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The Plan, Glad Tidings to humanity (Read 19576 times)
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Re: The Plan, Glad Tidings to humanity
Reply #15 - Mar 25th, 2012 at 10:26pm
  I meant to say, "i remember a dream" instead of "dreams".  Odd that one cannot edit a post just because someone deleted their account while on that thread.
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Re: The Plan, Glad Tidings to humanity
Reply #16 - Mar 25th, 2012 at 10:37pm
  P.S. and btw, a very beautiful, inspiring dream, and heartening dream, i glad you re-shared it in full. 

  I once had a dream wherein Edgar and I were in the back seat of a car together, and we were on a journey to or from Virginia Beach together. 

  Edgar felt like an old friend, very familiar, and he also felt sort of like a guide to me.  It was a very warm and positive dream. 

  For awhile, i thought that dream meant that Edgar and i were not connected re: other lives etc.  Because i had that dream before i came upon the I/There and Disk concept. 

  I figured, if Edgar was there with me, it could only mean we were different individuals. 

Around the time that i first started to become aware of and really considerign the Disk concept, i asked the one and only sensitive i've ever asked this, "Am i the reincarnation of Edgar Cayce". 

  She, or guidance told me, "Yes, but not in the way you have previously thought. "

  What a double verification, a verification of the Disk concept being true, and of my own connections.
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Re: The Plan, Glad Tidings to humanity
Reply #17 - Mar 26th, 2012 at 10:05am
Justin/Life/Vasya/a channel/member/ex-member/new member x2:

You've had more incarnations than Edgar Cayce  Undecided and all in the same lifetime!

Fyi, this is from the AK Guidelines: Use a consistent screen name/nickname

Since you seem to have some kind of multiple personality disorder, it might be a good idea to take a holiday for a while until you figure out who you are, especially since you apparently have a great deal of spare time on your hands.

And btw, if you re-read Albert's post, you will understand that he was not calling Cayce "famous."  That adjective pertained to Cayce's alleged other incarnations.

In other words, think before you post.

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Re: The Plan, Glad Tidings to humanity
Reply #18 - Mar 26th, 2012 at 11:33am
rondele wrote on Mar 26th, 2012 at 10:05am:
Justin/Life/Vasya/a channel/member/ex-member/new member x2:

You've had more incarnations than Edgar Cayce  Undecided and all in the same lifetime!

Fyi, this is from the AK Guidelines: Use a consistent screen name/nickname

Since you seem to have some kind of multiple personality disorder, it might be a good idea to take a holiday for a while until you figure out who you are, especially since you apparently have a great deal of spare time on your hands.

And btw, if you re-read Albert's post, you will understand that he was not calling Cayce "famous."  That adjective pertained to Cayce's alleged other incarnations.

In other words, think before you post.


  Yep, i'm sticking with "a channel" from now on, and it's been quite clear that it's been me, Justin, the whole time.  I have not tried to hide or change that basic fact whatsoever.  I was "Justin" and "Justin aka Vasya" under the same account for YEARS and only ever posted under that account and those related tag names during that time.  I also had a picture of myself up for YEARS, so your petty personal pot shots about my "multiple personality disorder" and issues is quite lame. 

  Perhaps you would be brave enough to put a real picture of yourself up?

   I know what Albert was saying and in what context.

  Methinks you are still sore and grudge holding from being a ripped a new one regarding 9/11 being an inside job and all that.  Bet you still believe and promote that it wasn't, as well. 

  As someone who was previously quoted as saying that trying to know and perceive the afterlife and nonphysical is a "fool's errand" (yes, YOUR words), sometimes i really wonder why you are on this forum since that is such a big part of why Bruce and friend started it and it's main focus...  hmmm, does make one wonder....

  Or you tell people to avoid all psychics, mediums, etc. because as E.S. you believe it usually only involves lower entities...

  I guess, like KarmaLars, you just hang out here because you enjoy making fun of the mentally ill so called?

   Ooh, boy, you both got quite the spanking from Jesus coming!   Wink Grin   Are you one of our modern day Pharisees?

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a channel
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Re: The Plan, Glad Tidings to humanity
Reply #19 - Mar 26th, 2012 at 11:59am
   Perhaps the following is related to Cayce's prophecies and/or my original, first posts here about my experiences.  Before i share the below, i should perhaps say that i don't consider Jeane Dixon one of the more verified or helpful psychics out there.  From tuning into her, it seems that she started off with some real ability (her astrological chart bears this out fairly strongly), but eventually got way too attached to the 'fame', notoriety, and to being in certain social circles that she started to lose her psychic gifts. 

  This is not uncommon for those more unusually psychic who seek or end up in the public spot light.  Even Edgar Cayce went through a period wherein he couldn't give Readings because he had misused his abilities and gifts some.

   It seems to apply to those like Sylvia Brown.   I share Jeane Dixon's vision below, because it has so many unusually specific parallels in so many areas with a combination of Cayce's prophecies and my own experiences and guidance messages that it's quite interesting, even if there is no actual connection, and she considered it the single most important vision and paranormal experience that she ever had. 

  It's clear that, like a lot of psychics, she also misinterpreted a lot of her guidance message and took parts of it too literally as to timing, place, etc.  Her "interpreter" interjected too many beliefs, but the basic vision itself is quite symbolic but clear in nature.  I will share an excerpt containing and focusing mostly on her vision itself, in my next post.
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Re: The Plan, Glad Tidings to humanity
Reply #20 - Mar 26th, 2012 at 12:43pm
  Before i share Jeane Dixon's single most powerful and unusual nonphysical, guidance experience and message, i want to mention a much more clear, accurate and helpful source.  Rosalind A. McKnight wrote in her book "Cosmic Journey", which was based on her guidance sessions with Bob Monroe as one of his "explorer's" back in Whistlefield lab, in the chapter "Travel to the Year 3000" that in viewing the "askashic records" of future probabilities she saw certain events unfolding. 

  One was the collapse, but moreover she saw that it was right after the collapse that some highly evolved Christed beings came into the Earth to show and explain why Jesus had come into the Earth some 2000 years before, to example our full potential as spiritual consciousnesses having a human experience. 

   It seems that Rosalind was given a very similar glimpse as i have been.  Anyways, here is Jeane Dixon's prophecy below: 

  Ruth Montegomery talking in her book, "The Gift of Prophecy":  "The vision which Jeane Dixon considers to be the most significant and soul-stirring of her life occurred shortly before sunrise on February 5, 1962. The date itself may have special significance, though Jeane was unaware of that fact at the time....

  ...Three nights before Jean's vision she was meditating in her room when she became aware that the light was dimming. Glancing up, she saw the five bulbs in the crystal chandelier go dark, except for a curious round ball which glowed brilliantly in the center of each. Strangely frightened, she ran into her husband's bedroom and told him of the light failure. Since their other house lights were working properly, Mr. Dixon assumed that a fuse for one circuit had blown, but when he started down the hall to investigate he noticed that Jeane's chandelier was again burning brightly.

The next evening during her meditations the phenomenon recurred. This time Jeane remained quietly in her room, staring at the tiny balls of light in the otherwise darkened bulbs. In approximately ten seconds, she say, she head "a tiny crackling sound." The wires in the clear bulbs then began to glow again, and normal light resumed. When the performance was repeated exactly as before on the third evening, Jeane accepted it as an omen that something important was soon to befall. She did not know when or where. The next morning she overslept, but the sun was not yet up as she walked toward the bay window of her bedroom which faces east.

At she gazed outside she saw, nt the bare-limbed trees and city street below, but a bright blue sky above a barren desert. Just above the horizon was the brightest sun that she had ever seen, glowing like a golden ball. Splashing from the orb in every direction were brilliant rays which seemed to be drawing the earth toward it like a magnet. Stepping out of the brightness of the sun's rays, hand in hand, were a Pharaoh and Queen Nefertiti. Cradled n the Queen's other arm was a baby, his ragged, soled clothing in startling contrast to the gorgeously arrayed royal couple. "The eyes of this child were all-knowing," Jeane say softly. "They were full of wisdom and knowledge."

A little to one side of Queen Nefertiti, Jeane could glimpse a pyramid. While she watched entranced, the couple advanced toward her and thrust forth the baby, as if offering it to the entire world. Within the ball of the sun, Jeane saw Joseph guiding the tableau like a puppeteer pulling strings. Now rays of light burst forth from the baby, blending with those of the sun and obliterating the Pharaoh from her sight. Off to the left, she observed that Queen Nefertiti was walking away, "thousands of miles into the past." The Queen paused beside a large brown water jug, and as she stooped and cupped her hands to drink she was stabbed in the back by a dagger. Jeane says that she "distinctly heard her death scream as she vanished."

Jeane shifted her gaze back to the baby. He had by now grown to manhood, and a small cross which formed above him began to expand until it "dripped over the earth in all directions. Simultaneously, peoples of every race, religion, and color (black, yellow, red, brown and white), each kneeling and lifting his arms in worshipful adoration, surrounded him. They were all as one," Unlike previous visions, which had gradually faded away from Jeane, this one moved ever nearer until she seemed to be in the very midst of the action, joining int he adoring worship. "I felt a tiny seed ready to sprout and grow," she says, "But I was only one of millions of similar seeds. I knew within my heart. "here is the beginning of wisdom"  The room was becoming dark again, and though she was still caught up in the spell of the vision, Jeane glanced automatically at her bedside clock. The time was 7:17 a.m.

...Attempting to describe her own sensation, Jeane says: "I felt suspended and enfolded, as if I were surrounded by whipped cream. For the first time I understood the full meaning of the biblical phrase, "My cup runneth over."  I loved all mankind. I felt that I would never again need food or sleep, because  I had experienced perfect peace."...

...I next turned to the Encyclopedia Britannica and learned that Nefertiti was the wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV who, after abandoning the worship of Amon, "devoted himself to that of the Aton (the solar disk)." He thereafter changed his name to Ikhnaton and built a new capital dedicated to worship of the sun on the banks of the Nile above Cairo. Archaeological evidence suggested that Nefertiti was also an "ardent supporter of the Aton (sun worship) religion." They had seven daughters but no sons. Suddenly I realized how strange it was that Jeane Dixon, who was totally unaware that Nefertiti and her husband had worshiped the sun, nevertheless "saw" them stepping forth from the solar disk in a vision. "

   Relating the above to Cayce's prophecies found in readings to do with the Great Pyramid and cryptically referring to the entrance of the "messiah" in one reading and refering to his past life self, Ra, needing to come back and potentially playing a "liberator" role (again):   Cayce's past life self Ra Ta/Ra later got deified some and became associated with Egyptian mythology as a "Sun God".   

   Indeed, Cayce's outlining of this life and personality, supports that in some ways.  He says that Ra had entered into that material life from the nonphysical dimension and consciousness state that the physical Sun represents--the "infinity forces".   Moreover, his name Ra Ta was said to mean or translate to two things, "Sun brought to Earth" and "First white in the Earth"  (he was quite literally, the first genetic pattern of the white race in the Earth). 

   Jeane's vision clearly links this future person to both ancient Egypt and to the "Sun God" in different ways in a metaphorical sense.  More over, this baby and boy came from a poor background.  Growing up, i lived at or below the poverty line in my country, for much of my childhood.   

   Very interestingly, in Jeane's vision, she sees Biblical Joseph sort of behind the scenes orchestrating the whole thing!   This is quite fascinating to me, since Edgar Cayce's Expanded Guidance quite clearly indicated that biblical Joseph was a past life projection or aspect of Yeshua's "Disk"!   

  It seems the two were in "cahoots", which is both my personal experience AND an interesting side note in Cayce's work.   Cayce's guidance clearly indicated that Edgar's Disk, was kind of the "right hand man" of Yeshua's Disk.   In a number of lifetimes, Edgar's Disk had worked with Yeshua's as both a co-worker and student. 

  This was true for the ancient Egyptian life with Ra and "Hermes", it was true for Cayce's Persian life as "Uhjltd" and his son Zend who was said to have been a past life of Yeshua's, it was true in Edgar's past life as Lucius of Cyrene one of the 72 disciples sent out into the Gentile areas during Yeshua's time as Yeshua, and it was said that in Atlantis Edgar and his Twin Soul Gladys were "projected" as a Teacher and ruler to the peoples of Poseidia by Amilius who was Yeshua's original "form" and personality within the Earth before he became part of the reincarnational cycle and process. 

  Other lives and interactions between these two were hinted at in other ways.  Edgar had a dream wherein he was interacting with Joshua of the Bible as another self, and Joshua also was said to have been a "past life" or aspect of Yeshua's Disk. 

   Last, but not least, is his life as Edgar Cayce with his vast and most verified psychic work ever.  In one Reading, it was said that Cayce's psychic work was the "work of the Master of Masters."  whom was Yeshua.   Yeshua was oft called the Master of Masters, the Teacher of Teachers, and other similar titles by Edgar's guidance. 

  Edgar himself was a devout Christian who was a bit obsessed with this "Jesus" character, and really tried to pattern his life after his beloved Teacher's life and example.   Edgar had a number of experiences involving Yeshua.  He had more than a few dreams, and also a couple of nonphysical and more conscious experiences with him. 

  I also have had a number of experiences with the one i consider my Teacher, both dreams and also more conscious ones.  But, i have been guided to take my Teacher off the unreachable pedestal that Edgar had put him on. 

  I had two dreams in particular, which were efforts to do so, and to show me what my potential and role in this life was.  Both dreams involved me being compared to Yeshua in a similar way, basically saying (one dream even literally stated the following) that i was "like Christ".  That one dream that literally said that, also said "that your eyes are even like his." 

  Perhaps related to this, is when i first met and hung out with Rosalind A. McKnight aka Rosie, one of the first things she said when she saw me is, "You look like Jesus".  I've had a number of people make similar comparisons, though usually women. 

   Like Albert, i have analyzed many of my dreams and some of others.  I have learned that dreams are one of the common and very valid ways that our "Higher self" and guidance communicates to us--especially those messages we might not directly and consciously seek ourselves. 

   I figured i've shared all there is to share about my experiences with this, and it's time for me to not talk about it anymore.  Those with astrological knowledge and "language skills", might be interested to know that Transiting Jupiter is right now closely conjunct my natal and very tight Mid-Heaven/Chiron conjunction and very closely trining my natal Mercury Sun CON and my natal Jupiter position. 

  Translating that into regular English, it's saying essentially, "this is a time of great expansion and prophetic awareness as regards your deeper role and "career" in relation to the larger society, and it's a time to really put yourself out there and to communicate (Mercury) to groups (Mercury "rules" my 11th House) about this and your growing awareness of your role (Sun ruling my 1st house, and being trined by transiting Jupiter conjuncting the Mid Heaven." 

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Re: The Plan, Glad Tidings to humanity
Reply #21 - Mar 28th, 2012 at 2:45am
rondele wrote on Mar 26th, 2012 at 10:05am:
Justin/Life/Vasya/a channel/member/ex-member/new member x2:

You've had more incarnations than Edgar Cayce  Undecided and all in the same lifetime!

Fyi, this is from the AK Guidelines: Use a consistent screen name/nickname

Since you seem to have some kind of multiple personality disorder, it might be a good idea to take a holiday for a while until you figure out who you are, especially since you apparently have a great deal of spare time on your hands.

And btw, if you re-read Albert's post, you will understand that he was not calling Cayce "famous."  That adjective pertained to Cayce's alleged other incarnations.

In other words, think before you post.


  Yep, i'm sticking with "a channel" from now on, and it's been quite clear that it's been me, Justin, the whole time.  I have not tried to hide or change that basic fact whatsoever.  I was "Justin" and "Justin aka Vasya" under the same account for YEARS and only ever posted under that account and those related tag names during that time.  I also had a picture of myself up for YEARS, so your petty personal pot shots about my "multiple personality disorder" and issues is quite lame. 

  Perhaps you would be brave enough to put a real picture of yourself up?

   I know what Albert was saying and in what context.

  Methinks you are still sore and grudge holding from being a ripped a new one regarding 9/11 being an inside job and all that.  Bet you still believe and promote that it wasn't, as well. 

  As someone who was previously quoted as saying that trying to know and perceive the afterlife and nonphysical is a "fool's errand" (yes, YOUR words), sometimes i really wonder why you are on this forum since that is such a big part of why Bruce and friend started it and it's main focus...  hmmm, does make one wonder....

  Or you tell people to avoid all psychics, mediums, etc. because as E.S. you believe it usually only involves lower entities...

  I guess, like KarmaLars, you just hang out here because you enjoy making fun of the mentally ill so called?

   Ooh, boy, you both got quite the spanking from Jesus coming!   Wink Grin   Are you one of our modern day Pharisees?


@whatever Justins  new usernames: " I guess, like KarmaLars, you just hang out here because you enjoy making fun of the mentally ill so called?  Ooh, boy, you both got quite the spanking from Jesus coming!   Wink Grin   Are you one of our modern day Pharisees?"

Oh! I just hope Jesus is wearing his tight seamless black leather one piece gown when he lets loose the lash against my beautiful buttocks! I just hope you are there wearing your golden robe you described in one of your past posts. Just thinking of you counting the strokes gives me goosebumps!...Oh! You are such a naughty man!!!      

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a channel
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Re: The Plan, Glad Tidings to humanity
Reply #22 - Mar 28th, 2012 at 9:26am
Grin  I got to say K.L. that the above truly did make me laugh out loud!  Thank you for the much needed laugh. 

  Re: golden robes, and you referencing to my "savior complex" on another thread, to be honest i don't view myself in that way.  I know Consciousness growth is very much a group effort, and i also know that most of the growth that will come in the future, will come in the collapse and in people having to work together in a more unified way to survive. 

   My role is simply to prepare people for the above, but later to example, like Yeshua (aka Bob Monroe's "He/She") has, what happens when a human fully attunes all of self to PUL.  I have not completed this process, and it's not a give in that i will--it depends on the use of my freewill. 

  There have been MANY teachers who in the last hundred years or so have come forth and proclaimed, or their followers proclaimed, that they were "enlightened" (most of these have been from India or the East, but there is an increasing number of New Age anglos who are).  Yet, not a single one of them has been able to materially demonstrate that attunement in the flesh like Yeshua could and often did (performing various so called "miracles" in front of others).  Likewise will i know when self is truly "enLightened" by this and when i come to the experience of never using my freewill in a destructive manner from negative (lacking in Love) intent. 

  All self or other proclaimed "enlightened" folks besides Yeshua (he did say, "The Father and i are One, which is the same thing as "enLightenment"), at some point in their "teaching", did unethical or limiting things in relation to others or the Whole.   Ethics, positive intentions, go hand in hand with PUL attunement and if there is a lack of the former, then there is a lack of the latter.  However, this is not to say that a real Teacher, as Yeshua plainly showed in his dealings with the Pharisees and other "spiritual experts" of the day, did not speak strongly or critically to others.     John the Baptist was also a real Teacher, though not as attuned to Love as Yeshua, and boy did he speak strongly to others at times--he was a veritable Fire ball at times!   

  It was because of their outspoken natures and them cutting through Belief System B.S. of their times and teaching and exampling differently than most, that they were both so hated (especially by those who thought themselves spiritual experts) and murdered by others. 

People have this false and limiting image of Jesus as being this really passive, super Feminine wimp, who never got fired up or displayed real human emotion like anger.  He experienced anger, but he "sinned not" out of same.  Every act, every thought, every feeling came out of a concern and Love for the Big Self--the Whole and he dramatically proved this to the World in putting it all on the line for others (knowingly going to his torture and murder) and then resurrecting a physical like body) . 

  The dream about the golden robe was indicating that it was time in step into a more active facilitating role.  It was confirming what Bruce's psychic friend, Carolene had already advised.   Also, it signifies that my "aura" is turning increasingly more and more Golden in tone, which is true.   Up until recently, much of my aura as been various shades of purple and deeper blues.  Purple is the vibratory level "just below", an octave slower vibrating than Golden.  Pure White Light is full integration, balance, and attunement to Love in a PUL sense and is an octave "above" (faster vibratory) Golden.  A completely pure, radiant White Light aura is extremely rare in this world with in physical humans.

   There are others here relatively like me and with my potential.  A person with a true "savior complex", usually thinks self is completely special and unique.  I do not.  I plainly stated that other people will do, in my generation, what i came to do.  Fully attune to and purely example PUL.

  Like my Teacher, i will ask others to follow not "me", but the way of living the leads to this unfoldment which is the very destiny and potential of most Disks involved with this Earth.  I say most, because there are some Disks that are so corrupted with a virus of sorts, that they have an extremely hard time even recognizing positivity for what is, let alone actually wanting to live it, or living it in any consistent manner that doesn't directly benefit self in a way (meaning, they are good at pretending to be nice, kind, or even spiritual or religious, etc. to manipulate, fool naive humans). 

  These latter Disks, are most afraid of the Changes, and what they mean and entail, because it means that their sick party is over.  Some of them, the humans connected to these, are consciously aware of the future probability factors, and they are really hoping their negative E.T. buddies win this battle.   There have been promises made and deals struck.  I've come to ruin their plans.  Wink Cool

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