olinerum wrote on Dec 10th, 2011 at 8:59am:Thank you crossbow
1. Your Spiritual Beeing shines of golden light.
I have seen You like that since a few weeks.
2. Do You know this kind of feeling when You meet someone like You someone with similar awarness ?
You feel happiness, joy and then one of your astral bodies shines like the star and produces diamonds energy which cleans your thoughts your heart.
Then forgiveness is very easy, because you feel love - PUL.
3. I am very thankful that I can see these amazing energies in higher dimensions.
Such connections enlightened me and have allowed me to understand the mechanisms that determine our lives.
These are wonderful spaces and contact with them have change me forever.
Contact with human being with similar conciousness works similary.
4. And I understand apostels who left everything and traveled with Jesus.
numbers put in by crossbow to assist response
1. I have my not-so-bright aspects too Oli,
as you know. I tend to identify more with these. The brighter part is not me, but is a tiny part of He/That which is above me. A tiny part is all I can accommodate.
2. Yes. Understanding another does make forgiveness easier.
Would anyone like to understand others? This may help:
There is no burden in all the universe greater than the burden of freewill. Freewill is the most difficult element to master. Who in all of human history has learnt to wield freewill wisely? Understanding is the understanding that freewill stands under. This understanding and recognising freewill is the basis (starting place) to understanding all people and all human affairs. Understanding freewill makes it easier to forgive them, whom ever they are, whatever they do, for all they are and do is of their freewill. Forgiveness was made for freewill, and only freewill needs forgiveness; these two have their origin together in and from God, and their destiny is together forever through Man’s freewill journey.
3. Yes, I am thankful too. Sometimes when I am down I forget to do it. Then I remember to practice it, even on the little things like a pretty leaf, a bird call, a view of the sky, or for my conditions not being worse. At other times thankfulness comes almost on its own with little effort from me and can be almost overwhelming in my chest.
I think I should say, for the interested reader, that Thankfulness, like Love and Forgiveness is an activator of the heart and enables the higher functions and abilities of soul, including our ability to see and be aware of more than this familiar three dimensional world - and that is what this thread is about. Olinerum did not mention thankfulness for nothing. It is essential to the subject.
We see that Oli in his posts above mentions three powers of the heart - forgiveness, love and thankfulness - all in relation to his being aware of other dimensions. And he distinguishes these powers of the heart, which he exercises, from the emotions which he calms.
With practice the power of thankfulness becomes easier to turn on, and it is a power with untold potential. There is always something to be thankful for. Even if we are thankful for a tiny thing, the thankfulness is just as potent as for a big thing. See above at the end of post 8, it was intense thankfulness for a simple morning scene that changed my vision to see the multi-layered dimensions (without me even trying to see it), raised and expanded all the senses of my soul to see things I never imagined, and I have been astral travelling for 30 years but I was still overwhelmed by the greatness of what I saw that morning. This is what exercising the powers of heart can do, and so much more than that.
So we have the method of using the physical eyes, and Oli's method of using the imagination or mind's eye, and the method of using the heart, but these are not really different methods, for they overlap and work together. The centres of the head, the crown, the throat, the heart, the mind's eye and the physical eyes, all have vision of their own, they all see in their own way, and their visions can align and join together, some of them or all of them together.
Heightened awareness in head is important - not dreaminess. A strong sense of one's own presence in the head, and of oneself in true relation with surroundings. Don't shut the senses out - turn them on. Open ears, open eyes. Know yourself as a centre of calm and potent awareness in head, aware of all around you equally, while nothing disturbs. Also with this, and more important, is the heart, for although the head directs the heart, the heart enables the head, and the limit of the heart is the limit of the head.
4. Yes, I do too. And there were not only 12 who followed him, there were great crowds, many thousands.
About three weeks ago my heart felt like it was being wrung out, for several days it ached and pleasured at the same time, felt stretched and wrung as if nearly too much love to bear was squeezing through it. Whatever I looked at or thought of, the heart followed my attention and wrung itself both painfully and pleasurably towards whatever I looked at or thought of. I felt great love for everything, and immense thankfulness for the existence of Christ and the teachings of Jesus. The melody Be Thou My Vision kept welling up in my mind, even waking me from sleep. I could hear the cello, the harp and the flute, so beautiful, distinct and harmonised, and so powerful. I had many insights and clarities over several days. Tears kept flowing from my eyes but I was not crying like people usually cry. It was a sort of pain and sadness and thankfulness and love all together. It was like there was something inside my heart too big to take. Sometimes I was compelled to breathe heavy and hard, and the tears ran in keeping with what was coming through my heart, as if the eyes and heart were being wrung out together. And my left hand spent much time on my heart, for I did not want to take it away. I could feel the Spirit of Love doing something to me, like forcing itself into me. I had insights and clarities about Life and God and Love. I saw how my sufferings were blessings in disguise and had drawn this event to me. I saw with great clarity that Love is not of me, but is the offspring of God; and is its own life and spirit, its own entity, and we can communicate with it, and call upon it, and send it to others, for it is for us, and it comes into us, and becomes one with us, but although it can come in and through us and be one with us, it is its own life and spirit. There was much I saw but I can’t explain it all. I had occasional glimpses of its vastness and power, and its purpose and workings. The glimpses were only a moment or two but were clear and vast. I remember them like they were scenes through a window into the universe. Then after a few days the treatment stopped, quite suddenly. I can bring it back in lesser degree by will and remembrance and putting my hand on my heart or both together before my heart. I am left with a greater appreciation of The Spirit of Love that comes from the heart of God; the Lord of Hearts whose name is Christ.