I Am Dude wrote on Nov 21st, 2011 at 8:13pm: Quote:affirmations can help, but only as long as the different levels are you are actually supporting same in other ways.
This sentence was very weird to me. Maybe one too many "are"s? LOL. Perhaps you can clarify.
Plain and simply, this is why affirmations are important:
To affirm something is to state your intent as fact. You state it to yourself, you state it to the universe, you state it to God. This sets the creative universal energies in motion to manifest this intent. It is a declaration of power, divinity, and truth.
Many keep their affirmations on a subconscious level or in there unconscious thoughts, thinking the same unproductive untruths daily as if on autopilot, and as a result manifest that which they do not want, failing to see the true connection between their mental activity and their outer circumstances and creations. By bringing these affirmations to the conscious level, one brings the power of creation into their conscious control. Eventually these conscious affirmations replace the old negative affirmations on the subconscious level, and with the new program comes a new reality.
I did not have time to proof read my post and yes there are too many are's in there.
It should read, "affirmations can help, but only as long as the different levels OF you are actually supporting same in other ways."
Basically, i agree with both you and Albert here. I've used affirmations, i know they can help, and they have helped me, but to some extent they are just another prop.
I find most of my growth occurs spontaneously, often in facing daily challenges, stresses, and choosing constructively in such situations. Particularly often in emotional tests with my partner, jobs, and health (or lack thereof) experiences.
I use to be really into crystals and gemstones, as well, to a lesser extent affirmations, and while they are apples and oranges in comparison, they are still both props and both can definitely help, again if there is the real inner desire and support on the various levels of self supporting.
Sometimes affirmations can be unhelpful or rather, just a waste of time and energy.
For an example, one might think that such an affirmation like, "my body is strong, healthy and completely balanced" might be a great one. Perhaps they are already fairly healthy, but want more health etc.
Yet, it could be that that same person's higher self, decides that what might facilitate the most spiritual growth for their personality self is to experience a debilitating illness of some kind. In such a case, isn't the soon to be sick person kind of wasting their time and energy when saying such affirmations, when in 4 months their body will be come majority imbalanced for spiritual growth purposes?
Sometimes there is a lack of humility in more specific affirmations--sometimes these would be more constructive if they were turned into prayers such as, "not my will be done, but the will of the Creative forces." or, "lead me Creative forces, show me the way." or "Please bring to my conscious awareness that which would be most spiritually helpful for me and my influence on the Whole to become aware of."
This shows awareness and humility that the personality self doesn't necessarily know what's best for itself and is willing to be led by sources more intune than the personality level (these can be within or without, in a sense).
I find more open ended and spiritually oriented affirmations tend to be more universally helpful. For example, often when i meditate, i say something to myself like, "I deeply desire and ask to communicate with and attune to only the most spiritually helpful, loving, aware consciousnesses. I deeply desire and ask for their help, direction and guidance."
This helps me to connect to these, but what helps even more in the experience and remembering of love. I use the two in combination. This, i know, assures that i will get guidance from only that level.
It's possible that i could state such an affirmation, but then later have some unloving thoughts and feelings and with not attuning to PUL, i could tune more into less constructive and aware levels
even though i stated the affirmation before. Stating such an affirmation should not lull me into a false sense of security or belief of, "i can't be influenced by unhelpful sources", when if i did have negative, limiting thoughts or feelings, it certainly can tune me into non PUL attuned sources and levels quite quickly, automatically, and unconsciously on my part. It would be helpful to still keep a sense of discrimination, testing, and feeling out.
It's all about balance Vincent. Too much focus on, and power given to, affirmations can lead to the lazy man's approach to spiritual growth. There are no short cuts in spiritual growth, but there are helpful props and tools which can facilitate awareness some. It's what you do and choose with the awareness that really matters and determines the actual growth.