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PE to visit Monroe (Read 5552 times)
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ALK Member

Posts: 53
PE to visit Monroe
Dec 7th, 2011 at 2:46pm
I've heard a few people talk about how they wish Monroe was still alive so they could talk to him.  This has always puzzled me because according to Moen's work, a visit to Monroe is just three deep relaxing breaths away!

I tend to be a guinea pig in my own experiments, so the other day I met up with my helper using Focused Attention/Imagination as Means of Perception to visit Monroe.  I don't remember much, state-specific memory is a bugger, but I do remember seeing Monroe standing next to a crystal ball thing, in a small dark room.  We had a very BRIEF conversation about focus levels.

Now, this was nice and all, and I've had enough practice to tell the difference between imagination and real non-physical happenings, so I'm fairly certain I really did meet Monroe. 

But verification would be nice!

Is anyone interested in doing a PE to visit Monroe?  My helper is an excellent tour guide, I promise we won't get lost...  Wink
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Dahlonega, Georgia
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Re: PE to visit Monroe
Reply #1 - Dec 17th, 2011 at 11:55am
I am always game fo ra PE. I found Bob Monroe out in the far reaches, in Monroe-speak Focus 42 and also Focus 49, which is just at "The Gateway" as they call it in Starlines II at The Monroe Institute. He does come to most who call him, as that is his calling, so to speak, but as you might imagine his energy is divided as he can (as you can) bi-locate.

Let me know when, and I will join you in pursuit of Bob. I am certain we would be successful.

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Junior Member

ALK Member

Posts: 53
Re: PE to visit Monroe
Reply #2 - Jan 5th, 2012 at 7:23pm
I didn't see your reply till just now.  I had given up hope on finding a partner!

Looks like we're in the same time zone.  I do most of my explorations in the evening, but it's always chaotic with two kids and another on the way.  Let me know what time works for you.
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Afterlife Knowledge Member

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Frederick, MD
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Re: PE to visit Monroe
Reply #3 - Apr 15th, 2012 at 9:24am
I used to get visits from Monroe several years ago. I was very grateful for this.
He taught me something very important in his matter of fact style:
I had asked for an example of PUL. He used his "equipment" to charge me up and it
was quite the experience. But he said, that "PUL is your birthright." which is to say
it's not something that has to be given to you - it can be self-generated on command.

I was even given a special word I could use to contact him. When I tried it a few years ago, I was told he was no longer accessible. I wonder if others can confirm this.

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Mystic Tuba
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ALK Member

Posts: 30
Re: PE to visit Monroe
Reply #4 - Aug 7th, 2012 at 9:56am
There was some discussion on the TMI Explorers list about that....*IF* I am remembering correctly, someone said that Bob has taken another direction because TMI was getting stuck in its own belief system or something like that. Of course, even if I'm quoting accurately, that is still that person's opinion. It was in the midst of a discussion about the new SAM technology.

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ALK Member

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Re: PE to visit Monroe
Reply #5 - Aug 12th, 2012 at 8:39pm
Mystic Tuba wrote on Aug 7th, 2012 at 9:56am:
There was some discussion on the TMI Explorers list ...

Is the TMI Explorers list a closed mailing list or can anyone read it somehow?
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