I always thought that the concept of 'God' in Christian belief systems comprises the following attributes:
1. omnipresence.
2. omniscience.
3. omnipotence.
I had assumed these to be commonly accepted cornerstone axioms in all Christian belief systems and was quite surprised and confused and disturbed when I read things like this:
http://www.biblestudy.org/theplainertruth/is-god-everywhere-at-the-same-time.htm...There may be two fundamentally different concepts of 'God':
(A) the mystical view: unio mystica: God as the holographic All-Being that has two aspects: 1. Void, 2. Creation.
(B) the personal view: God as a worldly person, being located in space-time, having different behaviour, moods, attitudes at different times, behaving particularly towards individuals.
This latter view (B) seems to be the one which is displayed in the Old Testament of the bible.
The (A) view seems closer to the New Testament. I don't feel sure about Jesus' references about his "Father", whether he meant a "higher being" of which he himself was created in a vertical relationship and which then could not be the (A) view God?
Or did he refer to God as his Father in a mystical view (A)?
Or both?
I feel certain that Jesus was not referring to the Old Testament 'God' who rather seems like a too powerful immature pubertary youth throwing tantrums every now and then.
I find it difficult to grasp why people in Christian communities go so far to close their eyes at such severe incongruencies in the Old Testament and explain them away with a fervor as if their life depends on it. It is regarded as blasphemy to question these traditional beliefs about 'God' which are not even clearly defined. Most Christian churches' beliefs seem to be a very instable house of cards that collapses easily when looking too closely at it. But why?
I can't understand this logically, these sort of belief systems seem like a psychological endless loop which perpetuates a certain situation of running in a circle, like in a treadmill.
Furthermore, I'm now getting more and more engaged in such a church and don't know how to deal with it. Feels like a Hollow Heaven belief system. Difficult to deal with.