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...after all these years (Read 5597 times)
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...after all these years
Jan 28th, 2013 at 10:02pm
Hi everyone,

I just thought I’d share this brief encounter I had awhile back, a visit from a cousin of mine I had not heard from for over seventeen years. Even after all these years, racking up many verifications that directly point to proof for me of consciousness surviving physical death, I was astonished on many levels…some of which I hope I can put into words here.

I was just minding my own business, in the process of slowly coming out of a good nights’ sleep,  when I had the most interesting ‘dream’. I was suddenly in an animated conversation with Joe, a cousin of mine, who I’d bet dollars-to-donuts never gave a thought to anything to do with the afterlife. He did most of the talking, telling me a few things he had wanted to say but had never had the chance. His was bursting with excitement, vitality and happiness, which were kind of uncharacteristic of his quiet and rather private personality. I was dumbfounded, actually.

And then I snapped to wakefulness and didn’t move for a few minutes as I wanted to let sink in what had just happened. The first thing I said out loud was, “Uh oh, I think someone died.”…because there was not even a shadow of a doubt that Joe had dropped by to say, so long. It hadn’t been anything he had said, nothing in his mannerism that conveyed he was outta here. It was just an overwhelming ‘knowing’ that I was left with--the same ‘knowing‘ that Bob Monroe and Bruce Moen have taught, of which I and so many explorers have discovered in afterlife adventures.

And I did what I always do: I sat on it for a day, just to see if anything else would come through, which I‘ve learned to do because several times a lot of understanding/answers follow in the wake of a retrieval or afterlife experience. Not much else came to light and the visitation kind of took a back burner until the following day when, out of the blue, I received an email from a family member letting me know Joe had passed on. And I let go with a loud f-bomb!

In calling his sister I learned that he had died of a massive heart attack in the early morning hours, which did indeed line up with my time zone visitation. It brought her relief to know he had been excited and full of life.

Even now, after all these years, it still blows my mind when these kinds of experiences, so easily overlooked or discounted as just coincidence or sentiment, remind us of just how close and real the afterlife really is, and our innate ability to communicate and interact.

Well thanks for reading this and much love,


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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Re: ...after all these years
Reply #1 - Jan 29th, 2013 at 10:43am
Very cool Ginny - thank you for that.  Just curious, were you particularly close to that cousin?  My paternal grandmother came to say goodbye to my sister the morning she was found dead in her bed.  She was much closer to my sister than the other grandchildren.  I was about 5 and she was 11.  She woke up and said she saw grandma Frances - they talked and she smiled and waved goodbye.

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Re: ...after all these years
Reply #2 - Jan 29th, 2013 at 11:21am
Hi Ginny-

So good to hear from you!

When I read your post I immediately thought of an experience Arthur Godfrey talked about many years ago.

So I tried to find it on the net and lo and behold here it is along with some others.

Btw Godfrey was not known as a religious person, in fact quite the opposite.  So I'm quite sure he wasn't predisposed to believe in the afterlife when the incident took place.  Which at least to me makes it even more credible.

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Re: ...after all these years
Reply #3 - Jan 29th, 2013 at 12:30pm
Thank you, Ginny, for the encouraging experience you described. We don't get to hear from you very often, but it is always a pleasure.

And that is an interesting link, Rondele.

What comes to mind for me is that a short while back, within the last week or two, I had a vivid memory of my sister calling me in tears over an incident which happened years ago. She had lost one of her cats and thought she had come upon it on the road. She thought it was her cat, which had been run over. She called me from her car practically hysterical with grief. It turned out it wasn't her cat but someone else's poor cat. Well, to make a short story short, she called me last Friday and just caught me before I left work, and I mean Just caught me, at a time which I wouldn't normally still be there, having been unable to find my keys and lingering after everyone else had long gone. She was bursting with tears to tell me that she had had to put down a cat she had for many many years. It had been ill for a couple of weeks, unknown to me. It was ready to go. To me, this was a kind of precognition. Some kind of message, for sure. Maybe not as clear and "amazing" as the others on this thread, but a sure sign that we are often prepared for our own and others' losses in ways which can be seen and felt.

By the way, although I don't like to put this much personal information online, generally, the cat who crossed over on Friday was named...Boo.

It was originally and continually rather feral, but much loved. Extremely shy.

Go figure.

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Re: ...after all these years
Reply #4 - Jan 30th, 2013 at 7:47pm
Hi Matthew,

How are ya?

I wasn't close with my cousin. I last saw him around 20 years ago. He was a good guy, hard worker and took care of his family. I'd say he could have been one of the last people I'd ever expect to show up like he did.

I'll bet your sister had no doubt your grandmother had stopped by to extend her love and a farewell.

Much love,

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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Re: ...after all these years
Reply #5 - Jan 30th, 2013 at 7:55pm
Hi Rondele,

Good to talk with you again.

I loved Arthur Godfrey and I never heard about his afterlife visitation--but I was a kid then, so...  Roll Eyes. Did he talk about his experience on his show?

I loved listening to that voice on the radio.

Much love,

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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Re: ...after all these years
Reply #6 - Jan 30th, 2013 at 8:48pm
Hello Isee,

Oh, absolutely. A vivid memory of her fear and sorrow at the possible death of her cat, why then? Coincidence, a brain fantasy? Seems to me you received a very clear warning of something about to happen and since you were on the go a lot, perhaps that was the most economical way to get your attention? It's how a lot of information is conveyed while in afterlife experiences.

I was in the middle of communicating with nonhuman beings many years ago while on an afterlife experiment, and my mother appeared suddenly, asking me to accompany her to help someone. Just the fact that she was there, interrupting me, while I was engaged in what I considered some exciting exploration, was a confirmation of I did not have her on my mind at all. Anyhoo, I gave in and we took off and soon arrived at what appeared to be an upscale neighborhood. I asked who needed help and she communicated something (it's almost always nonverbal and swift), but I couldn't get it. I asked several times who she was talking about and nothing seemed to work to help me understand. I then sensed she was going to change tactics and a large flowering bush appeared in front of me. I paused and gave her a look as if to say I was on to her silliness, hoping she'd finally stop playing this game. In a nano-sec I was looking at a bouquet of flowers. Still nothing. I could feel her frustration growing and I wanted to laugh out loud, when several enlarged, red roses suddenly appeared about 12 inches from my face. I drew a blank, and then it hit me: roses, Rose! My great grandmother!

Much love Wink,


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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Re: ...after all these years
Reply #7 - Jan 31st, 2013 at 11:58am
Hi Ginny,

Thanks for sharing your amazing experience.  These kinds of "dreams" are so different from regular dreams and the knowing you describe is exactly right.  There are so many other attributes to the experience which make it more than just a dream.  These visits are so comforting and leave you feeling as if you were just physically with that person.  I've had visits in this way from living people as well.  It's neat that you woke just knowing he had certainly died.  I think our awareness in these kinds of states is definitely at a higher vibration, making it much easier to understand and receive what's taking place, i.e. not just a dream but the reality of an actual visitation.

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Author of Persephone's Journey (
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Re: ...after all these years
Reply #8 - Feb 2nd, 2013 at 7:37pm
Hi Vicky,

How are you?

Yes, it was a great visit Smiley.

There aren't words to explain to skeptics how one just 'knows' a certain event has taken place. It's something that has to be experienced, which is why I feel Bruce's discoveries are so important.

Much love Vicky,

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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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Ralph Buskey
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Re: ...after all these years
Reply #9 - Feb 3rd, 2013 at 11:35pm
Greetings Ginny.

   It's so good to hear from you again. I always loved reading your retrieval posts from a decade ago. You may not remember me since I didn't post very often back then. Actually, I don't post all that much now either.

Believe it or not, I still have 16 of your posts saved on my computer from 2002 and 2003 in text files. If you haven't saved anything from back then and you would like to read those text files from your old posts, then let me know and I'll send them to you. They total only 194 Kb in size.

   It would be nice if you stay on the board once again. 

Your admirer,
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Ralph Buskey Ralph Buskey  
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Re: ...after all these years
Reply #10 - Feb 4th, 2013 at 7:49pm
Hi Ralph,

Well I thought your name seemed familiar. How ya been Smiley?

Ya know I typed up and printed almost every retrieval and afterlife jaunt back then, mainly because I was concerned it would all get lost in cyber space because of my iffy computer skills. How cool that you did that, Ralph. Thank you. Hang onto them as I'm in the process of going through my files (another iffy skill!) and they could come in handy down the road.

And yep, I'm going to be around. I'm glad you're here Wink.

Much love Ralph,

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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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a channel
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Re: ...after all these years
Reply #11 - Feb 5th, 2013 at 2:04pm
  Hi Ginny,

  Yes, isn't interesting that no matter how many experiences or even verifications we may have had in the past, that some new and different experience can sort of blow us away a bit, or at least engender a feeling of excitement.   Thank you for sharing the experience. 

    I had an experience fairly similar many years back--about 10 or so.  In High School, which was a few years before the experience, there was a young man who lived pretty close to where i did for awhile.  I had actually been friends with his brother when much younger, but didn't know him at that point as he was younger and we were in different grades.  Now we were in the same grade during high school (i stayed back one year). 

    Anyways, there seemed to be a strong mutual fascination with each other--for me it was akin to meeting someone i knew and felt i had been close to in other lives.  This was similar, but different.  We weren't so much friends as acquaintances.  After high school, we didn't see each other anymore, but i would occasionally have a dream about him. 

  A few years later, i had a dream out of the blue after awhile not having one about him.  In the dream, he seemed very happy and he told me he had just moved to a new place--i could see him there while talking to me, and it felt like a large dorm type setting--lots of individuals there together. 

  About a week or so after the dream, a friend from Highschool called me up and said, "Did you know that John died recently in a car accident?" (the time frame of when he died and i had had the dream were very close)  I said no, but i'm not surprised as i had a dream message--it instantly clicked that this was what the dream was about--a "knowing" as you said. 

  Btw, i found out eventually, that John was part of the same "Disk" that i was and this explained the similar but  oddly different feelings i had had before.
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Re: ...after all these years
Reply #12 - Feb 7th, 2013 at 7:45pm
Hi a channel,

How neat to have gotten a 'knowing' about his passing, as well as later confirmation of being from the same Disk.

Something else I still to this day find intriguing is how someone, such as my non-religious and hard-working-hard-partying cousin, could transition from a sudden heart attack in the physical to a new adventure in the afterlife without one hitch. He had such a vitality and joy about him...which was what I think made me focus in on his visit in the first place, as opposed to just letting it go as more dream stuff.

Much love,


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"Intelligence is knowing that which is important." Albert Einstein
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