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New here and looking for answers (Read 3250 times)
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New here and looking for answers
Oct 13th, 2011 at 6:34pm
Its been a rough year.  My husband passed away February 8th.  He had been ill for 10 years, but his death was still unexpected.  He actually died from a drug overdose by physicians.  Quite frankly, I had been afraid of him for a good portion of our married life, but I had stayed with him because he became disabled and required constant care and could no longer hurt me.  Two days after his funeral, my mother passed away.  Then, the one person who helped me keep my sanity through all this, my best friend, passed away in the night in July.  His death was a total shock...and I cant come to terms with it yet.  I believe I saw him after he passed standing by my bed telling me it was going to be ok.  I still talk to him and constantly look for signs that he is still near me.  How can I know if he is or not? 
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Re: New here and looking for answers
Reply #1 - Oct 13th, 2011 at 8:05pm
Hi and welcome,

So sorry to hear of all your recent losses.  That's quite a lot for anyone to bear.  About seeing your friend after his death, I know it's a common feeling to think that he's gone after that since you  haven't seen him again, but I don't believe it's true.  I know you want to see him again and have another sign or more signs, but unfortunately we don't always get what we want.  We may get signs in other ways that we're not expecting though.  My favorite type of sign of someone visiting is by sensing their energy or presence, just by a feeling.  Have you felt your friend that way again, like him suddenly popping up in your mind? 

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Re: New here and looking for answers
Reply #2 - Oct 13th, 2011 at 8:23pm
Always in my mind.  Im shocked by the amount of memories that have been triggered.  We were together for 10 years, and I am remembering things from times I would swear I had forgotten.  I have had dreams where he is in them, 1 very vivid dream, the rest regular dreams.  I had a vision one night as I was going to sleep of his mother (who is one of the others that passed on January 7) and she touched my face by my eyes ( I had been having eye surgery and was in severe pain, and they were talking of removing my eye completely if the pain did not stop) and from that moment I had 0 pain even though the doctors did not understand it as my pressures were still over 50...I have found feathers, once 2 wild turkey feathers (which was a big joke between he and I, as he saw his first wild turkey with me)they were stuck under my van.  We had ran over this turkey which was already dead in the road 4 days earlier and saw no sign of the feathers for 4 days.  I was assigned a new doctor who had a very similar name to him, I also in succession saw a commercial with his last name (spelled differently) immediately followed by a commercial from the particular insurance company he worked for when I met him.  I feel that it means he is still with me, but then I doubt, and wonder....
BTW...thank you so much for replying to me.
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I Am Dude
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Re: New here and looking for answers
Reply #3 - Oct 13th, 2011 at 8:26pm
It is possible to contact those who have passed on in altered states of consciousness.  I have done so on several occasions.  Contact can be made in dreams and during conscious phasing experiences and projections of consciousness into the afterlife dimensions.  An excellent resource I found to quickly have these experiences is ; Download the free ebook and it will explain everything you need to know. 

However, I think more important than your question of if he is still with you is the question of how you can release the attachment you have to him.  The answer is by finding your own personal power and realizing your divine state of being which is independent of thoughts and form, for this is where infinite and eternal peace, happiness, and love comes from.  This can be done through meditation, being conscious of your mental processes and correcting thoughts and beliefs which generate negativity and undesirable states of being(such as the thoughts and beliefs you entertain regarding death and your attachments to those who have died), and by living in the now and being totally present each moment without the untrained mind masking your perception of the divine grace which exists within you.
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But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.
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Re: New here and looking for answers
Reply #4 - Oct 13th, 2011 at 9:01pm
Thank you.  You have given me quite a lot to think about.
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Re: New here and looking for answers
Reply #5 - Oct 13th, 2011 at 11:38pm

I am sorry for your loss in the here and now, eventhough, from a different perspective, your deceased loved ones are still alive well on a different plane of consciousness. 

OOB dude makes a good point, but in a somewhat matter-of-fact way (which shouldn't be construed as being cold).  You see, over attachment to our loved ones, or physical things is always a cause for grief and misery.

But the answer is NOT that we give up on our loved ones and dissolve into a mindless void.  My own personal exploration and that of others suggests that we do maintain our personality and individual perception as we explore other planes of consciousness and existence.  We can hold onto our love for our loved ones, and will meet them again if it is our desire.  But attachment means to grasp on, and not accept the situation.  That can hinder our spiritual growth in the here and now, and possibly hold back our loved one.  Don, on this board, tells a story of a mother who passed on, who visited her daughter in a dream/vision and told her that by not accepting the mother's death she was "holding her back," from moving on in spirit.

It must be difficult to be alive in consciousness but no longer able to talk with those in the physical world.  Some have compared it to being outside of an office room where the wall is made of the thickest frosted glass.  You might catch images or sounds, but you definitely couldn't communicate normally.  So for those recently departed, if they can see us, from a one way mirror, and they see/feel our grief, that we just can't get past their death, it must make them grieve too, and could hold them back.....

The answer then, is to look for answers on your own.   To talk to your loved one, even if it seems one way at first.  To let them know you love them, but to live in the present, and adapt to the new situation.   I know it is not easy...

Never let yourself think though that giving up on attachments means forgetting about your loved ones.  It simply means holding onto the love for them, and going forward.

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Re: New here and looking for answers
Reply #6 - Oct 14th, 2011 at 1:33pm
Thank you Matthew.  I appreciate the comments and am definitely taking them to heart.  I has been very difficult and I know that for a time it will remain that way.  I also know that what I want for my friend is to be hqappy wherever that is, and the last thing I want to do is hinder that.
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Re: New here and looking for answers
Reply #7 - Oct 26th, 2011 at 1:02pm
DocM wrote on Oct 13th, 2011 at 11:38pm:

I am sorry for your loss in the here and now, eventhough, from a different perspective, your deceased loved ones are still alive well on a different plane of consciousness. 

OOB dude makes a good point, but in a somewhat matter-of-fact way (which shouldn't be construed as being cold).  You see, over attachment to our loved ones, or physical things is always a cause for grief and misery.

But the answer is NOT that we give up on our loved ones and dissolve into a mindless void.  My own personal exploration and that of others suggests that we do maintain our personality and individual perception as we explore other planes of consciousness and existence.  We can hold onto our love for our loved ones, and will meet them again if it is our desire.  But attachment means to grasp on, and not accept the situation.  That can hinder our spiritual growth in the here and now, and possibly hold back our loved one.  Don, on this board, tells a story of a mother who passed on, who visited her daughter in a dream/vision and told her that by not accepting the mother's death she was "holding her back," from moving on in spirit.

It must be difficult to be alive in consciousness but no longer able to talk with those in the physical world.  Some have compared it to being outside of an office room where the wall is made of the thickest frosted glass.  You might catch images or sounds, but you definitely couldn't communicate normally.  So for those recently departed, if they can see us, from a one way mirror, and they see/feel our grief, that we just can't get past their death, it must make them grieve too, and could hold them back.....

The answer then, is to look for answers on your own.   To talk to your loved one, even if it seems one way at first.  To let them know you love them, but to live in the present, and adapt to the new situation.   I know it is not easy...

Never let yourself think though that giving up on attachments means forgetting about your loved ones.  It simply means holding onto the love for them, and going forward.


Matthew, you have a wonderful bedside manner, and your comments are priceless.
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