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There can be only one (Read 5292 times)
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There can be only one
Jan 28th, 2012 at 11:43am
The problem with most mainstream organized religion is that most of them are so mutally exclusive. "There can be only one true religion.....and WE are the one." IF this is true, then one religion is right, and the other 99% of religions are if one desires to become involved with an organized religion, he has only a very slim chance of choosing the correct one. I never did like those odds, and it never really made sense to me that only a chosen few would reap a reward in the afterlife, while all the others perished.

The only way that ALL religions COULD be right a if each religion has its own heaven, or nirvana zone in the afterlife....and each one , of course, surrounded by "outer darkness" and blissfully unaware of all the others.
To me, this assertion makes a lot more sense, and is what has drawn me to this forum.

I am a "newbie" here, and I look forward to interacting with the members.

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Re: There can be only one
Reply #1 - Feb 27th, 2012 at 7:07am
Hi, I have lots of talks with church members / family (NAC) about this. Their church leader (Chief Apostle) is trying to introduce more non-exclusiveness into the church doctrines and concepts. The problem there is the resistance of the many church members who are established in their old belief system.

I think that the belief systems of the organized religions' members - as well as any belief systems - are working as projective filters in their minds that create (or rather project) their perceptions, here in earth-life as well as in afterlife.

I have a positive vision about the organized religions opening their views:
If they would acknowledge all religions as equal, and none better or worse than another, and then regard all members of other religions and religious communities as their brethren, just like they regard their own, and then visit each others' divine services also - wouldn't that be great?

And another positive effect of that opening would be that their hearts would open more, then they could develop their vast potentials.
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: There can be only one
Reply #2 - Feb 27th, 2012 at 1:35pm
  Hi Oliver,

  I'm a non religious, non denominational, fan of Yeshua and his example.  So i'm perhaps speaking from a somewhat unique perspective when i say the below.  In Bob Monroe's second book, he shares some info gotten from his "Explorers".   Many of these could probably be called, "guidance sessions".   

  One of the ones he shares from a lady, seems to be a direct "channeling", and while the Consciousness doesn't outright name itself, it's very clearly from and of Yeshua.  This Being spoke of many things, but one of things it said was about *letting the old ways die*.   

Perhaps what this Being was saying was that organized, codified, structured religion was part of the "old way".  If so, then perhaps Yeshua was saying that it would be good if religion completely died out.  Perhaps the new way is something akin to what Bob and Bruce try to teach?   

Going within and finding out the truth of things via direct experience and/or direct connection to guidance.   If more people did that in wiser ways, then there would be no need for religion and it's structure.  In the past, religion was somewhat necessary as a checking influence. 

Imagine what would have happened in history if the Vikings hadn't converted to Christianity?  While dogmatic, religious Christianity has it's limiting points, and can be and has been mis-used, well it certainly had a calming and positive influence to some extent on those like the Vikings.   

But we've reached the point, collectively, that we just don't need these outer forms and structures anymore, and they are causing more difficulty than good, because strongly lacking in "Light" forces have so gotten their hands on it on various levels.  There are still plenty of good people with good intentions involved with these belief systems and structures, but these are usually on the lower rungs of influence. 

  So, perhaps it would be better for the world if religion in all it's various forms, structures, and dogma just died out? (i'm also speaking of 'vaunted' Eastern religions as well)  It might allow the "new way" to unfold more rapidly.  The way of going within and connecting more directly to guidance and expanded states of consciousness? 

  This btw, does not require a total "disbelief" in certain teachings, examples, and individuals like Yeshua.  I'm just one example that one can do the former, and still gain much from an awareness and focus on these in a non religious way. 

  In fact, the more one does truly go within, and directly connected with expanded states of consciousness and of expanded consciousnesses, then the more one might come to have the utmost respect for someone like Yeshua and their example and pattern in the Earth.  Why, because you find out first hand what an extremely radiant, powerful, wise and love Light Being such consciousnesses are and that they really did live and do the things written about them.

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Re: There can be only one
Reply #3 - Feb 27th, 2012 at 4:24pm
Hi Justin Smiley

I totally agree!

My current situation is, I got married to a woman who is active church member, as well as her whole family, and I feel strongly intuitively that I have an order to fulfill in this church (church people would say "God tells me to do it"), so I actively asked to become a member of this church. It was not my personal attachment or interest, but the impulse that came to me from seemingly "higher forces". My former background was atheistic, then something like gnostic, then buddhist, and always open-minded and never feeling as a believer in belief systems.
Now here is this christian church with their members, and they have mostly orthodox views, and the structure is orthodox, too. It's divine service on Sundays and Wednesdays, with the Shepherd speaking the sermon, and the rituals, and the hierarchy, and their strict belief system.
There is potential for more opening, and whenever I get the chance, I say what comes through my open heart.

What you describe about getting rid of religions at all, can't convey such things to orthodox Christians, they would not listen to you, they would walk away und not talk to you anymore.
Yeshua and the NT is a very good means to open up closed mindsets and hearts of orthodox Christians.
I also use simple reasoning sometimes, for example when someone says that only baptized Christians have a chance for salvation, then I argue with Jesus teaching non-exclusivity, and that God is omnipresent and that all beings are children of God, because that is what these Christians also believe, so have to use their own terminology and beliefs to show them the opening.

btw, do you know this website?
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: There can be only one
Reply #4 - Feb 27th, 2012 at 10:12pm
  Nope, i don't,  but i will check it out sometime. 

btw, when i first saw this thread, i couldn't help but think of an old show i use to watch, called "Highlander". 

  Yes, there can be only one, and his name is Duncan Macleod!  (and while i'm not the least bit gay, what a handsome man he was!   Shocked )
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Justin aka Vasya
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Re: There can be only one
Reply #5 - Feb 29th, 2012 at 1:46pm
  Hi Oliver,

Re: that link and site you shared.  Quite interesting.  Confirms a lot of internal guidance that i have gotten about the bigger picture and how much our past, present, and destiny is tied up with E.T. forces both positive and negative. 

  One thing which i would really disagree with is the interpretation that the Hebrews didn't have a mystical awareness of the Oneness of a Creative Force.  There is a well known O.T. teaching which says something like, "Thy Lord, thy God, is One." 

   It was stressing Oneness.  What the above author misses is that some E.T. groups are of Beings who have re-merged with that Creative Essence and Consciousness, and thus have become Co-Creator Gods helping Source to create new and unique systems, new realities, new consciousnesses.

  As I pointed out to you awhile back, Yeshua's Soul or Disk or whatever you want to call it, did this a long time ago, way before he ever became involved in being human.  He was the first of the Creator's Children to do this. In being the first, he became the director and manager of it All.

  When he first came to Earth, long before his lifetime as Yeshua, you could say that he came as a super advanced E.T.  He had Co-Created this Earth, and seeing all the stuckness happening here, as Cayce's Guidance said, "He allowed himself to be led in the ways of selfishness". 

  He got somewhat stuck too, but with a definite purpose and mission.  That purpose and mission had to do with realizing full Source attunement (again) in the Earth as a human like us, so that he could become the perfect example and pattern for all. 

   His Disk, his Soul essence is the "Lord" spoken of in the O.T. 

  The O.T. is much misunderstood and falsely maligned!  People read it casually and they think it points to an angry, wrathful, "God".  Unfortunately, that was the misinterpretation of some humans then, who did not understand the intervening E.T.'s and some of their actions.

  In context, if you understand some of the nature of the biblical times and just how stuck, backwards, and at times below bestial these were, you might have some sympathy for some of the decisions of the E.T. High Council to radically intervene in those periods. 

Take Sodom and Gomorrah, I was there.  I was there with the "Lord" in his form as Melchizedek, sent as a messenger to Lot and those people.  The things that these people were doing to each other!  They had become far worse and depraved than animals.  Gangs of men, of thugs would go around and rape other men, women, and even children and animals.  People would kill and wound on a whim, constant lying, cheating, and stealing.  It was a mini hell on Earth.   

   We knew there was an small asteroid on the way to Earth.  This had been attracted to Earth through the immutable Law of Like attracts, begets, and resonates with Like.  Or in other words, what goes around, comes around. 

We had foreknowledge of this event, and we would have stopped it if the people of this area would have changed their ways and hearkened to our warnings.  They would not, so we let nature take it's course. 

   Tell me Oliver, what is kinder, allowing these to go on and become even more depraved, or to take them out of their bodies and give them a clean slate and second chance?  What would you do in our place?

  So rail on about the evilness and monstrosity of the Old Testament and the cruelty of God and the Gods in same.  With greater knowledge and awareness and perspective, you would understand that we acted in line with the Creative force's Will.  We only intervene when it is absolutely necessary, as we have done in your modern age with your nuclear weapons.  We have disabled these at times to show you something, that we will NOT tolerate such wanton destructiveness and we will not idly sit by while you create destructive waves that ripple throughout the Whole and All that Is.  Everytime one of you hurts another or yourself in thought, action and deed, we feel it and it hurts us as well.  Can you imagine what that is like, having to feel and be aware of that constantly?   Would you not work to end the madness if you could feel this?


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Re: There can be only one
Reply #6 - Feb 29th, 2012 at 6:26pm
Hi Justin,

my sense of OT and bible translation and interpretation that the author of the treatise writes about, is that it feels congruent to me, confirms my own impressions when reading in the OT.
Yes, there are also some mystic passages in OT, but they are in a small minority, compared with the other texts that seem mostly to consist of historical accounts, family ancestry history of prominent hebrew families, laws and commands for all sorts of everyday acceptable behaviour, etc.
About the "Lord" of OT, I read that this word "Lord" (hebrew: "Adonai") is a replacement for all occurences in the original scriptures where originally the text said either "Elohim" (= "mighty ones", a plural form, also applied to angels and demons, and in general to all sorts of beings who are more powerful than humans then) or "YHWH" (Yahweh, Jehovah). I forgot when this text replacement was done, and why, only remember that it had to do with a manipulation of the bible in order to better match the (jewish? christian?) religion's self-image of being a religion with a universal God who is the God of all and everything and everyone.
When reading the OT, it seems obvious that the God or Lord in the stories can't be a Universal God, because then it would have to be the All-Being. In the OT stories the God or Lord there is clearly not the All-Being, but a very restricted and restricive and distinct and personal and temporal being, a rather low-level consciousness with low-level tempers (wrath, jealousy, short-tempered, etc.).

The NT and Jesus is still a mystery to me. What the author of the treatise writes about him, and all sorts of other interpretations that I read about Jesus, still don't give me a congruent and real-looking picture, I still don't see what was going on there. In the NT gospel texts, Jesus' teachings could be categorized into a few main categories.
What I find most outstanding are his teachings about unconditional love. These teachings don't fit to a God Yahweh of the OT.
I also noticed how much he emphasized the importance of understanding the "kingdom of heaven", he tries so often to describe it with many different parables.
Some other things he did and say (if NT is recounting it correctly) give me the impression of a normal human being with a personality and tempers and emotions.
Other things seem too cryptic, maybe mistranslated, I don't know, get no impressions, as if garbled crypted message, original meaning maybe lost.
And then still some other things seem influenced by OT cultural conditioning.
That's my impressions from NT so far.

My impressions from Jesus himself are that he is a very great being, immensely loving, very high level resonance frequency, very high white light, but still accessible, because that is his mission: compassion.
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Re: There can be only one
Reply #7 - Feb 29th, 2012 at 7:05pm
now after reading rest of your message, replying to that:
Smiley (smiling)

Have you read all of Bruce Moen's afterlife books? In one of them he describes visiting a place where timelines are managed.

My impression of this and of my senses is that there are higher beings - like "angels" - who take care that everything fits together.
When looking at the world, just by looking out of the window and watching the streets with people and cars and houses etc., it seems that there is much less chaos and much more order than one would expect.
Also in individual lives, things seem to go more according to psychological principles than to physical principles. It looks like a hologram, and us individuals being small fractions of it.
There is no separation, and no coincidence, and no accidents.
I often get the impression that everything is perfect, and that it is only our restricted viewpoint that we don't see it, because we don't see all the pieces and connections.

When you tell what you saw and how you saw yourself making decisions and acting on them, I don't see anything wrong. What is described in the OT that I don't like because that was then and there and had its meaning, but not here and now, but most Christian religions and churches stick to the past, they have not understood and accepted and integrated Jesus' most basic teachings, and I love freedom and evolution and dislike what everyone dislikes.
I also have/had some faint memories of some past lives, and a strong ambiguous connection to Christianity, a history, and maybe now is the time to fix up some things.
Maybe it's time to bring / explain / demonstrate Jesus' teachings to the etablished religions' churches again, like Jesus himself did 2000 years ago.
When I can speak to people about it, I do it, but normally in Church there is not the chance to speak, these people come together for their divine service and listen to the Shepherd's sermon and sing their hymns and that's it.
I found that when I allow myself to go into inner resistance against it, then I can't help anyone because then I'm detached from the people, so I can't influence them.
But when I open my heart and allow as much intense unconditional love to go to the people there, then I can empower them more, so they can find their own power, and then they will find their way to clarity and their self.

I have given up myself I don't know how many years ago, so I listen to and act on my intuition, which comes from I don't know where, except that I feel that it comes from a much higher and wiser and more loving and much greater consciousness than I can imagine. If this source would tell me "jump out of the window", I would do it. Now it told me to engage myself in that church. Since last Wednesday I'm full-fledged official member. The next day (now six days ago) I fell backwards into a trapdoor and broke two ribs of mine, I don't know what it may be good for, I think it is for a purpose, and I can easily accept it, the physical pain is bearable, I really can't complain. So I just trust completely.
And continue working on myself to improve my usability as a tool for whatever the greater plan might be.

Personally, most times I would prefer not to exist, I'm really tired of existing, but at the moment I can't complain at all, it feels so exciting, like some big thing is coming, like a small child before christmas, knowing he is going to get something big, because the parents are making a big secret of it. Cheesy
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