Hi Crossbow, thank you for sharing. Yes, i'm very aware of the issue you brought up and which learned via your OBE. You could say that i've known of this issue for a very long time from a linear perspective, and that quite awhile ago, this issue was a somewhat personal pet project of mine--back when it was even worse off and there were animal-human mixing that was STILL physically apparent in a percentage of humans.
My other self sought to change all this rapidly through a very holistic application of various mind-body healing modalities. In some ways though, he was overly rushing things and while he did a lot of good for a lot of people...he was perhaps a bit too Yang in the whole endeavor and tried to rush or "fix" it too quickly and that was not counted to him as a spiritual "gain" so much. An Egyptian "priest".
Regarding the improvements coming through deliberate higher tech genetic and medical experimentation or what not, i have not seen these changes come about via those ways---except that some E.T. groups have been doing some work with this all along.
Rather i see it as more naturally unfolding through a combination of various factors. Here are some variables. Increased radiation of various kinds will have an effect, our way of living both physically and spiritually towards that of the healthier will have an effect, and continued work on part of some E.T. groups in that direction will continue to influence this process.
Re: the middle part, it reminds me MUCH of the conscious work of the Essenes. The Essenes were about two things primarily, co-creating in their own body Temples a greater degree of handling and channeling Light, and bringing forth the prophesied Messiah--which they eventually did.
They did this through a holistic application of Like attracts and begets Like in a positive, life affirming way. They ate very well and healthily as they could in those environs, they practiced fasting, they got a lot of exercise, they tried to keep their thoughts and emotions positive and spiritually directed, and they lived very communally.
In a sense, they practiced a form of freewill oriented, more positive, and spiritual oriented "eugenics" because they were very aware of the great Law of like attracts and begets Like. They worked in harmony with that law to better themselves and to try to co-create fit channels (bodies) for the Messiah to come through. Seems they did a very good job for the most part, because they co-created a fitting body and environ for the Co Creator and pure, unconditional Love personification to come through.
More people after the collapses coming, will become more aware of these Like attracts and begets Like dynamics, and more people will consciously dedicate themselves to not only changing their mental patterns, but also the body patterns in a positive way. This will take care of the issue or problem with our vehicles and their lack of proper attunement to our nonphysical consciousness.
crossbow wrote on Jan 7th, 2012 at 12:31am:And of course there are so many human intents and combinations of intents, all converging. There are too many possibilities for the state of the outcome to be predictable. Much depends on the outcome of world conflicts. Not just who the victors are, but how the conflicts are fought, and how they are settled.
Yes, i agree with the above more or less. But while we cannot predict with certainty most things, we can perceive future in terms of greater or lesser probability and possibilities. Also, there are factors involved with the changes outside of collective human will and choosing, which are more stable or consistent i suppose you could say.
There will be changes to the Earth herself physically (these have been brewing since 1936), whatever we do or don't do. What we do or don't do, will effect to some extent the severity and exact timing of some things, and especially how it impacts us. With these aspects of the Earth changes, it will be more about how we choose to respond.