or remove it. What would your ideal solution, based in love, have been?
I get where you are coming from. You don't like elitism, or cliques. You have a live-and-let live attitude. You are particularly irritated by those who seem sanctimonious, and pious, but then appear to act in a selfish way. I do respect that about you. Even if you called me a man-boob