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URGENT HELP!! my brother is being possossed (Read 21374 times)
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URGENT HELP!! my brother is being possossed
Jul 30th, 2012 at 6:40pm
Hello guys,

I urgently need someone help with high power to banish the serpent away from my brother.

My brother is being possessed by a serpent female ghost claimed to be goddess last week and now it's getting stronger and stronger. Whatever my brother told the serpent to leave him, she said she will leave him alone but then she always come back and interrupt him.

he was taking supplements and medicines to help with his low iron deffiency, until one day he searched on youtube and found that the way to cure his body from all types of disease is to do india yoga meditation and call upon the spirit guru or something like that to enter his body.

At first his behaviour was acting normally but with great fear inside his eyes. 3 days later i can see his behaviour was changing rapidly and then 5 days later he was banging the wall and scratching the toilet door. i have told my brother to perform lesser ritual banishing and to call upon the high spirits name (Jesus and Archangel michael). then the serpent was telling my brother by saying 'Look you see i have no fear in jesus, since jesus knows that i am high level spirit too, therefore he cannot do anything to me.

Note: my brother is a member of this forum and fan of bruce moen, he has gotten all his afterlife knowledge from this website. His name is Ly Veng Kang, in Victoria AUSTRALIA.

Please help!!

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Re: URGENT HELP!! my brother is being possossed
Reply #1 - Jul 30th, 2012 at 8:15pm
First of all, it was a big mistake to call upon a guru.  I wouldn't be suprised to find out that a lot of the gurus who put themselves on pedestals are controlled by unfriendly beings. A responsible person would never claim to have the ability to empower another person spiritually.

Regarding the meds, I don't know what your brother is taking, but some sources say that some meds can lower a person's energy field and as a result that person's energy field can be more easily penetrated. He might want to look into this.

Otherwise, he needs to stand up to whatever is bothering him.  Going by my experiences, whenever I've made it clear to an unfriendly being that I'm commited to love, divine will and the happiness of all beings, the being couldn't trouble me.

Regarding the beings comments about Jesus, sounds like a bunch of bs.  Your brother shouldn't take such comments seriously.

I'll see if I can do something nonphysically to help, but I have no way of knowing beforehand if such an attempt will work.  All I can do is try. Even if I have some success, it is still mainly a matter of your brother standing up to whatever.

When things get better, you might want to remind him to not open up to a guru's presence in the way some gurus suggest. Only a self-serving narcissist would suggest that people do such a thing.
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Re: URGENT HELP!! my brother is being possossed
Reply #2 - Jul 31st, 2012 at 5:20am
messenger30, if your brother is a forum member, why doesn't he write here himself?
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dutch spirit

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Re: URGENT HELP!! my brother is being possossed
Reply #3 - Jul 31st, 2012 at 5:24am
If a person's energy field is low it can be more easily penetrated.
I would suggest to stop with yoga meditation.
Have at least three good sufficient meals a day and drink well enough, not alcohol of course.
That will raise your energy.

I would also suggest to go outside in nature, to a forest, a park or to the seashore if that's possible.
Nothing makes you so strong then a good visit to the sea shore, in my opinion. The fresh and salty air really boosts your energy.

He will have to stand up to it.
Good luck.
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A View into the Hereafter
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Re: URGENT HELP!! my brother is being possossed
Reply #4 - Jul 31st, 2012 at 7:59am
No discarnate entity will have more power over a person's physical body than the person themself.  There is usually a permission given -but choice is always there.  I am not an expert in this area, but I believe that if your brother can relax, and assert himself, the "banishing" can take place.  Your brother can ask for help, for the highest good, and this often would cause fear in the lower spirits who might consider an unwelcome stay.

I will put my thoughts toward his recovery.

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Re: URGENT HELP!! my brother is being possossed
Reply #5 - Jul 31st, 2012 at 11:54am
Hello messenger,

It sounds like your brother is dealing with kundalini.

You could try going to some kundalini message boards and chat lines to see if anyone there can help. You might go to several in order to find an expert.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: URGENT HELP!! my brother is being possossed
Reply #6 - Jul 31st, 2012 at 12:37pm

I thought of kundalini too, but going by the amount of information provided it is hard to be certain.

I set the intent to help last night, and even though I was active with the sort of thing I do, I didn't receive any verification that what I did had anything to do with your brother.

Some of the kundalini information that is available is questionable. It comes from gurus who tell their followers to rely on them. Here's what I wrote. It is based on my own experience.
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Re: URGENT HELP!! my brother is being possossed
Reply #7 - Jul 31st, 2012 at 7:53pm
Thankyou so much guys,

I will print out the info about kundalini to him and try to solve it together.

The strange thing when he explained to me about the cross vision. he can see a black figure licking the orb from people getting fear and anger. whenever he wants to drink a cup of water, the water was drinking by itself, and whenever he tries to eat it seems like someone is eating the food with him. he has been extremely underweight at the moment.

The most fearful for him is when he blinks his eyes, he sees a room, another blink he sees a policemen talking to him in a different place. he mind was completely lost and he wasn't sure if it was night or morning.

I will do some more research about kundalini and let you guys know how he goes.

Note: Currently he's in metal hospital in a private room.
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Re: URGENT HELP!! my brother is being possossed
Reply #8 - Jul 31st, 2012 at 8:43pm
Doesn't seem like kundalini. Too much hallucinations.

I wonder if he gets a diagnosis and if he has taken any drugs which can cause this.
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Re: URGENT HELP!! my brother is being possossed
Reply #9 - Aug 1st, 2012 at 10:02am
So, messenger,

you can tell your brother that he isn’t alone in this. And DocM, Recoverer, and Pauli have made valid points.

If it is kundalini then, like some other spiritual explorers, your brother has abruptly and accidentally turned on some ‘motors.’ But his brain is in panic and cannot quite keep up with these new energies. Tell/ask  him not to panic.  Instead of food that helps spiritual development he may need some dairy and meat foods to slow down the process.

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There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
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Re: URGENT HELP!! my brother is being possossed
Reply #10 - Aug 1st, 2012 at 11:09am
Vitamin deficiencies and other physical ailments can play havoc with the mind, messenger. I speak from personal experience. I send good thoughts in your direction. It may take time, but help is on the way.
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dutch spirit

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Re: URGENT HELP!! my brother is being possossed
Reply #11 - Aug 1st, 2012 at 11:06pm
betson wrote on Aug 1st, 2012 at 10:02am:
Instead of food that helps spiritual development he may need some dairy and meat foods to slow down the process.

Brown beans, fried eggs with cheese and a greasy saucage with curry sauce. And a large strawberry shake to flush it away.

If that doesn't fill up enough a double sandwich with a thick layer of peanut butter.
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A View into the Hereafter
Only by serving and loving the life of God, the human being conquers his Universe
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Re: URGENT HELP!! my brother is being possossed
Reply #12 - Aug 2nd, 2012 at 8:38am
betson wrote on Aug 1st, 2012 at 10:02am:
So, messenger,

you can tell your brother that he isn’t alone in this. And DocM, Recoverer, and Pauli have made valid points.

If it is kundalini then, like some other spiritual explorers, your brother has abruptly and accidentally turned on some ‘motors.’ But his brain is in panic and cannot quite keep up with these new energies. Tell/ask  him not to panic.  Instead of food that helps spiritual development he may need some dairy and meat foods to slow down the process.


He has given up, he doesn't want to deal anything with the serpent goddess, or other spirits. He once told me that he wanted to commit suicide because it was taking most of his body control for an hour. It seemed random spirits can enter his body freely. Every time when his spine shakes, he tries to block it with his mental mind and he prays to Jesus to not let any spirits in his body, looks like this has been working 100% so far. He used to be a vegetarian, now he's eating meat to maintain his iron back.
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dutch spirit

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Re: URGENT HELP!! my brother is being possossed
Reply #13 - Aug 2nd, 2012 at 8:52am

I think he does very well by switching from vegetarian to eating meat again.
Your health is primary.

I did think of giving some vegetarian advises, but eating meat and using diary is just far easier in our today's society.

There is also the energy levels that are involved.
Eating meat attunes you more to the animal state of being. It brings you more down to earth. A pure vegetable diet takes away the animal energies from your organism and I think that opens more way to the spiritual energies. That makes you more vulnarable to possession if your energy level is low.

So for the sake of his mental health I think it's best to continue eating meat for a while until he regained enough weight. After that he will have learned a valuable lesson and can then decide how to return to sound vegetarianism without losing weight or getting deficiencies again and keeping the energy in his aura strong enough so he won't be overrun anymore.

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A View into the Hereafter
Only by serving and loving the life of God, the human being conquers his Universe
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Re: URGENT HELP!! my brother is being possossed
Reply #14 - Aug 2nd, 2012 at 10:02am
Just a quick update, my brother has returned back home from mental hospital. We would like to thanks everyone for providing the info to us. I have told him that the internet people in this forum and other forums have helped him as well. The reason he allowed the serpent goddess to be possessed into his body is because he thought the serpent goddess was the light worker.

My brother is trying to block all the random spirits entering his body by the word of prayer and mentally. There is one more thing that needs to be solved, 'sleep talk from the spirits'. What most important thing is that random spirits are no longer controlling his body motions at this present time and hopefully permanently.

I just wanted to give out another info to this community that calling up the 4 archangels to come to this physical realm is very real, even though i have little doubt in my mind.

The story begins where i was driving back home from work, i received a phone call from my wife telling me to come home quickly because there is something wrong with my brother going crazy. i arrived home with crowded visitors. I entered the room where my brother was sleeping and i saw him laying on the bed shaking with both hands. Everyone was feared and i was too. i just grabbed his right hand and called his name, he just looked at me like i was a stranger.

i then tried to invoke the 4 archangels by my voice and tried to visualise bright lights coming down to bring my brother back to conscious as i was mumbling and my eyes were closed. When i opened up my eyes, i saw my brother eyes were opened and his hands were tied together like a prayer. Then i shake him a little and asked him if it's really him. He just smiled at me in a childish way, so then i thought it is useless.

A day later when i was in hospital talking to him with full conscious, i asked him did he remember anything from that moment ago where i tried to invoke the 4 archangels? he said during that time he saw my eyes were closed and i was praying as he tried to gain his voice and movements back. After that he lost his conscious and then the police came and took him away as they think he might be overdosed of using illegal drugs.

That day i was really surprised and shocked! it was unbelievable! Now i understand about this lesser banishing, i will practise this everyday to provide greater protections for others and myself!

At the moment, i am going to try to help him to put some weights. He is currently sitting at 45KG, being 175CM height.

Again we thank you all for helping us out. I will keep an update about his sleep talk etc etc... if you guys want to know.
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