I've had OBEs with all the effects without the need of a lucid dream first taking place, I've had OBEs that started with a lucid dream, and I've had waking dreams where OBE like efffects weren't required in order for me to experience what I needed to experience.
I believe that some people get too caught up in whether one is has an OBE, lucid dream or regular dream. What's important is whether the experience is being used as a means to learn about something.
I had OBEs with all the effects back when I wasn't as spiritually developed as I am now. It may be that when a person becomes more developed spiritually an OBE method is no longer necessary.
If one reads what Bruce Moen wrote, he didn't have any so-called classic OBEs, but he did have experiences where he received information that he could confirm later. He also had experiences where he shared PUL with others. Therefore, despite what someone like Frank Kepple might say, he experienced more than his imagination.
My feeling is that people who are critical of the imagination technigue aren't aware of what takes place. Since Astral realms and mental realms are basically mind-created, perhaps mind activity is a good way to connect to such realms. Perhaps doing something such as rolling out on one's body is something that people do when they don't understand that reality is more about different energy levels, not different 3d space locations.
Bruce Moen wrote on Oct 10th, 2011 at 11:37pm:OutOfBodyDude,
Looks interesting from an out of body perspective. If could do OBE or Lucid Dreaming at will I'd be teaching that. I figure some folks can do it easily and some folks take years trying and can't. I teach that crowd.
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