This talk of "ego-loss" is really what I believe to be the most important aspect of one's spiritual path to becoming a God-realized being. It is really nothing more than detaching from one's identification with not only all external forms around ones self, such as the body, possessions, past and present life situation, and the people and objects that are interacted with, but also the loss of identification with one's own thoughts and emotions. It is this detachment that allows one to fully realize the true nature of their being. That's not to say that these things are forgotten about or disregarded, but rather, they are seen for what they truly are without having to react to them out of ego-based fear. They are simply allowed to be as they are in the moment, rather than being internally resisted, and accepted for what they are from a place of peace and love- our true state of being.
So many people today believe themselves to be what they have, what they look like, what they do, and what they think, when this is not the case, and only causes imbalance and fear. By discovering the eternally valid aspect of ones self that underlies the illusions created in the world of mind and matter, one taps into their divine power, and by living in a state of unity with our divine essence, an infinitely vast pool of internal resources is made available whereby which one is constantly inspired to live in true peace, love, compassion, and grace. This can only be done when one's awareness is moved out of the mind (that is to say, when one stops obsessively thinking about the past or future, as most do constantly), and into the present moment, which is where one's true self can be experienced underneath the veil of the mind.
I have already begun my journey to God-realization, and I urge all of you to join me. I recently went through a situation which would leave any "normal" person absolutely devastated, a totally life changing event, something the consensus would perceive as being for the worse, and I have breezed past it with little to no negative thoughts or emotions and have come out on top. I am nowhere near being God-realized (lol), but have just begun the process of total detachment and the process of attunement to my divine self. The positive effects have been apparent from the beginning, and continue to manifest.
This is what is going to create positive changes in this world. We need to wake up to reality, to the true nature of our reality, and help ourselves so that we may in turn help others and help the world. We need to learn how to live unadulterated by ego-based fears created by the false identification with the worlds of thought and form, and instead live in awareness of our divine being, allowing thoughts and forms to work for us rather than living our lives dictated by them.
By the way, I highly recommend investigating the work of Eckhart Tolle, and really putting his teachings into practice.