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Re: Swedenborg flaws (Read 24136 times)
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Re: Swedenborg flaws
Reply #30 - Jan 28th, 2013 at 3:07pm
DocM wrote on Jan 28th, 2013 at 2:36pm:
I have read Heaven and Hell, and 2 other texts. . .

DocM/Matthew, would you mind answering some of the questions posted
in this thread? Feel free to take your own approach on the answers.
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Re: Swedenborg flaws
Reply #31 - Jan 29th, 2013 at 12:57am

I will answer your questions with the assumption that you really are interested in the answers.  I have my doubts, because your thread reads like someone who wants to pick a fight with Don, makes up his mind before learning the facts, and then throws out random information trying to cause a conflict.   

I will enumerate my responses to your questions:

1.  Swedenborg's concept of the Last Judgement was not what you suppose it to be.  So your ridiculing of him saying it happened in the 1700s shows you don't get it.  You imagine all of us being judged and given a Heaven or Hell pass.  Swedenborg did not. 
His book he Last Judgement  speaks against the concept of a divine judgment during some future rising of the dead. Instead, each individual after death, goes through a personal last judgment in the world of spirits. Pauli, this is a poetic rendering of a spiritual concept, not a true judgement by a God with a long flowing beard.  Read his Last Judgement, and you will understand why he thought it occurred in the 1750s (in spirit).  Your comment that this was cartoonish therefore simply demonstrates your lack of understanding of his analogies about a spiritual awakening. 

2.  Swedenborg's scientific discoveries.  You state you could not find any or his friend was responsible for most of them.  This is is just absurd.  Swedenborg was one of the most prolific scientists of his age.  His patents and discoveries were numerous.  He is credited for being one of the first people to propose the concept of the neuron as a functioning unit of the nervous system.  He undertook an extensive investigation into human anatomy, which rivaled, Davinci.  Many references site his achivements prior to his conversion to being a mystic.  So this assertion of yours was false.

3.  Pauli, many of your criticisms then focus on how Swedenborg would respond to concepts from Monroe and Moen (i.e. the Disc, reincarnation, soul retrievals).  Pauli, this assumes that the Monroe/Moen model is correct and the gold standard by which everything is judged.  This is ridiculous.  While I hold Bruce in high regard, and appreciate TMI, many mystics and astral travelers do not believe in Focus levels, hollow heavens or the Disc concept.  So to say Swedenborg can't explain it, is somewhat meaningless. 

4.  Swedenborg has many concepts which mesh nicely with New Age and modern theories of the afterlife and consciousness.  When you say he did not believe in a trinity - quite correct.  A division of God (a unity) did not make sense to him.  Many Christians see the trinity as three aspects of one God, not seperate beings.  Swedenborg was not accepted by dogmatic christians because of this. 

5.  The criticism of not describing life correctly in other solar systems, our planets, etc. means, .......what?  ES was a man.  He never claimed to be God himself.   He related all he could understand in writing. 

Pauli, you make assumptions - that ES believed he was infallible (he never said that), that he knew everything, etc.  He was actually a humble, incredibly enlightened guy for the 1700s. 

Read Heaven and Hell, and then let's talk.  His interpretation of the spirit, spirituality, and his knowledge are truly inspiring.  I am not a christian, yet I love his explanations of our inner nature and his interpretations on love as the foundation of our being and unity. 

So you see this entire thread is based on faulty assumptions and really a desire on your part to pick a fight with Don.   I appreciate ES for who he was, but acknowledge that he was a man, who did his best to interpret his experiences, document them in great detail and share them with the world.

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Re: Swedenborg flaws
Reply #32 - Jan 29th, 2013 at 6:13am
DocM wrote on Jan 29th, 2013 at 12:57am:
I am not a christian. . .

Your answers are partly unclear. We need some common ground as Swedenborg's
books to 99.98 % are based on Christianity. Much of the knowledge Swedenborg
got during his astral travels came from the Christian god (or from Christian angels).

Also, I want to know if you've answered anything. I'll simplify my questions.
Do you believe:

(A) The Last Judgement happened in the year 1757? Yes or No.
(B) The Second Coming of Christ is God's Words through ES's writtings? Yes or No.
(C) Do you deny Trinity? Yes or No?

DocM wrote on Jan 29th, 2013 at 12:57am:
Swedenborg was one of the most prolific scientists of his age.  His patents and discoveries were numerous.

Mention one patent.

Mention one of Swedenborg's patents.
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Re: Swedenborg flaws
Reply #33 - Jan 29th, 2013 at 8:43am
Pauli, here is my understanding of the answers found in his writings to your questions.

Although Swedenborg's theology was based in christianity, he summed up two main ways to express love as he understood it; love of one's fellow man, and love of God.  He saw God not as a trinity in reality, but as an ineffable flow of this love.  You either allowed the love to manifest in your thoughts and actions, or you chose to block it, or go the other way.

As to your questions:

1.  ES believed the last judgement occurred in the year 1757 - that this was done in the spiritual plane, and was not the hokey idea you have in mind taught by some churches.  However, he freely admitted that his interpretation did not fit with most ideas about it.  He felt that as people turned toward love, this would be the second coming of Christ (Christ being the embodiment of love).  All of this was meant to be seen not as a literal judgement by a guy with a long flowing beard. 

You may want to read his two small books about the last judgement - I think they are less than 100 pages. 

2.  He felt that the understanding he achieved about love was the real second coming of Christ.  Not so much a figure of a man floating down to Times Square as you might imagine.  Since Christ's message was love of other people and God, ES felt that his second coming would be the realization of this through his writings and direct experience.  Was that a bit self-important?  Perhaps.  But he was sincere.

3.  Do I deny the trinity?  Not sure why you ask me - since I'm Jewish, and believe in the unity of all things, I don't believe in such things.  However, ES, while he believed in the teaching's of Christ, also believed that the artificial separation of God into father/son and holy  ghost was not "real" and more like three blind men examining an elephant's trunk, ear, and stomach. 

As to his inventions, I can quote you from a biography  on ES:

"Queen Ulrika Eleonora and their surname changed to Swedenborg. Emanuel's scientific inventions include a dry dock of new design, a machine for working salt springs and a system for moving large boats overland.

In the field of biology, Swedenborg stressed on the importance of cerebral cortex. Apart from these, he drew feasible sketches of futuristic machines, including an airplane, a submarine, a steam engine, an air gun and a slow-combustion stove. Emanuel Swedenborg was offered the position of a professor in mathematics at Uppsala University, in 1724. However, he declined the offer, because he dealt with geometry, chemistry and metallurgy mainly, not maths."

Pauli, the information is out there, just explore on your own.  What beef do you have with Don that makes you try so hard to disparage ES?  Your misunderstanding about the last judgement and trinity is understandable because you didn't get the gist of his spirituality. 

What comes through loud and clear is that you have a beef with Don or something he wrote and not so much this fascinating explorer from the 1700s.

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Re: Swedenborg flaws
Reply #34 - Jan 29th, 2013 at 11:41am
DocM wrote on Jan 29th, 2013 at 8:43am:
As to his inventions, I can quote you from a biography on ES:

"Queen Ulrika Eleonora and their surname changed to Swedenborg. Emanuel's
scientific inventions include a dry dock of new design, a machine for working
salt springs and a system for moving large boats overland.

Those things were not scientific inventions, but engineer constructions of Christopher Polhem.

Could that biography have been influenced by The New Church?

Swedish children can read about Christopher Polhem in there school books.
Nowhere in Swedish school books is Swedenborg mentioned, so I doubt
Swedenborg was much of a "great scientist" or "great inventor".

And you still couldn't mention one single patent of Swedenborg.
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Re: Swedenborg flaws
Reply #35 - Jan 29th, 2013 at 12:02pm

Your response is bizarre.  I am not familiar with the patent office in Sweden from the 1700s, but I have cited his extensive work on neurons, human anatomy, and other inventions - the specifics can be found in any reputable biography of ES.  You will find reams of information about him and it makes your criticism of his achievements appear bizarre.  Your statement that Polhem was truly responsible for all of ES's works is totally unsupported, yet you repeat it frequently. 

It is clear that ES was an interesting, intelligent and gifted man well ahead of his time both in a practical sense and in a spiritual sense.  In a way, your responses are similar to deniers of many factual events like the holocaust, 9/11, etc. in that even after admitting that ES made these anatomic investigations, mechanical inventions (which the history books have recorded), and was renown throughout the western world for his accomplishments and offered positions of teaching, etc., you have disparaged him without any real knowledge about him (since you refuse to read an in depth history or his actual writings). 

The other unusual part of your thread - and a reason I believe you should voluntarily remove it, is that it serves no useful purpose.  Several posters, including Don have mentioned that they find one or another issue mentioned by ES with which they can either find fault or disagree.  So no one is saying he is God-incarnate.  In that sense, you have a thread entitled "Swedenborg Flaws," that really is simply saying nothing new. 

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Re: Swedenborg flaws
Reply #36 - Jan 29th, 2013 at 12:21pm
DocM, you have mentioned several times that Swedenborg was an inventor
and made patents.

Maybe it's Berserk who has tricked you into believing that? When I urged you
to mention one patent of Swedenborg, it was because I knew something.

DocM wrote on Jan 29th, 2013 at 12:57am:
This is is just absurd.  Swedenborg was one of the most prolific scientists of his age.

His patents and discoveries were numerous.

Swedenborg never made any patent.
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Re: Swedenborg flaws
Reply #37 - Jan 29th, 2013 at 12:42pm

You clearly have no sense of ES, or his accomplishements.  I don't have access to Swedish patents from the 1700s - I am not even sure for which inventions patents were required.  He was widely regarded for his published works at the time.  As I said, read a book man, and get some first-hand knowledge.  I know from my readings that he was a prolific scientist and inventor.  He published an anatomical text on the human cerebrum (brain), including detailed drawings and insights into the brand new concept of the neuron as an organizing cell and detailed drawings and descriptions of the exocrine glands long before Gray's Anatomy was made.  I suppose that is not worthy of note in the 1700s (ridiculous, right).  His research and accomplishements in multiple fields are clear-cut.  Could one look up patents from the 1700s?  Perhaps - not my cup of tea.  But open your eyes, and stop disparaging him just to suit your twisted agenda with Berserk.

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Re: Swedenborg flaws
Reply #38 - Jan 29th, 2013 at 1:06pm
Yes, I do get you. However, I also have to consider whether I would want someone to dredge up some of the inconsiderate things I have said or done in the past and post them in this way for everyone to look at. I cringe at the thought of going into an afterlife in which people do such things as drag everybody's mistakes in front of others to expose or punish them. I really don't want to do that here and I really don't want to do that there. Sometimes people keep repeating things they believe and that's just who they are. We can rise above. At least, I think we can. I've been learning some things on this thread. I think.

People have always disagreed about history and the "truth" forever. And people do destroy evidence of the "truth" to suit an agenda sometimes. For me, the message is, don't believe everything you read. That's what my parents always told me.

PauliEffectt wrote on Jan 28th, 2013 at 1:44pm:
Why are you doing this? Berserk already said he doesn't believe this stuff.

No, Berserk has not.

Nothing so far.

Berserk has said nothing if you re-read his few posts in this thread. Besides vague
sentences, I can't find any explicit statement on _anything_ being wrong of

Just vague, vague...


Instead I've found things like this, praises to ES (Swedenborg) without
boundary and stabs at Monroe/Moen.


Guess, what.

I began examining this fellow Swedenborg to figure out if _any_ of Berserk's
high praises held water, because Berserk had few specifics in his writings
on Swedenborg, just a lot of rather unclear words.

And what I found, I have too some part put in this thread.

Does that sound strange?

Perhaps you should take a look at Berserk's past posts? I will show you
a few quotes below, but I want to keep them short. You'll have to click
on the referring link to get to the full content.

Otherwise, no.

Berserk has answered nothing.

No answers.


If Berserk is right and Swedenborg is the best astral traveller ever and
all the other astral travellers are poor crap, then Swedenborg should
hold for a simple examination, shouldn't he?

So why is Berserk not answering any questions if Swedenborg is such
great explorer? After all, those are Berserk's claim.


Some quotes here - shortened though (click "Berserk wrote" below to get to the full posts):

Berserk wrote on Dec 27th, 2006 at 2:41am:
But ES was the most gifted astral adept who ever lived.  Just read my reports of his
awesome verifications.  He is universally considered a unique genius.

Modern adepts like Robert Monroe are nowhere close to being in the same class.

Berserk wrote on Sep 13th, 2005 at 3:58pm:
And it is simply dishonest for you to ignore the consistency and quality of ES's
verifications that underpin his astral claims, especially when Moen and Monroe
suffer so much by comparison.  Intuition is no substitute for logic.

Berserk wrote on Mar 8th, 2007 at 6:23pm:
I suspect from my reading that neither Bruce Moen nor Robert Monroe has had
much experience with ES's heavens.

In my view, ES is more gifted and spiritually advanced than the modern adepts
I have read.

Perhaps, that is the reason why neither Monroe nor Moen experiences extensive
teaching form Jesus or God.

Berserk wrote on Sep 13th, 2005 at 1:24pm:
In my view, it is not a question of ES being better at contacting the dead than
Monroe and Moen; it is a question of ES being able to do what Monroe and
Moen can only pretend to do on a regular basis. 

When Moen was unable to work, he gladly accepted the generous donations of site
members. Why didn't he charge money for his services and contact deceased loved
ones of site members. Because he can't do it and won't admit it!


Berserk wrote on Sep 14th, 2005 at 1:09pm:
As for my criticisms of the Monroe-Moen claims, the cultic mentality of their followers
is eloquently demonstrated by their inability to sense the absurdity...

These are a few posts of Berserk. There are more such trash-talks.

isee, do you get me?

If the shining castle turns to dust when I take a closer look at it,
isn't something wrong?

If Swedenborg is such a great guy, then why can't those question
marks be straightened out?

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Re: Swedenborg flaws
Reply #39 - Jan 29th, 2013 at 2:13pm

Doc is right, you have a vendetta going against Don.  And it's beyond tedious.  I think you should devote your time sending PUL to aliens. 

And since you cherry picked Don's old posts, going all the way back to 2005, let's see how you like it when the tables are turned?

In May of 2011 you suggested that the CIA removed all the passengers of the plane that crashed into the Pentagon on 9/11 and put them into cold storage.  And then the CIA either transferred them into a morgue or stuffed them into the Pentagon to make it look like a plane really did crash into the building.

This kind of thinking reflects a mind that is clearly delusional and unhinged.  You apparently have never been to the Pentagon and have no clue about the heavily trafficked divided highway adjacent to the Pentagon that carries thousands of commuters each and every day.

So those people who saw the plane heading into the Pentagon that morning are either lying or perhaps were paid off by the CIA?  And the first responders who pulled out the charred bodies were also lying when they described the carnage?

You clearly need help Pauli.  Your connection with reality is severed and explains these kind of repugnant posts.

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Re: Swedenborg flaws
Reply #40 - Jan 29th, 2013 at 3:33pm

So for the CIA to have pulled this off, it means one of two scenarios:

Either the CIA intercepted all of the passengers while on their way to Dulles from all over the DC region, and dragged them out of their cars or the Metro or a cab and put them into vehicles with no one noticing during a normal DC rush hour, OR once the passengers boarded, the CIA stormed into the plane before takeoff and somehow herded them out of the plane (again with no one noticing) and put them into cold storage.

And then within an incredibly short time frame, the CIA was able to transport their bodies after killing them and "stuff" their bodies into the Pentagon with no one noticing??  Do you even have a scintilla of insight as to how insane this is?

And you want me to go on a separate thread to discuss this further??

I'm done with you and I hope others are done also.  I won't dignify this grotesque nonsense any longer.   

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Re: Swedenborg flaws
Reply #41 - Jan 29th, 2013 at 3:39pm
I'll answer you both below.

rondele wrote on Jan 29th, 2013 at 2:13pm:
And since you cherry picked Don's old posts, going all the way back to 2005. . .

. . .whether I would want someone to dredge up some of the inconsiderate
things I have said or done in the past and post them. . .

Rondele and isee, it is Berserk2 who has urged me to go back and read his
old posts. He made no reservation to his posts, and urged me to go read
from the start of his Swedenborg-Astral-Projection-Father thread.

But go pick his post from 2008 or 2010, or perhaps from this month:

Berserk2 wrote on Jan 18th, 2013 at 4:28pm:
Oh, and Pauli, actually suspend your bias for a half hour and actually read
through this whole thread.  You'll realize that ES is far brighter than any
modern adepts. . .

Robert Monroe's alleged OBE verifications pale by comparision. . .

Berserk2 wrote on Jan 18th, 2013 at 10:35pm:
Here's a thought, Paulie. . the Swedenborg thread to discover just how
brilliant the man was, despite his flaws.

And, well...

I read through that thread.

I can inform you, it took more than half an hour.
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Re: Swedenborg flaws
Reply #42 - Jan 29th, 2013 at 6:08pm
Oh, I think that crazy train has already left the station....hey, stop this train, I want to get off (she laughs and makes a flying leap for it)
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Re: Swedenborg flaws
Reply #43 - Jan 29th, 2013 at 6:40pm
For my money the statements: 'Swedenborg was a genius' and 'Swedenborg was not infallible' are not mutually exclusive. No self-respecting modern physicist would argue that since Einstein was an acknowledged genius his work cannot be improved upon. I don't see the problem here. However, I do find it find it slightly strange  when big statements are made about Swedenborg's superior verifications when there is no objective rationale for deciding (who decides that Swedenborg's famous fire clairvoyance 'trumps' say Monroe's fabulous card prediction in paranormality!? ) Surely its not about pontificating about what someone else thinks/thought, but, as Bruce Moen has always maintained exploring for one's self; getting one's own verification.

One advantage, though, I think that modern 'adepts' enjoy over historical figures is that we can question them or people with first-hand experience of them. For example when I wanted to know more about the Scole events I was able to ask Rupert Sheldrake about his impression of the session he attended - not something we can do with Swedenborg or his contempories !
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Re: Swedenborg flaws
Reply #44 - Jan 31st, 2013 at 2:48pm
In Swedenborg's The Last Judgment, he concludes from his astral travels:

- Heaven and Hell are created by humans.
- There is no Devil or Satan personified, Hell is Satan/Devil.
- Angels are former humans.
- Hell is inhabited by Angels and humans, as is Heaven.

- Priests of the Christian church are corrupt, worshipping gods
  of gold, silver and copper.
- The priests of Rome falsify God's Word.
- The priests of Rome have made gods of themselves.

- The priests of Rome extinguish the light of Heaven.
- The priests of Rome arrange inquisition.
- The priests of Rome create idols; saints.
- The priests of Rome encourage prayers to those saints.

- The priests of Rome collect treasures; live in luxury.
- The priests of Rome have taken away God's Word from the people.
- The Christian church is evil.
- Priests in the spiritual world hold common (dead) people in blind obedience.

- Popes or cardinals from Earth are either thrown into deserts or
  continue to deceive common people in the spiritual world.
- All those who on Earth sought to be worshipped as deities, are in hell.
- Also in the spiritual world, many priests claim divinity for themselves
  and collect treasures, as the spiritual world has many such riches too.

- God dissolved the Christian church in the year 1757.
- God made the Last Judgement in year 1757.
- Evil people were thrown into Hell, good people went to Heaven.
- Many pagans & Muslims were allowed into Heaven.
- God wants to start a New Church, replacing the old, evil and corrupt church.

- Those in Hell will have to endure their stay there for eternity.
- Strangely enough, some of those thrown into Hell, just laughs at it.

Having read most of Swedenborg's Last Judgment it is a little unclear
to me, how he figured all this out. Swedenborg describes some exact
details, but much in a storytelling way.

Though ES saw various large groups with people being hoarded together,
either for being sent to some Heavenly region or thrown into Hells,
his descriptions are sort of sketchy. The Hells came in earthly
forms; gulfs, sea of black waters, marshes, deserts.

But I have to say that Swedenborg's description of the Christian spiritual
world resembles the PUL-less Hollow Heavens in Focus 25.

Finally, it seems to me that The Last Judgment is as much about making a blow
against the Catholic church, as God doing a final judgement on good & evil souls,
of that time.

This also means that The Last Judgment, is not the _last_ judgement, more
such judgements are to come for all those Christians still living in the physical

in fact, Swedenborg claimed that The Last Judgment in 1757 was actually God's
third "Last Judgement"... (the Flood being the first)
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